Restricted Area previewed at Gaming Age

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Mr. Teatime
Righteous Subjugator
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Restricted Area previewed at Gaming Age

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[ -> Preview]</strong>

And you can read that preview <a href=" ... a">here</a>. In fact, it's hardly a preview, and more like a product description.<blockquote><i> From my brief hands on with the demo, Restricted Area seems to be living up to all the promises. While not delivering the most original game, Restricted Area is one of the better Diablo II clones to hit the market. Everything from the interface, sound, and visuals are standard for this genre, with little extras such as fog, rain, smoke, dust, fire, water, reflections, etc giving a visual punch where this style of engine needs it. We will have more on Restricted Area once it hits stores. For now, here are some features you can expect, as well as some screens to enjoy!</i></blockquote><i>Diablo II</i> was fun for a while, it might be good to play it in a post-apocalyptic setting.
<br><BR>Spotted at: <A HREF="">Blue's News</A>
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