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Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:32 pm
by DaC-Sniper
confess, ya`ll just bought it, because its NEW and WORKS on your system or you have a NEW system and wanted to look like, when it WORKS.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:50 pm
by Koki
No. I am waiting for the crack. I told you that buying games before playing them is cancer killing videogame industry.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:53 pm
Koki, what are the chances of you actually liking it? Seriously you don't like anything so your going to just play the game till the end and say it sucked then move on. Don't try to make it sound like your a moral hero.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:48 am
by Smiley
Koki wrote:See? And you were bitching so much.

Now like Crysis and kill yourself.
Please find a quote where I was bitching over Bioshock.
Also, Crysis will be poop smeared across a canvas and be called "art".

Now that I've finished Watershock, I have a few complaints.
No spoilers inlcuded.

It's a bit too short. At least another 4 or 5 hours of story-gaming, would have been appropriate. I spent roughly 20 hours on finishing it, and I'm pretty sure that there isn't a single room I haven't entered. Or at least not a mapped one.

You have the *chance* to revisit old areas, but there's no reason to, because at the point at which you're allowed, you'd rather get on with the story which is very fast-paced.
If you had instead been told "Go throw the switch back in the medical pavillion", or "Find this splicer with a key in that room which you now have access to" to revisit and see some of the stuff there. Maybe some of it changed.

And the feud with the musician and some other female singer we saw in the tech demo, looked far more interesting than what you get to do..
Also, some small stuff, like the LP-players looked much better, but they probably ditched them because they looked too new.

It's a great game, and it has some really nice stuff. The hacking game gets harder and harder, to the point where you *need* those "remove cracked/alarm parts" tonics. But at the same time you get so many hack tools and can make so many, that you no longer need to do it yourself.

This is one example of how they finished the game.
Everything is very friendly on medium, you never really run out of ammo, and there's hardly any reason to use the chemical thrower/crossbow since the fully, or even partly, upgraded pumpgun and machinegun are pretty efficient.
Also, I've never been under 6 hypos of Eve, and I haven't taken a single Eve or health upgrade until then end, where I didn't have anything else to take.
Plasmids are fun and interesting, but a good deal of them feel very shortsighted.
There are three plasmids that basicly do the same, they turn your enemies upon eachother. Big daddy call, enrage and the security whats-it. Of all three enrage is the most fun to use, and is really the only one you'll ever need, since you get jumped by some pretty large groups once in a while.
With so many genebanks around, you never have to worry about taking the "wrong" plasmids (not that you had to anyway, since you can do it on weapons & tonics only. Probably without tonics as well.).

In the end, the game was meant to satisfy, and not challenge people like us, who like very diverse ways of finishing a game.
There's this feeling of someone patting you on the shoulder all the way through the game.

Of course, it only means that I have to replay it on hard and see if you get less healthkits and eve-hypos. So it actually might feel a bit desperate, and where you actually have to consider what plasmids and tonics you're taking.

Actually, there *is* one thing that I absolutely loathed, and this is kinda a spoiler.

When you have to collect the honey, you set a timer, and everytime to loot a hive, you get a splicer comming from behind.
I get the idea, but one single splicer comming at a time, and not just 10 of them at once, so you can be done with it?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:46 pm
by Stainless
I played it a little differently, I used the chemical thrower exclusively on Big Daddies, never used the crossbow/gren launcher nor the machine gun. Mainly relied on plasmids like ignite. By the end of the game I was hurting for eve reloads though, as alot of the vending machines didn't sell them. Ammo was a non-issue by mid game, as I had maxxed out money most of the time.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:50 pm
by Dreadnought
I was bitching about Bioshock and I only bought it to compare it with my dream. Which was by the way totally different... more jungle, less water. And no mutants. Just people stuck in a time loop. Wait... it was kinda like this book/movie... with those things... and those people on the plane... Stephen King!!! ... and those things eat the air port.

KINDA like this, but without those things, and those people... and shit like that.... I should get off drugs I reckon. Or maybe get on drugs... not sure.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:22 pm
by Thor Kaufman
You probably mean Langoliers, the film was kinda lulzy.

Also, definitely get more drugs

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:22 pm
by Smiley
Stainless wrote:I played it a little differently, I used the chemical thrower exclusively on Big Daddies, never used the crossbow/gren launcher nor the machine gun.
Electric gel?

Electric buck's really tear them down too. On an upgraded pumpgun ofc.
4 shots of that, with a few armor-piercing machinegun rounds = dead daddy.

The nade launcher didn't matter much for me either. I was annoyed at how often I stumbled on more ammo, when I had full anyway. so I kicked a few rounds off here and there, just to be able to pick up more ammo later on.

I love the upgraded handgun, but it looks so heavy to the side that it's a bit too much. Also, the noticable lack of firepower later on makes it undesireable, even fully upgraded =(

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:38 pm
by DaC-Sniper
All those Crysis-hater, don`t talk shit, if you don`t know shit. I was never a fan of those shooter, which try to be scary or have a dark atmosphere, those are the type of shooters, which i play in godmode, mostly you can`t avoid the battle, because every shit is so narrow builded or suddenly the door closes behind you(mistary?!), in Crysis you have fucking huge areals and have different tactics to choose from, different vehicles, great graphics (for ze immershion) and also modding tools. Just to set this straight.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:13 pm
by Koki
POOPERSCOOPER wrote:Koki, what are the chances of you actually liking it?
Huge. I'll ignore rest of your post since I don't want to touch shit.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:50 pm
I just finished Bioshock and I basically have the same complaints as smiley. For the most part of the game I was using the machine gun since it supplies the most ammo so you can just spray until your enemy is dead. The plasmids were kind of useless for most stuff I thought, I mainly used guns unless I saw a really good opportunity for one of the plasmids. I actually used security bullseye more so than rage but I would have to wait for the big daddy to enter one of the cameras sights but they can take a big chunk out of his health. I had 5 plasmids the whole game, I only bought another one at the end because I had so much adam.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:07 am
by Dreadnought
The more and more I play Bioshock, the more I regret spending money on it. It looks pretty but it's nothing new. Absolutely nothing.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:22 pm
by Smiley
Dreadnought wrote:The more and more I play Bioshock, the more I regret spending money on it. It looks pretty but it's nothing new. Absolutely nothing.
Thing is, compared to System Shock, it's so much *LESS*..

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:05 pm
by DaC-Sniper

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:04 pm
by Nicolai
Hm, still no crack.

Someone lend me a CD-key B)

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:59 am
by Dreadnought
You know that the activation is based on the system's hardware configuration or shit like that? I mean, cracking it is one thing, but TECHICALLY Bioshock is kinda spyware... so going online would trigger them to release the hounds...

...or at least that's what rumor claim.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:15 am
by Dogmeatlives
Dreadnought wrote:You know that the activation is based on the system's hardware configuration or shit like that? I mean, cracking it is one thing, but TECHICALLY Bioshock is kinda spyware... so going online would trigger them to release the hounds...

...or at least that's what rumor claim.
fucking capitalist devils! Video games rat you out now. Next I won't even be able to trust my dog.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:23 am
by Dreadnought
Only furries trust dogs.

Edit: And Bethesda fanboyz.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:29 pm
by Killzig
my biggest complaint right now is that they really crippled the way you can replay the game by way of the enemy AI. It seems like all enemies have some sort of GPS-locator on your ass and just flock to you no matter where you are on the map. I had a situation where a big daddy tripped over one of my wires and came chasing me from a completely different zone.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:33 am
by popscythe
Killzig wrote:my biggest complaint right now is that they really crippled the way you can replay the game by way of the enemy AI. It seems like all enemies have some sort of GPS-locator on your ass and just flock to you no matter where you are on the map. I had a situation where a big daddy tripped over one of my wires and came chasing me from a completely different zone.
It's not profitable to produce a quality video game sir.

That is a grandpa's idea, and I think you know that.
