The RPGs of 2005, part 3

Comment on events and happenings in the Fallout community.
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Mr. Teatime
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The RPGs of 2005, part 3

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[ -> Editorial]</strong>

The third part of <a href="">RPGDot</a>'s 'RPGs of 2005' article is now <a href=" ... >available to read</a>. <i>Fallout 3</i> gets mentioned:<blockquote><i>Of the entire group covered in these articles, only a little over half have a fantasy setting and hopefully this is a sign that more diverse gameworlds have come of age. Fallout-fans seem to be in demand, with three post-apocalyptic games on offer - although it remains to be seen if their execution can impress. There's also more turn-based games on offer than previous recent years but it's telling that this is limited to smaller projects. Action-RPGs are still a substantial component but they show signs of having ambition beyond merely imitating Diablo - the question remains whether the changes go deeper than simply a 3D makeover. While all this diversity is welcome, there's a shortage of "traditional" non-action RPGs that would satisfy the heart of the RPG gaming community.
<br>Looking beyond all the games we've covered, there are a couple of RPGs officially announced and several more in development that haven't been officially unveiled. Irrational's BioShock (a spiritual successor to System Shock), BioWare's second original property Dragon Age and Obsidian's Neverwinter Nights 2 are sure to be worth watching. Arkane is working on a project using the Source engine and Divine Divinity 2 should be deep in development. Fallout 3 and Baldurs Gate 3 are somewhere in the pipeline, even if full production hasn't commenced.</i></blockquote>
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