Critters in FO3

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Post by Megatron »

Yeah :)

Toxic Waste Boy should be in it.
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Post by FireWolf »

There was a description somewhere in Fallout which said that the DeathClaw evolved from a type of lizard. Not raccoons.

Deathclaws are not the result of FEV experiments, like radscorpians and molerats they're radiation evolved. Deathclaws could not have been Raccoons. for one thing animals do not change species. how could an animal go from mamal to lizard? Talking DeathClaws were the result of Enclave experiments with FEV to create a large number of fierce, disposable soldiers. they used FEV on them so that their intelligence would improve and as a result be trainable and understand basic commands. However, the experiments were too successful leading to highly intelligent DeathClaws, a group of which managed to escape and hide in V13. The remaining intelligent DeathClaws were killed by the Enclave. Horrigan hunted down the intelligent DC and eliminated them. That's it. No more talking Deathclaws.

I'd be very happy if all events in Fallout 3 are ignored. No furry deathsheep.

community appearances in fallout 3 would be difficult to implement fairly. perhaps an encounter where you can kill a bunch of developers discussing why furry deathclaws are cool and other fallout tactics related shyte. or maybe encounter someone who carries the fallout bible? or how about a bunch of guys in suits called "Interplay marketing department" who you can kill very, very slowly. To be honest though I'd be more grateful if they didnt work on easter eggs but concentrated more on the game itself.
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Post by VasikkA »

FireWolf wrote: I'd be very happy if all events in Fallout 3 are ignored. No furry deathsheep.
Hey, have you gotten your hands on the secret Fallout 3 design documents? :wink:

I know, you meant FoT.
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Post by FireWolf »

yeah sorry. mind just isnt what it used to be. why i remember the days when we had REAL mutants. ya'know, the lieutenant... none of these friendly buggers.

why i also remember the days when interplay could make games that weren't exactly the same as previous ones.
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Post by Flamescreen »

I would possibly like to see something in the range of the below critters:

There was this theory, that if the Dinosaurs weren't eradicated and lived up to nowdays, they would evolved to a very humanoid form. I even saw the computer model display in a magazine, can't remember which it was of the 80's I think. So why not have a creature that is a humanoid lizard with a spiked tail as it's main weapon? Call it Lizardclaws for homage to the Shadowclaws of Wasteland.

Giant Rad spiders, I don't see this as an impossibility with the effect Radiation has to criters in Fallout. The attack could be similar to that of the Roaches in FoT(acid Spit of sorts)

Giant Roaches. Just makes sence.

The dinosaur era tigers(Sabretooth was it?) perhaps as an experiment to revive the Dinosaurs that got loose and mutated by FEV or something similar, perhaps a mutated bobcat or lynx.
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Post by VasikkA »

I'm not really into dinosaurs myself, so no prehistoric birds and sabre tooth tigers in my FO3, please. I'd rather see some slightly mutated animals from our real world that have adaped into the wasteland environment, scorpions for example, rather than FEV infested scientific weirdos. Roaches, spiders, scorpions, all sound fine to me.

That's the reason I really want aliens, centaurs, floaters etc. to be kicked out of the game.
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Post by Spazmo »

I agree. Floaters and centaurs were appropriate in Fallout 1 as members of the mutant armies since the Master had the whole grotesque mockery of life theme going. In Fallout 2, they were borderline acceptable since there would be some left after eighty years and since they make good mid- to high-level cannon fodder, but in Fo3, it would just be wrong.
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Unless someone starts making more of them. :D

Or unless floaters and centuars, unlike Supermutants, can breed. They were early experiments of the Master, so the sterility thing may have been a bug in just the Supermutant "perfect" formula.
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Post by VasikkA »

What were super-duper mutants, how were they created? Were they just a tougher(more HPs) version of super mutants or did they have a special purpose? Are they sterile? :wink:
I haven't found any documentation about the Masters plan with super-duper mutants. A silly name though, but they seem to have been left out of the conversation. :P
Btw, was Melchoir or whatever his name is, some kind of leader of the super-duper mutants? I guess that would eliminate the chance of their re-appearance in Fallout 3.
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Post by Megatron »

I think some good critters would be mutants that have been training for 160 years to fight the vault dweller (or whoever you are) They could have something like 3600 hp each, 6 miniguns strapped to each other and 3 suits of power armour smashed up and nailed to them (not to far fetched, your charecter can become the most powerful being on the planet after 2 years)

no dinosaurs (or aliens)

deathclaws pay homage to shadowclaws.
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Post by Constipated BladeRunner »

All human derivitive mutants are sterile.
It's not a question of radiation, it is a question of gemets.
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Post by Doyle »

I don't think floaters and centaurs were derived from humans, though.
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Post by Constipated BladeRunner »

both where half human.
Look at the centaur's head, and with the's part human, just take my word for it.
Anyway, gemets are more a mammal thing than a human thing I think.
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Post by OnTheBounce »

Constipated BladeRunner wrote:Anyway, gemets are more a mammal thing than a human thing I think.
Firstly, it's "gamete". The gametes are recognized as incomplete cells...well, because they are. Gametes are matured reproductive cells, i.e. sperm and ova. Since they don't have a complete genetic code the FEV sees them as incomplete and they are destroyed.

Secondly, gametes aren't restricted to mammals. Any creature that procreates by sexual reproduction, whether viviparously, or ovoviviparously (bearing young or laying eggs) is going to have gametes.

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Post by Constipated BladeRunner »

Wait- so that explians why worms could still reproduce, right?
And I mentioned gametes being half-cells, didnt I?
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Post by FireWolf »

CBR, OTB was just clarifying things. dont take it as an attack. :) cool?

Dinosaurs are a bad bad bad idea. that's jurrasic park terratory, hell you might start getting crazy ideas like raptors could talk. my god, what was with that movie? why didnt the raptors attack?

saint as usual proposes interesting ideas. "unless someone starts making more of them..." perhaps myron is going the way of the master? :D

I think any critter which can be justified as:
1) being able to survive in the wastes (i.e. no domesticated cats)
2)having feasable origins (no dinosaurs, no snake-men. lets keep within the realms of science. FEV is kewl stuff. larger, meaner, tougher animals of today would be acceptable. aliens are not),
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Post by Constipated BladeRunner »

I know OTB's comment was not an attack.
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Post by Genghis Khan »

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Post by Ghetto Goose »

thats like, taking the "oo" out of "food"
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Post by Spazmo »

Or, more accurately, taking off the 'od', adding a 't' and putting a colon before that 't', which makes something absolutely horrific.

No mutants in Fallout is just wrong.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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