Is satanism in your schoolyard?

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Post by OnTheBounce »

Neon Dingo wrote:I just can't wait for The Newer Testament where it approves homosexuality and makes capital punishment a sin.
Sounds like it's time for another Council of Nicea then! :lol:

The most fascinating of religions today are some of the "cults" that have sprung up in the past 20 or so years and are related to the New Age movement. People updating their mythologies is always fascinating stuff. ("What?! No, no, no! We don't believe in the Immaculate was the Immaculate In Vitro Fertilization when Mary was taken up in a UFO, you dolt!")

"On the bounce, you apes! Do you wanna live forever?!"
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Post by Killa-Killa »

My god is a four legged fiend from an old RPG, who was based off of a character from a movie.
KillaKilla's logic:
FOT and FO: BOS weren't FO at all!........... 1. I am nobody
DOGMEAT is God. Never dispute this!........ 2. Nobody is perfect
Up and coming hardware nerd.................. 3. Hence I am perfect
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Post by the guardian »

Dang yo that was funney
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Post by iohkus »

i get drunk at schoolyards
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Post by Ernesto »

It's always funny when my math teacher asks a stoned kid in class, definitely a good high school moment. :)
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Post by Slave_Master »

Fact: Religion has contributed to more deaths than anything.
How? The Mongols and Stalin and Hitler and Mao weren't motivated by religion, but they killed a shitload of people. Sure there were the Islamic conquests and whatnot but I don't think they killed as many people as Mao.

Or mebbe I'm just stupid.
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Post by Lynxer »

Im sure by 'religion' he meant collectivist dogma.
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Post by Neon Dingo »

Slave Master wrote:How? The Mongols and Stalin and Hitler and Mao weren't motivated by religion, but they killed a shitload of people. Sure there were the Islamic conquests and whatnot but I don't think they killed as many people as Mao.
I could go into a long winded rant about how religion is the catalyst to all of the problems in this world (religion creates morality, morality creates conflict), but I'd rather not.

But you're right, more atrocities have been committed in modern times by atheistic coalitions than any. I was wrong about saying religion specifically.
Lynxer wrote:Im sure by 'religion' he meant collectivist dogma.
I actually did, but I should have explicitly stated that.

Of course you have to take the Crusades into consideration, along with the Spanish Inquisition as examples of religious atrocities. Hitler used religion oftentimes to control the masses into the acceptance of Nazism. He himself was not religious by any means (a strong believer in Social Darwinism), but he knew it was a useful tool for control.
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Post by Neon Dingo »

I researched it a bit, and I found a ton of different religious atrocities (Most of these are pretty obvious and don't need to be pointed out). wrote:Witch trials in Europe and America.
The Divine right of Kings (valid until killed by another Divinely-appointed King).
Missionaries destroying/converting smaller, "heathen" religions and cultures.
Missionaries such as Mother Teresa.
The demonization of other religions, e.g. Christianity demonizing Pagans ("They're devil-worshippers!"), the Romans demonizing Christians ("They're atheists and cannibals!").
Persecution of Heretics - e.g. Galileo for daring to suggest that the Earth orbits the Sun.
Children dying because their parents refused them medical treatment on religious grounds; relying instead on faith-healers and prayer.
Slavery, supposedly supported by scripture ("Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, just as you would obey Christ.", St.Paul, Ephesians 6:5)
Holy wars - followers of different faiths (or even the same faith) killing each other in the name of their (benevolent, loving and merciful) gods.
The destruction of great works of art considered to be pornographic/blasphemous, and the persecution of the artists.
Censorship (often destructive) of speech, art, books, music, films, poetry, songs and, if possible, thought.
Persecution/punishment of blasphemers (Salman Rushdie still has a death sentence on him), and blasphemy laws in general.
The requirement of theism in order to stand for public office or to testify in court.
Serial killers believing they are doing the work of Satan (or sometimes Jesus).
Often-fatal exorcisms by priests believing they are destroying the work of Satan.
People suffering dreadful injury or death in the belief that their faith has made them invulnerable (e.g. people climbing into lion enclosures at zoos, with a Bible as protection).
Whole societies divided by minor differences in belief or doctrine, often resulting in violence.
Mass suicides of cult-members following a charismatic leader who believes the world is about to End (most recently, the Heaven's Gate and Solar Temple cults - there will be more as we approach the year 2000).
The attempted genocide of followers of a particular faith (e.g. the Jewish Holocaust, "ethnic cleansing" in former Yugoslavia).
Blood sacrifices to appease the Gods, or to ensure a good harvest. (The Aztecs made daily human sacrifices to ensure that the Sun would rise. Or did they? )
The practice of "female circumcision" (more accurately termed genital mutilation).
The discouragement of rational, critical thought (resulting in young-earth creationists, for example).
Uncontrolled population growth caused (or at least helped) by churches prohibiting birth-control and abortion. (You can also add : unwanted pregnancies, ill-fated forced marriages, and pregnant teenagers condemned to a life in mental institutions to avoid embarrassing their families.)
The spread of sexually transmitted diseases (e.g. AIDS) due to churches prohibiting the use of condoms.
Believers whipping, impaling, poisoning or crucifying themselves during religious festivals as a demonstration of their faith and piety.
Suicide bombers taught to believe that martyrs go straight to Paradise.
The indoctrination of children into the religion of their parents, giving them an arbitrary, life-long belief that is almost entirely dependent on their place of birth.
Women treated as second-class citizens or even slaves (article : Islam's Shame).
Pentecostal snake-handlers (Augusta Chronicle news article)
Persecution of homosexuals (Genocide of gay and lesbian youth)
Abuse of power, authority and trust by religious leaders (for financial gain or sexual abuse of followers and even children).
Minor religions ("cults") stockpiling weapons to defend themselves from the Armies Of Satan (i.e. the police and the government).
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Post by Doyle »

Yeah, that's a pretty stupid list.
Literacy is overated.
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Post by Neon Dingo »

Hahaha, it actually is. I was going to remove it after actually reading all of it, but you already read it, so I might as well leave it.

A lot of those claims on the list are a bit overdoing it, such as the cult thing. Some of them are pretty valid claims, though.

Circumcision is just stupid.
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Post by Lynxer »

What good is a god that has you deliberately vandalize ur manhood.
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Post by Hammer »

I'd like to know where people get off chastising people who are religious, I am Catholic but don't ever preach my religion to people. And I expect atheists not to say I am a loony-toon or things to that nature, to be honest I don't think atheists will go to hell, or Jews, or any of the crap my religion tends to believe. I believe that the goodness (goodness as in their actions towards people, not like the goodness of eating a snacky cake) in their souls will be what determines their fate when they're standing tall before the man.

Oh yeah and about the Masturbation, you basically have to do it to keep sane in environments where a female is not available. I think if Masturbation was such an evil thing most of the men in the world would have been smited down by a comet a very long time ago.
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Post by Neon Dingo » ... /study.asp

Recent Medical studies from AMA have indicated that women who excessively use vibrators and men whom masturbate frequently have experienced many fatal symptoms including eyesight become shaky and blurred. If you have noticed these symptoms, you need to stop the over masturbation and recover from the exhaustion. If left untreated, you will go blind.

I posted this earlier but deleted it because I didn't think anyone cared. I just thought it was pretty rediculous that people still believe this horse shit.
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Post by InvisibleMonkey »

I think that by looking at that is what gives that blurred or shaky vision.

Hey if other relgions hate Satanism, then do Satanists hate other religions just as much?
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Post by Neon Dingo »

Hey if other relgions hate Satanism, then do Satanists hate other religions just as much?

I hate Satanists just as much as I hate Christians, if not more-so.

They're just like manufactured trendy goths, homosexuals, and punks: They exist merely to defy the status quo and be the complete opposite of what is considered normal to get attention. They don't really know what they're talking about. They just act different for the sake of acting different and have no reasoning to back up anything.

Also, if you're a Satanist, you have to acknowledge that God exists, that he created you, and that he is your enemy.

Pretty fucking stupid, no? It's like biting the hand that feeds you (I hate it when my dog does that).
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Post by InvisibleMonkey »

I hope there is some huge holy war that ends up wiping out religion, that way people can live their lives free of moral restriction.

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Post by Nuclear Gandhi »

InvisibleMonkey wrote:I think that by looking at that is what gives that blurred or shaky vision.
Damn funny monkey, damn funny...


I'll just cut to the chase, I'm happy that these people are religious and wasting their lives, because they're almost always stupid people anyways and will die in a false belief in some pointless holy war (Namely Israel/Palestine at the current time). So, god riddance.
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Post by InvisibleMonkey »

It's funny cause you said "God riddance" was it a typo or was it intentional? You decide
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Post by Grey Fil »

Who said dogs are Disgusting? :shock:
A it was you disgusting monkey you. Dogs are a mans best friend, right after chicks, beer, money, dope, gamez and holidays. :)
Carpe jugulum.