Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:33 pm
It was in the wasteland, a non moderated section. What part of that are you not getting? You are so not getting that free cup of coffee when I fly to Vegas.
The second oldest Fallout gaming community, online since 1998, keeping warm in the nuclear glow.
The same part you keep failing to absorb-- KoC asked me to keep an eye on the wastes, so I did. Keep bitch fests in the fight club or to yoursel[f/ves], otherwise they pollute the site with unentertaining ignorance.MR Snake wrote:It was in the wasteland, a non moderated section. What part of that are you not getting? You are so not getting that free cup of coffee when I fly to Vegas.
He told me to police it. I saw your bullshit, didn't want to deal with it for the entire month I was King Shit on Turd Mountain.MR Snake wrote:You just wrote he told you to check on NSFW stuff and nothing else. You fail.
And I'm tired of listening to this. Douchebag says: TEMP BANNEDMR Snake wrote:You are a complete douchebag.