Blizzard's next project, Star craft 2 or Diablo 3?

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Star Craft 2 vs. Diablo 3, Blizzard's next project.

StarCraft 2
Diablo 3
Total votes: 20

Dark Xenomorph

Post by Dark Xenomorph »

ANSWER ME THIS SOME GUY NAMED BOB: WTF was Samir Duran? He cant be a xel naga cause zerg killed them ( see SC manual ) So waht was he? :?
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Post by Sol Invictus »

To resurrect a dead thread: WOW is incredibly crap.

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Post by Guest »

Dark Xen wrote:ANSWER ME THIS SOME GUY NAMED BOB: WTF was Samir Duran? He cant be a xel naga cause zerg killed them ( see SC manual ) So waht was he? :?
I still can't believe this guy turned out to be Ernesto.

Post by Kashluk »

This topic is full of messages from people who have been banned. The joy!

Post by Guest »

The rapture!

I wish I could log back in as voodoo4936. Stupid Killzig...
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Post by jetbaby »

Eh. Whatever. Diablo sucks. Bring me StarCraft 2.
off topic? OMG YOU'VE BEEN CENSORED... yet you're still posting. MYSTARY!!!!

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Post by Ernesto »

Subhuman wrote:I still can't believe this guy turned out to be Ernesto.
What, are you trying to ruin me? Go listen to teh Avril, kthx?

Post by Guest »

Ernesto wrote:Go listen to teh Avril, kthx?
shut up ! your just jealos cuz Avril rox and you sux OMG AVRIL RULES!!!11! LOL SK8ER BOI is my fave song ever !!!! ! !

God, that shit hurts my head...
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Post by Ernesto »

High school drop-outs are hawt punkz.

Post by Guest »


So you like Chuck Palahnuik? What's the one about the supermodels called? It sounded interesting, but I couldn't remember the title (or the author, actually) when I was at the bookstore.
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Post by Ernesto »

Invisible Monsters. That's the one.

I just finished reading Diary and I read Choke over the summer. Fight Club, Survivor and Lullaby are coming in the mail: Thanks Ebay.
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Post by airsoft guy »

Survivor is a good book, haven't read any of that guy's other work, but I liked it, it was better than the bullshit they wanted me to read in school. After I got done reading most of the bullshit books the teacher asked if I wanted to read something better. House on Mango Street just isn't what I want to read. Fucking clownshoes whoever wrote that bullshit.
George Bush lowered taxes so the Jews could kill Michael Moore.

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Post by Ernesto »

....Reading this, I realize I'm going to kill the bastard who resurrected this thread.

The coolest book I've read for a school assignment probably was The Chrysalids by John Wyndam. I think my Uni-level English course is doing Beowulf this year, so that might be fun.

And I should read Dante's Inferno. Just for the hell of it.
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Post by fallout ranger »

Ernesto wrote:....Reading this, I realize I'm going to kill the bastard who resurrected this thread.

BTW, this was one DEAD thread .
does this work
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Post by Jeff »

BTW, this was one DEAD thread .
did kreegle used to be an admin?