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Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:40 am
by Stainless
That looks like a rhino horn or something on it's head.
Varithos: thanks for the details, just don't turn into a Cazismzmdawhatever and you'll be fine.
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:49 am
by Wolfman Walt
Just got done seeing it. I thought it was pretty good, but apperently it's a love it or hate it deal. One guy remarked after the movie that it was the worst thing he ever saw, so it's probably not for everyone. Other then that, Dready probably summed up everything I could think of so there's not really much more to add.
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:41 pm
by Splatterpope
I liked it.
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:57 pm
by Dreadnought
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:25 pm
by popscythe
Wolfman Walt wrote:Just got done seeing it. I thought it was pretty good, but apperently it's a love it or hate it deal. One guy remarked after the movie that it was the worst thing he ever saw, so it's probably not for everyone. Other then that, Dready probably summed up everything I could think of so there's not really much more to add.
Sounds like another "Glad I refuse to pay to see hollywood movies" deal.
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:34 pm
by Dreadnought
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:24 am
by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD
I thought the movie sucked.
No emotional attachment to any of the characters.
Not to mention it is exactly the same as Blair Witch with a different story.
Even the ending was nearly the same, ownage and the camera rolls.
The bitch with the structural iron bar in the shoulder gets pulled off, doesn't die of excessive blood loss (which she would have), and proceeds to run to places. But the chick who gets bitten, lives with minor injuries but spontaneously combusts?
I could go run through a forest with a camcord.... oh wait.
I agree with dread mostly except for the going to see it part.
This movie in a word: FAIL.
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:42 am
by Dreadnought
Yeah, this shit that she was running after being impaled through her chest was total crap.
The hell we know why this other chick exploded. Probably some extreme allergic reaction? I mean people tend to swell on and burst open due to spider bites. Sure it takes a while but in this case ITS JUST A MOVIE.
In fact all I wanted to see was destruction on people bitching about how it reminds them of 9/11 so I can bitch back coz they're fags.
It reminds me of 2445532523 other things, but 9/11? Nigga pleeeeeze... stop being such whiny fags, US americans. No one gives a shit about your traumatizing experience with getting your ass kicked in a staged terror attack.
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:40 pm
by Mad Max RW
Saw it last night and thought it was good. The best part was me and a bunch of other strangers around the theater were loudly heckling the movie ala MST3k and we had everybody laughing their asses off. Surprisingly it was packed and very quiet, so it was like our duty to show a reaction to the film. The impaled chick was too much. Aside from that it wasn't bad. My girlfriend got really fucking sick from the shakiness of the camera, even though it wasn't half as bad as I expected.
The monster is from space.
The 2 people at the end survived the nuke.
After the long as fuck credits somebody says "It's still alive" if you reverse the audio.
I hear they're in talks for at least one sequel. The trick is it takes place at the same time from somebody else's perspective. Sounds like they're going the Half Life route. Expect a bunch of "sidequels" before they finally explain what the hell is going on 10 years from now.
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:56 pm
by Frater Perdurabo
Mad Max RW wrote:I hear they're in talks for at least one sequel. The trick is it takes place at the same time from somebody else's perspective. Sounds like they're going the Half Life route. Expect a bunch of "sidequels" before they finally explain what the hell is going on 10 years from now.
Big fucking surprise. Every movie needs to be released about 5 times nowadays before people finally get the point that it's shit.
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:10 pm
by Killzig
I'm pretty sure Rob and Beth died. The monster is what's still alive as there seems to be more than one. (The carpet bombing is going on away from where they are when HUD gets eaten).
I thought the movie was OK. The first 20-30 minutes at the movie were pretty agonizing. I probably would have liked the movie if they didn't bother with trying to build up the emotional connection with these particular 4 character so much and had made it a series of camcorder/amateur video finds. Just make it a story of that day as seen by a few people/groups inhabiting the city. Don't give me this stupid, futile quest of a story. Think Altman's Shortcuts with monsters. also would have saved me from hearing "god damned that battery never dies' about 50x in the theater.
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:19 pm
by Dreadnought
They HAVE to release a CLOVERFIELD: FUNNIEST MOMENTS where people slip on weddings, babies tilt tables full of food and cats fall from televisions. Would be totally groundbreaking, coz it'd all happen during the attack on NY. OMFG! HILARIOZ!
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:45 pm
by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD
I'm surprised people haven't sat down and made a list of all the general pop culture shit this movie ripped off.
Hell, the monsters have nearly identical video game representations.
Anyone else find it funny that the huge monster attacks NY and the main character is supposed to be flying out to Japan. ie Godzilla.
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:43 am
by Subhuman
Cosmic year-long bump!
It was on satellite last night. I liked it a lot, which I wasn't expecting. It's nice and short, the camcorder tactic works and gives a unique perspective (literally) to what would otherwise be a pretty typical monster movie, and even though the characters look like the hip, cosmopolitan cast of a lost Bacardi commercial, by the halfway point you actually start rooting for them and caring what happens. It helps that they're all pretty much unknown actors and thus there's no guaranteeing who will survive, if any. (Killing off the cameraman was a nice twist.)
Apparently in the last shot of the movie (with Rob and what's-her-face at Coney Island), you can see something fall from the sky into the ocean, which supposedly is the origin of the monster. But I've rewatched it a million times and I can't see anything.
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:17 am
by Edward_R_Murrow
Found it pretty awful when I saw it. Pretty much because of the fact that the characters are totally stupid, the story is an idiot plot, and there's too many inconsistencies. It was a great idea, but it pretty much was ruined by JJ Abrams and his bullshit. It's too bad. I'd have liked to see a good monster movie from the perspective of the people running in the streets, but with Cloverfield the idea is pretty much burnt out and wasted on such a piece of crap.
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:10 am
by cazsim83
Stainless wrote:
Varithos: thanks for the details, just don't turn into a Cazismzmdawhatever and you'll be fine.
What a difference a year makes, eh?
also - this movie still sucks.
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:33 am
by Redeye
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:58 am
by jetbaby
Subhuman wrote:Apparently in the last shot of the movie (with Rob and what's-her-face at Coney Island), you can see something fall from the sky into the ocean, which supposedly is the origin of the monster. But I've rewatched it a million times and I can't see anything.
When they're leaning against the window of the Coney Island tram thing, there's a couple frames of some pod-shaped thing splashing down in the distance behind them if I recall?
Regardless of the naysayers, Subby, I'm with you. I thought it was enjoyable. I considered it a worthwhile way to spend my money at the time. Not OH MAN BEST MOVIE EVER, but I enjoyed watching it, to be sure.
If nothing else, give them credit on being the first and only movie that does the whole hand-held-can't-keep-this-shit-steady camera well.
Anyone else find it funny that the huge monster attacks NY and the main character is supposed to be flying out to Japan. ie Godzilla.
I dunno if Mandalorian still reads here, but, should he, that was kind of the point, Mandalorian. JJ what'shisface wanted to make a movie that would have as much meaning to American culture as Godzilla did to the Japanese.
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:45 am
by Retlaw83
jetbaby wrote:JJ what'shisface wanted to make a movie that would have as much meaning to American culture as Godzilla did to the Japanese.
I'd imagine Godzilla's popularity was heightened based on the fact people knew what he looked like.
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:29 pm
by King of Creation
jetbaby wrote:When they're leaning against the window of the Coney Island tram thing, there's a couple frames of some pod-shaped thing splashing down in the distance behind them if I recall?
Any clips on youtube? I'm too lazy to look myself.