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Last, Best Hope of Humanity
Last, Best Hope of Humanity
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Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2003 1:25 am
Location: Brighton beach

Post by PiP »

agreed, I've always said the world is but a projection of electrically stimulated brain, and who knows what's actually beyond. However there's the complexity of this would-be cognitive model which makes it unbelivable (yeah I know it's relative), the interaction of (hypothetically) cognizing subjects (people), the future prediciting, the planning and influencing and testing results - all it makes your proposition not feel right (yeah, feel - not calculate).
BTW, have you read "Body in the mind"?
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Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2003 7:11 pm

Post by Blargh »

PiP wrote:all it makes your proposition not feel right
True enough, though the same could be argued of the commonly held belief that we are all individual, sentient, inherently separate beings. Depends on how you look at it, and where you stand. If solipsism is valid (which it probably isn't, admittedly, if only for comfort), comparatively we are but ants to the one who is. Rather disconcerting, really. The complexity we think we perceive would be dwarfed by the scope of reality. Could we comprehend it ? Would we ? How to understand and appreciate the potentially unending . . .
PiP wrote:BTW, have you read "Body in the mind"?
Possibly. I'd say 'probably', but with all the books I do read it all melts together, so to write. A terrible answer, yes, smoke to what should be definite. However my memory has been worse than usual of late, and by that I mean worse than terrible. I'll be certain to (re)read it, nonetheless. :drunk:
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