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Post by ApTyp »

Do you know that all penguins need to buy AK47 is a driver's license? GEORGE BUSH, IS THAT HOW YOU WAGE YOUR SO-CALLED WAR ON TERROR??? CLOSE THE PENGUIN LOOPHOLE NOW!
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Post by Aonaran »

This needs to be renamed "The Guns Thread" so it can be carried on for posterity.
my vocabulary skills is above you.
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Post by Spazmo »

We had one of those. It fucking sucked. Then we had another one. That thread fucking sucked, too. It continued to suck the twelve other times we had one. No more gun threads please.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by Aonaran »

The guns and bitches thread?
my vocabulary skills is above you.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Theres acouple of em lying about. Generally they spawn into debates on "Should private citizens carry guns" at which point they become really really boring.
Last edited by Wolfman Walt on Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ApTyp »

Hey, I count at least 4 other people who are interested in guns. Are you saying we should shut up? What kind of moderator are you? :chew:

Unless by "gun thread" you mean "omg guys should guns be legal???????" kind of shit, which tends to get very nasty indeed. I see no problem with a few Fallout fans exchanging whatever info they have about guns and stuff, so long as no one decides to troll it with their opinion about the size of our genitals. And even if they do, I think we're all mature people, and hey, this is DAC - you're not really a member until you've been called "shithead" and "dumbfuck"! :drunk:
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Post by ApTyp »

Eh, I'll probably sell this gun when I get AK and Makarov. Too big for primary carry (since I'm not a guard or a fucking cop), and AK is a better home-defense gun. The ammo for either is also much cheaper, which means more practice.
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Post by Mismatch »

uh, so either youre from new orleans or you are really under the illusion that you need a gun to defend your home.
Either you're black, or you're very easily scared.
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Post by ApTyp »

Whatever does it for you. I'll send you a memo when I start caring about your opinion.
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Post by airsoft guy »

ApTyp wrote:Eh, I'll probably sell this gun when I get AK and Makarov. Too big for primary carry (since I'm not a guard or a fucking cop), and AK is a better home-defense gun. The ammo for either is also much cheaper, which means more practice.
AK isn't the best for home defense, got too much power, they'll blow right through your attacker, possibly hitting someone else. I'd get a shotgun instead, a lot more versatile. If you're going to use the AK though, make sure you sort of aim it at a downward angle so the bullets hit the ground rather than going four miles and hitting little Timmy while he masturbates to some foot cream commercial.
Mismatch wrote:uh, so either youre from new orleans or you are really under the illusion that you need a gun to defend your home.
Either you're black, or you're very easily scared.
Well either you don't have any value to protect, or you believe that people who have the balls to break into someone's home wont harm the people inside so long as they "cooperate."

Cooperation with thugs leads to one thing: being stuffed in a 55 gallon drum on some farm somewhere, left to congeal into soap.
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Post by ApTyp »

airsoft guy wrote: AK isn't the best for home defense, got too much power, they'll blow right through your attacker, possibly hitting someone else. I'd get a shotgun instead, a lot more versatile.
I live in a brick double neighborhood, the likelihood of hitting someone else is... small. And yeah, I would probably buy a shotgun too, the only thing that prevents me is the price of ammo. I'll probably just buy one, fire 20 shells through it, and leave it in under a bed or something...
Mismatch wrote: Well either you don't have any value to protect, or you believe that people who have the balls to break into someone's home wont harm the people inside so long as they "cooperate."
Nah, he probably thinks a bat or a weed knife or just yelling REALLY LOUD would be sufficient. And if you're too skinny or just plain weak to physically overpower your attacker, then you're a big pussy and deserve what's coming to you...
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Post by Mismatch »

Im not that afraid of thugburglars.
Dont have that many.
And even if we had, and I was afraid and shot em, I'd go to jail if I shot em.
We don't have the 'shoot anyone on you property' law over here.

And I doubt any thugburglars would bother with you unless you're rilly rich or youre the only palestinian on that jewish block of yours.

I can see a point with a gun though if you live in a place were ppl start shooting eachother as soon as a blackout occurs though.
But that'd be kindda chicken & egg situation.
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Post by CrazyNick »

man north ameica needs that south african law of using lethal force to protect you property

Flame throwers/acid sprayers on cars anyone?
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Post by airsoft guy »

South Africa sucks cock. Fuck South Africa in it's big, dumb ass.

Don't know where you live but you obviously don't have meth. Meth makes people crazy. Crazy enough that they'll break into just about any crapshack to steal your fucking toaster for their next fix. Meth makes people crazy and unpredictable. A meth addict busts in your house you best hope he can't work the stairs.
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Post by ApTyp »

I don't know what city you live in, Mismatch, but it's not Philadelphia. Or any other large city of United States. You don't seem to know how crime tends to work here. It doesn't matter how rich or poor you are, what matters most is your proximity to the poor areas of town. And the city development and migration patterns are such that the poor areas are advancing to my neighborhood. We moved out once, and next time, it will be out of the city. I don't feel like living close to people whose idea of a good fun is firing a pistol in the air or gas station signs after sundown.

Post by Kashluk »

I don't feel like living close to people whose idea of a good fun is firing a pistol in the air or gas station signs after sundown.
I thought you were one of those people D:
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Post by Mismatch »

I don't feel like living close to people whose idea of a good fun is firing a pistol in the air or gas station signs after sundown.
not moving to texas then I suppose D:
You don't seem to know how crime tends to work here. It doesn't matter how rich or poor you are, what matters most is your proximity to the poor areas of town.
I probably don't, but I bet that a better wellfare system would lower the seemingly rampant crime.
Better living conditions also would prolly have lowered looting and chit in NewOrleans.
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Post by airsoft guy »

Mismatch wrote:

I probably don't, but I bet that a better wellfare system would lower the seemingly rampant crime.
Better living conditions also would prolly have lowered looting and chit in NewOrleans.
Why do people always think throwing more money at people who have no concept of personal responsibility? People think it's because they didn't have enough government money, well why does the government have to provide for people who contribute nothing but crime and misery? Why do people assume the answer is more welfare? Don't they know that some people are just worthless pieces of shit whose only purpose is to fuck shit up for the rest of us?

We have this thing in the United States called a "welfare queen." Essentially it's one who's only goal in life is to live off the government's tit. They just sit around accepting the seed of others so they can crank out more kids which gets them a bigger welfare check.

These people down there, looting, killing, raping, getting in the goddamn way of rescue operations are products of the welfare state. They have no personal responsibility because the government hands them everything. Race isn't the central issue here, it's just worthless people who refuse to better themselves. This is America for Christ's sake, it not all that hard to pull your ass out of the gutter and be successful. Welfare shouldn't be one's income, it's there to help those down on their luck get back on their feet, but people take advantage of it and abuse the system because they feel they are owed it.

And before anyone calls me a racist for it, those people down there, the shit stains of society, are just as racist as any Klansman. It's all the White Man's fault. The Crackers owe us for slavery. Whitey's keepin' us down, now gimmie some money so I can buy twenty pounds of gold jewelry and some crack.
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Post by Kashluk »

Well I must disagree with you airsoft guy - why then in countries with better welfare system such problems, as mentioned before, are almost non-existant? The point isn't to "throw money at people", it's as bad as saying that owning firearms is all about "randomly killing tax-paying people on the streets".
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Post by ApTyp »

I blame congoids for abusing welfare system D:
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