Alpha Protocol

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I'm near the end of the Rome mission I think and I'm having fun I guess. It's just kind of a pain in the ass in fights since I got SMGs and I can't really hit much and my pistol can't really hit much either, I end up just running at people and punching them to death then run away when I get hurt too bad and do it again.

SC2 just came out and I should probably try and rush finish AP or I might never do it. Kind of too bad since AP would be a good game to replay and try different shit.
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I was going to ask this before but what is the difference between Stability and Recoil in the game? I don't really get the difference in the concept of them.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

If its anything like in STALKER, recoil determines how much the gun bucks after every shot while Stability (or in STALKER's case, handling) deals with how fast you are able to return the gun to its former position after each shot.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

I've replayed AP a few times at this point. You have the occasional texture pop-in when a level loads, and sometimes an enemy stands around like an idiot while you shoot him. One time, and one time only, when I went to quit the game, Mike appeared in a black void and I had to alt-ctrl-delete out of it.

That is the sum total of the bugs in AP, and none of them are game breaking.

As far as gameplay elements go, the combat takes a little getting used to, but once you do it's a pretty good combination of aiming skill and character skill. It probably has the consistently best dialogue of any game I've played.

EDIT: Wow, I just realize I gave an answer to a spam bot that copy and pasted what St Toxic said. Oh well, my point still stands.
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What is the full change log ? It is a mystary.

Post by Blargh »

Finally, a somewhat-less-than-half-arsed-patch-that-isn't-just-an-executable-replacement-and-actually-works-with-non-US-versions.
Not the Full Change Log wrote:VERSION 1.1
- To resolve activation issues, PC copy protection has been removed.
- In Moscow during the assault of Brayko's Mansion, the player could get
into a situation where a door would not be openable preventing progression
through the rest of the level. This has been fixed.
- In Taipei, during the Stop the Assassination mission, the user can fall
out of the world if they reload the "Exit Gardens" checkpoint. There was
also a problem where if the player backtracked, part of the level might
not load in properly. This has also been fixed.
- In the same mission, a problem with subtitles was corrected.
- In the museum in Rome, the game could crash when using Focused Aim to
kill the NPC holding Madison in the elevator.
- Bosses could get stuck in an accelerated mode when Fury wears off.
- Chainsot was exploitable to slow time and get critical headshots without
consuming its cooldown.
The removal of copy protection at this point is a death knell to the belief that Sega has any sort of concern for the financial viability of AP as a franchise. Ehue.

I can only hope Obsidian will take the elements that worked on to future titles. :drunk:
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Post by Retlaw83 »

Well, I did notice in NV weapon modding ala AP was included, and NV did take the "your weapon is choice" concept pretty far. The writing was also easily on par with Alpha Protocol.

Kind of makes me feel like AP was just a test run of some kind.
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Post by hoochimama »

They said in an interview that the weapon customization in new vegas was lifted from a fallout 3 mod(chances are the hardcore mode was copied too).
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