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Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:58 pm
by Smiley
Even B-movies have to take a *little* effort to be entertaining, if one-liners are all that carry the movie, then how could it be any good.

Feels more like a milking run than anything else.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:31 pm
by Wolfman Walt
I'm confused. Did you see the movie are you just basing this on the trailer? I remember enjoying it. Wasn't an Evil Dead or anything, but it was campy fun.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:59 pm
by Smiley
Trailer only, I thought that much was obvious?

No one's said whether the movie is different from it or not, but it sounds like it's a pretty good representation of the movie.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:16 pm
by Megatron
yeah if its a trailer it should have plenty of dialouge </SARCASM>

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:55 pm
by Smiley
Trailers these days have a tendency to take out all the good parts anyway. Besides, one-liners hardly qualifies as dialogue.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:25 am
by S4ur0n27
Anyway, if you liked the Evil Dead serie you'll like My name is Bruce.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:38 am
by Smiley
Guess I'll pick it up.

If you think it isn't a milk-run I guess it should be worth it.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:58 pm
by S4ur0n27
It probably is a milk-run but a good one D: Anyway, for like $3.50 it's worth it.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:52 pm
by VasikkA
Smiley is right; it's crap.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:25 pm
by Manoil
My Name is Bruce?
I thought the Evil Dead-ish movie this summer was Drag me to Hell... which is worth seeing?

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:26 am
by Smiley
Terminator: Better than I expected.

Lots of "lol" moments, like a chopper escaping a nuke, people being covered in fire and escaping without even a sootmark and that kinda stuff...
[size=150][color=red]Spoilerz[/color][/size] wrote: I thought this would be a double time-line kind of feature, somewhat like the new Star Trek is, since I assumed Marcus was something that could be replicated, a real person controlled by Skynet.

I was very dissapointed the way the movie ended, because I wanted to see more of Marcus and a hell of a lot less of Connor(pretty poor performance by bale in my opinion).
I could definately see Marcus fighting alongside the resistance with his signature metal hand, doing all kind of bad-assery.

At least the movie had an interesting anti-hero with a lot of issues. Something connor should have been.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:11 am
by MR Snake
The movie was totally predictable. Oh he has organs and shit and connors heart is giving up.. hmm.. whats gonna happen?

And that terminator they sent on to kill connor which had the worst 3d effect details ive ever seen of Arnold. Why not just send 4 terminators so you know youll get the work done? Like that fat fucking terminator cant even run.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:30 am
by vx trauma
they should had let tarantino write and direkt the whole damn thing in planet terror style/whatever. where were the instantenously ruptured jugular veins? where were the cannibal skateboard-children?
skynet has kz camps for humans but fails in programming the t-xxx w fatal thorax punch?? some nice sound effects. otherwise - a hopeless lump of shit.

torrent it. 2/6

never forget:
Bill Paxton: Nice night for a walk, eh?
Arnold: Nice night for a walk.
Bill Paxton: Wash day tomorrow? Nothing clean, right?
Arnold: Nothing clean. Right.
Bill Paxton: Hey, I think this guy's a couple cans short of a six-pack.
Arnold: Your clothes... give them to me, now.
Bill Paxton: Fuck you, asshole!

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:13 am
by S4ur0n27
Thanks for making me remember that stuff. Arnold probably has the best lines ever in T1 and T2. Never will anyone reach such a level of badassery.

The intro scenes of T1 and T2 are classics.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:52 am
by Cimmerian Nights
S4ur0n27 wrote:Arnold probably has the best lines ever in T1 and T2. Never will anyone reach such a level of badassery.
I'd add Total Recall and Conan too.

WTF happened to action movies.

You used to have that A-grade - Arnold, Stallone, Eastwood
then the B-grades : Van-Damme, Chuck Norris, Charles Bronson
and the sometimes action stars : Kurt Russel, Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford

Nobody ever stepped up to fill their shoes.

Who has the balls to step up and do the Tango & Cash of the 21st century?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:04 am
by Jesus Christ
I'll do it. :)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:28 am
by Stainless
I think Vin Diesel and The Rock attempted to, but kind of feel short.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:48 pm
by VasikkA
Clive Owen. :love:

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:57 pm
by Smiley
Cimmerian Nights wrote: WTF happened to action movies.
Mainstreaming mostly.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:53 pm
by Smiley
By the way, what do you think about Bale's performance?

His role seemed very overplayed to me, kinda like a dramatic soap opera.