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I don't really care about politics, it seems there all as bad as each other? Communism would be nice, if it worked. But a lot of things would be nice if it worked, but it doesn't so thar? There isn't any political party that is good for everyone because no matter what you do someone will think it's shitty?
Yes the moon probably will be colonized one day, I was trying to say building/mining on the moon this century seems a bit silly? Stop taking things of of context :( Also if we colonize the moon, what do domes have to do with it? Skim meteors of it's surface?
The communist nation is becoming more of a superpower each day. Whether thats good or bad news for the democratic world (probably bad)
But the scary thing about china is, it is communist and has nukes, so perhaps it will build a nuclear missle or worse, a giant laser base up there!!! Austin Powers anyone?
There is much to stop China from taking over the world
These seem pretty anti-china too me? Not that I'm arguing or taking anything out of context or talking about movie scenarios in real life, just proving my point?
I don't think there's any 'danger' of a super-power coming into power soon, unless America has some more wars? And if America as a war on a big enough scale the next super-power will probably be below the equator.
Any political system can work, facism can work, it almost worked for the Nazis, but they let the Jews get in the way. We could all be speaking German and be Aryans. And if America does fall, in the near future. then power will most likely fall to the 2nd top country as far as economy and military goes.
Yeah we have nukes, but we dont threaten to use them on every damn war we fight in. Sure if we used them in vietnam, or maybe even in the korean war, things would have definitely been different, for one, no nation that is here today, would be here, for two, well, i nor any of you would be writing posts here. so i dont know what your getting at guardian, but we didnt "secretly land on the moon, we showed it to the world so we could even out the space race in which the russians were winning until the moonlanding. As for megatron, yes you do need to have means of access to space to be a super power these days, maybe not in the past, but if you want to fight a damn dangerous nuclear war with america, or even claim that your a super power, you better at least have satelites to back up your words, with a few thousand nukes which we have far beyond, and a couple trillion dollars, and a large army couldnt hurt either, perhaps some allies. But landing on the moon, as long as your before the first ten to reach it (whenever that happens) will provide a big morale and economic boost to your nation.
ok now, i don't know what kind of american propaganda you guys are being fed but the USSR didn't fall just because it was a "bad system".
USSR fell because all the gooks/jews in democratic countries fear the 1337 communist nations and cut of trade and diplomatic relations with them. since USSR was the only main communist country at the time it had no one strong to back it up unlike all the supposedly democratic countries had. Communism is the best political system when it works.
Anyways, if any reason makes sense for China being the next main super power its because china possesses a population that is 5 times the US. China could pull a "pickets charge" attack on the US and still win because the american population is full of pacifist pussies and earth loving hippies so the real army and weapons would be used up in the initial attacks.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP
Soldier87 wrote: But landing on the moon, as long as your before the first ten to reach it (whenever that happens) will provide a big morale and economic boost to your nation.
Someone's been playing Civillization a bit too much?
Or perhaps Galactic Civilizations. Heh??? Either way, i think as well as any educated person should plainly see (now dont think im saying you all should be like me or some crap like that cuz i dont) that if things continue the way they have, no nuclear wars (large ones at least), or mass plagues and death, and/or a huge cosmic or natural disaster, we will most likely colonize the moon within a few short decades, and mars, perhaps half a century (give or talk a few years) after that. Maybe even faster, but granted, the first nation to do so, will gain extreme powers, perhaps beyond ours. then the problems, and yet even perhaps, a second cold war will really begin. but rest assured, my fellow humans, one day, we will put asside our petty national differences (maybe even cultural differences) and join together in a galactic conquest. thatll show those damn aliens who really is boss heh?
Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD wrote:ok now, i don't know what kind of american propaganda you guys are being fed but the USSR didn't fall just because it was a "bad system".
USSR fell because all the gooks/jews in democratic countries fear the 1337 communist nations and cut of trade and diplomatic relations with them. since USSR was the only main communist country at the time it had no one strong to back it up unlike all the supposedly democratic countries had. Communism is the best political system when it works.
The USSR fell for a variety of reasons. I never said ((Unlike maybe some other people)) that it was a bad system. In theory, Communism is an uber system. So I'll give you that. However, addressing the fall to the USSR to only "Gooks" and "Jews" in the other democratic countries is just abit self-delusional. I'm glad that you limited it to such a narrow audience though. Good to hear the US wasn't responsible. The fall of the USSR came from a variety of factors though. The cease of diplomatic relations only contributed to other factors that grew within the USSR. The other main factors included corruption within its leadership and due to the frailties of humanity making what is perfect on paper ineffective in the real world.
First of all, Soldier87, I didn't have to search for my info about man in space, I'm from Canada and we regularly send people up here, and I know France does, they have a base to launch rockets in South America, and I know USSR did too, they were the first I think.
And you actually look afraid of communism, or maybe not afraid but you surely think it is bad. Well communism isn't EVIL, it's just different, it's something else that still needs some tweaking.
And it's inevitable a new super power arise. No one thought Britain would fall when it had colonies all over the world. No one thought the Roman Empire would fall in Antiquity. Samething with Mongols in 1240
me and a few other guys where talking about the exact same thing awhile back and one of them is a military expert and he said that the technology gap
is too big between the us and china,for china to be a real threat
i mean look back at the vietnam war,the tech gap there was pretty huge too...
plus i think the chinese have their own stealth bomber program
the communist thing,its not my thing
but if u look at the sheer amount of war attrocities and crimes in the world committed by super powers during the last centry u will find the us of a on the top of that list
use of nuclear weapons against civilian,inciting revolutions in 3rd world countries to install friendly(to them) brutal dictators
all of the crimes committed against socialists in south america etc
now im sure the commies did lotsa nasty shit too
only us goverment is higher up in my asshole list
remeber im talking about facists in seats of power,cia assassins and other fun seekers
Of course the USSR didnt fall because of us, they fell from within, talking about american propaganda, if you ask me you are the one spreading propaganda. i know why they fell, and you sir, are wrong (Mandalorian). The economy was lacking for awhile, there was extreme corruption, and a world who would rather have the USA impose our will on them and be free from the commie threat than to fall for it. They did not fall because of "gooks" and jews. communism is the worst form of government, well perhaps not worst but its down there, your probably thinking of socialism mandalorian, and it works but im fine with democracy. im not here to preach which one is best, but it definitely aint communism. o and s4uron27, i just heard something about third nation, man, and space. so i dont really know, it sounded odd to me to cuz i knew that besides the us and russia, there were people from japan and whatnot. and finally, jaws, the chance of China becoming a superpower is very good given todays conditions, and maybe a few other conditions that havent happened yet will make it definite,
1) our (USA) economy is down, its gonna rebound, but not anytime too soon.
2) we (USA) our deploying our military all over the world because of terror, situations in the middle east and africa, and in the future, asia (north Korea) and since the united states has no draft, we have a lot of room to cover with only three to five million men and women in our military, it can be done, but our victory wont come for awhile with those amount of forces and that much land to cover. so that affects our economy further and draws in more hate
3) if china does make it to the moon, they will become the second to do so, and the space race will once again begin, China will set its eyes on mars next, and perhaps even launch probes like the us has been doing to deep outer space.
4) well the last thing China needs to speed up thier evolution into being a superpower, is a large major war. its how the us and russia became a superpower afterall.
lets just hope number four never happens.
Last edited by Soldier87 on Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Only because a direct invasion of Japan would result in quite a few casualties. It was probably better for both sides that we did it.
but if u look at the sheer amount of war attrocities and crimes in the world committed by super powers during the last centry u will find the us of a on the top of that list
I don't remember Roosevelt or Truman or Eisenhower starving millions of citizens to death, throwing them in the gulags, etc.
all of the crimes committed against socialists in south america etc
now im sure the commies did lotsa nasty shit too
Nah, only killing over a hundred million people, total. I mean, when you compare that to the BILLIONS of people the US killed, it's just gravy, eh?
remeber im talking about facists in seats of power
Only because a direct invasion of Japan would result in quite a few casualties. It was probably better for both sides that we did it.
Definitely better, if we had invaded, we might have lost and dragged the war on for another year, now remember, the japanese were only educated in how to fight and stay loyal to the emperor, which they viewed as thier god. the emperor told his people to fight until japans death, they believed if the emperor died, then japan would die. we wouldve been slaughtered. also remember, that the us and great britian as well as russia (on its own) was planning an october invasion. watch the history channel sometime, they show stuff about it sometimes. now it displays what might have happened in very good aspects. and the reason they anaylized this, is how the japanese fought against the americans, british, chinese, americans, and russians, and whoever else got in the way. they fought without surrender and with brut force, they thought surrender was dishoner and you would be ashamed for all eternity.
And you actually look afraid of communism, or maybe not afraid but you surely think it is bad. Well communism isn't EVIL, it's just different, it's something else that still needs some tweaking.
The only tweaking necessary for Communism to work that of human nature.
As long as man-kind remains easily corrupted Communism will never be a perfect system. The system is designed for a utopian society which will never, as long as humans remain human, ever exist.
Communism can work only if the whole population agree to it.
About USA crimes... they put up Pinochet, Saddam, Milocevic, a lot of revolutions in South America were triggered and organized by USA, etc.
And the Soviets didn't kill hundreds of millions of people. They killed a lot but not hunderds of millions.
Stop defending the USA, when you are the #1 superpower in the world and you try to get involved in everything you for sure will get some shit back.
Take Irak, the population doesn't want democracy, is it that fuckin hard to understand? Look like it is for Bush and his pals. now they are surprised if they have casualities.
Same thing with Canada, they just lost 2 soldiers in Afghanistan, and everyone is panicked. I mean wtf, you go to war, you impose your governement type and your laws, what do you expect?
i love how people think by gooks and jews i meant the actual people of gooks and jews. Our population is made up of ignorant foriegners and money grubbing bastards who have no place in our country. when i say gooks and jews you instantly think of the poor helpless people or the stereotype and i was going for the stereotype aspect. If you cant see both sides you are a moron.
The USSR fell because of the wars and the fact that the US and multiple other democratic countries totally cut off trade with it which attributed to an economic downfall. It didn't just fall because the economy dropped out on its own. Thats just stupid.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP
First of all yes the iraquis did want freedom, why do you think they were opressed? and megatron, just cause you cant argue your point, dont mean you got to say crap about me.