Land of the Dead: the stars talk

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Mr. Teatime
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Land of the Dead: the stars talk

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Community -> Update]</strong>

Since <i>Land of the Dead</i> has now finished shooting (still with no official website), the stars are beginning to talk about their experiences. First up is <b>John Leguizamo</b>, who plays a zombie hunter named Cholo, <a href=" ... nterviewed at IGN</a>.<blockquote><I>"I play a zombie killer. It's an apocalyptic world. It's very political too. It's very operatic, man. It's a very ambitious piece. It's an action movie, it's political. It's got a little bit of comic relief as well. The zombies have taken over and there's only certain patches of right wing people controlling everything… Then there's the working class people, which is me and Simon Baker coming in to try and help to get supplies from the zombies. [We are] minimum wage men. (Laughs) It's a weird thing. I've got my own hypothesis too about [the politics]. I think it all has to do with, in that situation with the war in Iraq and all that and our sense of, it lightens things up, when you can't take death so seriously, it lightens it up. It plays with that, sort of, our anxiety. I know I've got a lot of anxiety. I think it has to do with right-wing, neo-conservatives controlling things and corporate power..."</i></blockquote>It sounds like <b>Romero</b> hasn't abandoned the social-political undertones of his previous films in the series.
Janus Matchell
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Post by Janus Matchell »

Wow! I am suprised Romero didn't put some sort of gag order on his actors to keep them from talking about the film. Then again I am thinking of George Lucas so nevermind.
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