More on Stalker AI

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Righteous Subjugator
Righteous Subjugator
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More on Stalker AI

Post by Insane-Lark »

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<a href="">IGN</a> has posted a new<a href="">STALKER</a> AI preview.<blockquote><i>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. contains a world full of wildlife, and these creatures are more than just window dressing. In fact, GSC tells us that their behavior is just as important as that of the NPCs and humanoid enemies. Every creature considers its environment, considers you, and considers the situation based on how you're equipped. From there, it decides on the "fight or flight" we hear so much about on the Discovery Channel. GSC says it's reached a point where the game world is living and dynamic, instead of just waiting for you to appear to trigger specific, scripted events. Now, there may still be scripting in the game, but it doesn't sound like it will be on the level of Call of Duty or Half-Life.</blockquote></i>
<br>At least this preview is in english. Any who have an interest can find the rest of the article <a href="">here</a>.
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