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Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 1:34 am
by TheReaper
Sure was 8)

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 1:42 am
by Umpa
i'm the complete oposite to you reaper, i didnt get one bad town. 'cept Broken Hills but that cant be helped

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 1:47 am
by TheReaper
It can be made into a good ending, I just can't remeber how. I've completed it getting all the good endings, including Vault 13. The deathclaws weren't exterminated with me :D.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 1:49 am
by Umpa
no reaper, it is impossible to get a good ending on Broken Hills. And if you complete the game in less than 12 days after fixing the deathclaws computer you dont get an ending for V13.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 1:52 am
by TheReaper
Really? No good ending for Broken Hills? I must have been drunk while seeing the good endings. But there is a good ending for Vault 13. That deathclaw in Navvaro, if you free him before the pack is wiped out, Frank Horrigan doesn't kill the deathclaws and you get the good ending.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 1:54 am
by Slider
You get NO ending not a good ending.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 2:03 am
by TheReaper
Strange... Wonder why.

P.S. Umpa, how is it that you know all the specific info? I smell a walkthrough for Fallout 2 on your machine among many other walkthroughs.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 2:27 am
by Umpa
No, i gave up on walkthroughs.

and i found out from reading posts on this board and the old one and personal experience

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 1:22 pm
by This is Gonna Hurt
From about 12 playthroughs...

Bothe Vault 13 and Broken Hills are..well..broken, they cannot be
ended in a happy fashion...

And I think one of the most evil bastards is the new reno arms dealer, for keeping Algernon locked in a basement, guarded by rabid dogs, making free upgrades for him which he then sells for outrageous profits. I kill that man almost every playthrough, though on occasion it's more for his inventory than because he's an evil jerkass.

Another evil char would be the Khans lamer who holes up in vault 15. Not only does he employ pedophiles, he flamethrowered his own dog in efforts to kill me. Was forced to feed him a dozen 10mm rounds or so from my p90.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 2:45 pm
by Warlord
That's the spirit! The p90 is my favorit. Truely he is one son of a bit*h. It's always nice to sneak behind him and knock him out with a super slegde.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 8:24 pm
by Red
Broken Hills is not broken... It's designed not to have a good ending. Best case scenerio is they all get along, but the uranium runs out. It's not as if The Chosen One could magically create an Unlimited Shoe of Uranium Ore Collection to save the town...

As for Vault 13, I beleive it was a design decision to kill off the talking deathclaws, as they wouldn't of wanted any more of those in a sequal.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 1:37 am
by TheReaper
I remebered why I thought there was a good ending for Vault 13. I was drunk :drinking:. That seems to be the source of my problems. Just as well I don't get drunk anymore. I just drink occasionally.

Posted: Sat May 25, 2002 1:09 am
by BigJack
Talking deathclaws still exist because Goris survives and that deathclaw in Navarro survives too if you save it so the race may still rise if they "mate" with a "normal" female deathclaw and create a new deathclaw race.

btw i remember reading (cant remember where) that you could be friend's of the raiders by entering thru the back and using the ball gag on that tribal (60% chance of being a lie i think)

Oh and DEATH TO LYNNETE, shes a bitch i hate her more than that so called "president".

Posted: Sat May 25, 2002 1:43 am
by Jimbo san
BigJack wrote:btw i remember reading (cant remember where) that you could be friend's of the raiders by entering thru the back and using the ball gag on that tribal (60% chance of being a lie i think)
Welcome to the forum! :D
BTW don't trust everything you read, lies are everywhere!

OH MY...

Posted: Sat May 25, 2002 3:48 am
by BigJack
**opens his eyes and sees Morpheus saying _Welcome to real world_**


Posted: Sat May 25, 2002 3:49 am
by Red
The deathclaws usually don't get any ending. Under some circumstances, there's a 2 week timer which is started (I still didn't find what it was, all I know is that it has to be triggered after you fix the voice module) and triggers their death.
Otherwise you get no ending. The "Good" ending was never scripted in the game.

As for entering by the back and using it on the tribal, that's totally false. In fact the tribal is supposedly their GUIDE... Finding their guide ball gagged wouldn't exactly make them happy.

Posted: Sat May 25, 2002 2:10 pm
by This is Gonna Hurt
Red wrote:Broken Hills is not broken... It's designed not to have a good ending. Best case scenerio is they all get along, but the uranium runs out. It's not as if The Chosen One could magically create an Unlimited Shoe of Uranium Ore Collection to save the town...

As for Vault 13, I beleive it was a design decision to kill off the talking deathclaws, as they wouldn't of wanted any more of those in a sequal.

Ok, Broken Hills needs a new source of income..The Chosen One at one point gets a hold of the deed to the great wanamigo mine, which is perfectly servicable after the critters are cleared out. Why is there no way to give this mine to Broken Hills to maintain it and prosper rather than selling it back to the evil snidely whiplash-type mayor of Redding?

Posted: Sun May 26, 2002 1:08 am
by Wolf401
Lynette :

1. She's a cracksmoking whore
2. When you make the suggestion to "dispose" of Thomas Moore she bans you from Vault City
3. Hates mutants