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Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 11:44 pm
by lorigosolo
Lol guys a hell of a discussion, i agree that inside our cloths we are naked :P and i agree that it will be more confortable to wear clothes inside the armor for the reasons that Lynxer said but the orange guy is not the one who is going to be inside the armor, he is only a proportions guide for me. I know that the power armor is seald and the only thing i need to do are some changes and Voilá ( as kashluk said)!!! The Power Armor will be finished!!!And ready to kick some Mutant ass!!! :twisted: :twisted:

Smiley: Thanks for the compliments, i´m glad you like it and You are right thanks god this is not meant for games , the poly count of this model should be something like 7000 square polys so if i wanted to put it in some game you should had to multiple the 7000x2 =14000 polys 8O 8O 8O !!! Not even the Doom III engine could handle this (I don´t know how the engine works so i guess it couldn´t).

Kashluk: I will follow your advice and texture the cape with the blood-red velvet !!!

I´m working on the textures so i guess soon you could see some of the parts with textures.



Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 3:30 am
by Kashluk
Yes, the blood-red cape is the best... I've noticed that the *creepiest* color mixture is metal / black + dark red / blood red.

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 3:58 am
by Jeff


Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 5:51 am
by GooChunks
that looks awesome fuckin awesome when it is done were would i download it do you have a site and are there any other skins out there, very cool looking

Re: awesome

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 6:42 am
by Jeff

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:18 am
by GooChunks
were do you get them

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:25 am
by Jeff

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:32 am
by GooChunks
what do you mean the place bosnia or is that a site

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 8:19 am
by GooChunks
Ok im gonna refraise what i said earlier the power armour looks awesome i think you should give it the rusty look so it looks more fallout like and when it comes out i am gonna download it so can you put a link to it and does anyone know any sites were i can download other FOT model like the one hes making or something of the sort i would really appreciate it thanks
hope the armor looks bulky so it can fit in more to the fallout universe
thanks again

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 8:26 am
by Jeff

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 11:58 pm
by GooChunks
lorigosolo i got a question how much longer do you predict you have in your project


Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 2:22 am
by X-rayHobbit
The BoS - Armor looks very fine!!!! How much time did you need for it?

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 1:21 pm
by Ed the Monkey
wow..... that's impressive...... Hey... if you could animate that, or someone could, you could skin it and shoot it. Red has a proggie that lets you view the sprites from fallout tactics, and he was talking about reworking it so you could edit them if anyone ever got around to making something that would work. [/img]

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 6:25 pm
by Flamescreen
You should know however that animating would take much-much longer that simply making a model of it. Also he should have the sizes to resize so it would loook good. I think Section8 gave me a list of the sizes but I'll have to dig it up.

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 7:06 pm
by Ed the Monkey
it'd be a hell of a lot faster if Section 8 could give up the biped files, then it'd almost be as easy as setting the bones and loading a file...but for some reason I don't think he'll do that... and I know... it's never that easy anyway... oh well.

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 10:19 pm
by Kashluk
But a guy can always dream, right Ed? :wink:

Re: awesome

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 4:55 am
by lorigosolo
GooChunks wrote:that looks awesome fuckin awesome when it is done were would i download it do you have a site and are there any other skins out there, very cool looking
Thanks for the compliments!! About the download thing i don´t know if i´m going to put my model for download yet. I don´t have any skin yet but soon i will have some.
anyone know any sites were i can download other FOT model like the one hes making or something of the sort i would really appreciate it thanks
I think that there isn´t any page with fallout model to download, well i never found one.
hope the armor looks bulky so it can fit in more to the fallout universe
I will work on it. With the texture process the armor will adquire a bulky look as well as a rusty look, well i hope so.
lorigosolo i got a question how much longer do you predict you have in your project
Mmmm don´t know. I´m modelling this in my spare time and lately i haven´t got any, but i think that soon it will be finished.
X-rayHobbit Posted:
The BoS - Armor looks very fine!!!! How much time did you need for it?
I´m not sure but i thimk that the modelling process took me 7 to 9 hours, then i used 2 hours to fix some problems. So i think that till now i spend between 9 to 11 hours, and i still need to texture it (this will be tough!!)

wow..... that's impressive...... Hey... if you could animate that, or someone could, you could skin it and shoot it. Red has a proggie that lets you view the sprites from fallout tactics, and he was talking about reworking it so you could edit them if anyone ever got around to making something that would work.
Thanks Ed!! Well I´m not a guru on animation but i know some tricks. I was thinking in animate it later with a minigun or something like that, or even better if i can i will try to model a super mutant so i could make a fight between a bos paladin and a super mutant.

Intrest idea, you are saying that i could change the FOT graphics for the ones i have done, this could be cool. Where can i download the red proggie??

Sorry for my ignorance :oops: but who is Section 8?? He is one of the artist from FOT??

Hey Kashluk what do you think about this color for the cape?? It is only the color the velvet textue is not applied. Let me know what do you think!!


And GooChunks you were asking for skins, this is the way you can change the color and texture of the model, using a paint program, you paint the parts that are in this picture and voilá you got a new skin. (this only works with a 3D model)




Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 5:55 am
by Ed the Monkey
Red!Viewer (which only works to look at sprites now, but that might change soon if there's any reason to...look at the modelling forum) is here Red posts new versions in the modelling forum on a fairly regularly irregular basis. The viewer will, however, give you an idea of what animations need to be made. In the modelling thread, in the modelling forum, you can find the angles for the camera and light.

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 6:04 am
by lorigosolo
Thanks Ed, i will look at the modelling forum and at the red!viewer.

Ooohh so we had a resident man inside microforte :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: COOLL!! I should go and ask him some questions about the modelling process of FOT.

Hey Ed you want to make new sprites am i right?? I like your idea, but how could we change the sprites??


Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 7:22 am
by Strap
well.... i made a 3d FISH!!
so there...
and i skinned it, and animated it.
poly count= 50 tri's

lol. i made it in like 5 minutes at my friend's house