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Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:29 pm
by Yonmanc
Stainless wrote:I just spent the last 3 days finishing Saints Row 2. Pleasant surprise. It's like GTA without all the shitty mini dating games. Like when GTA was cool.
You should probably shoot yourself.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:20 am
by Jeff
sounds pretty good actually, i struggled to finish san andreas and didn't really even bother with gta4 because of the myriad minigames and all the superfluous buttfuck. gta4 is hands down the shittiest game in the whole series

i finished doom3 and oh boy was that exciting. now i just installed europa universalis 3, probably will let it rot on my hdd for a few months and then uninstall without even playing :add:

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:32 am
by ekkaman
Played Saints Row 2 before GTA4, Saints Row 2 rapes it on every level in every way possible.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:03 am
by SenisterDenister
I found San Andreas to be the most fun out of the GTA series, but then again the PC version for it was incredibly moddable and stuff, so I had a lot of fun with it anyway.

Playing a lot of Killing Floor, but that game doesn't really have a single player. That said if anybody wants to give it a go online I'm here.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:40 am
by Yonmanc
ekkaman wrote:Played Saints Row 2 before GTA4, Saints Row 2 rapes it on every level in every way possible.
Are you fucking retarded? Saints Row 2 was nothing more than a GTA rip-off. The only differece was that the sotry/acting sucked, and the setting was visually boring.

GTA 4 is the best in the GTA series. This time around they actually made an adult game, with deep characters. Don;t get me wrong, the past GTA's are great, but 4 was somthing grand.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:35 am
by ekkaman
Fanboy rage alert :lalala:

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:57 am
by Yonmanc

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:25 am
by Megatron
i like san andreas best because you get to play a guy called cj who is fat and jumps off a mountain all his life

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:57 am
by Stainless
Yonmanc wrote:
ekkaman wrote:Played Saints Row 2 before GTA4, Saints Row 2 rapes it on every level in every way possible.
Are you fucking retarded? Saints Row 2 was nothing more than a GTA rip-off. The only differece was that the sotry/acting sucked, and the setting was visually boring.

GTA 4 is the best in the GTA series. This time around they actually made an adult game, with deep characters. Don;t get me wrong, the past GTA's are great, but 4 was somthing grand.
Yeah, the setting isn't anything original. But then neither was SA. The cars handle nice and arcadey like vice city, nice mix of on foot weapons and lots of different random shit you can do which are genuinely fun.

The story/acting isn't also any worse then previous GTA games, it even has fucking worf/horrigon in it, which was a nice surprise. Its also got that satire that made GTA fairly funny.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:20 pm
by St. Toxic
Yonmanc wrote:
ekkaman wrote:Played Saints Row 2 before GTA4, Saints Row 2 rapes it on every level in every way possible.
Are you fucking retarded? Saints Row 2 was nothing more than a GTA rip-off. The only differece was that the sotry/acting sucked, and the setting was visually boring.
Saints Row 2 is to GTA4 what Fallout 3 is to Fallout, with SA being more along the lines of Fallout 2. So ok, GTA4 has more grit and "realusm" and some people find it boring, SA having more of everything, lulz included, but shit... SR2? It's just a piece of crap, with cars handling worse than Driver for the PSX, the engine chugging to make due even on consoles, arcadyness going way overboard and a story, if you can call it that, written by the same guy who did that Sonic fanfic. In three words, pure console trash.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:48 pm
by cazsim83
I finally picked up Arcanum from last night and am enjoying it quite a bit so far. Only played for an hour and a half but made it to the first town and already almost got killed by the first (?) assassin.

Hopefully they can release PT at some point in the near future since it's #2 on the requested list. Be nice to finally play it since most of my exposure was a friend playing it for an hour or so years ago.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:23 pm
I just finished red dead redemption which was good and now I'm playing Alan Wake and I'm very impressed. It is probably the most polished game I've ever seen and the gameplay seems alright. It doesn't seem too scary so I think I will be okay since I'm not too good at super scary games but this one gives you the tools to kick some butt like RE4 so its all good.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:09 pm
by SenisterDenister
Trying to play X-Com again. I say trying because every time I've tried to play a game I always lose.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:35 pm
by Yonmanc
Just spent the past 3 hours from humanity's first village to the inevitable Nuclear Armageddon on Rise of Nations.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:17 pm
by Kashluk
Alan Wake :chew: It's all the Finnish gaming magazines / scene is talking about these days.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:39 pm
Really? Seems like is kind of went under a lot of peoples radar even though it was hyped all to hell a few years ago.

Kashluk, whats your gamertag?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:51 pm
by Kashluk

And it's all in the Finnish hype because it's a Finnish-made game.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:59 pm
by St. Toxic
So how is it? Wake that is.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:51 pm
by Manoil
Last I asked Nico about it, he said he was enjoying himself. As did a few others, though they emphasized that if you rush from checkpoint to checkpoint, you don't get to really enjoy the game. Have to explore.

Either way, I'm eager to play it myself

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:29 pm
by Username
The game I played the longest time was WW2 Frontline Commander. Still think it's the best tactical-real-time WW2 stragy game out there. On veteran mode you even had supply limits in terms of magasins on soldiers and shots on tanks. And this game came out like in 2005 or earlier. Took me about 4 years to complete both campaigns Played 1 map a month and really found it rewarding to do that.

Currently I've got a Hearts of Iron 2 game going as Italy on the hardest level. Quite difficult. About to aid Germany in its assult on the USSR.