"Skill Use Occured" Trigger Re-revisited

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"Skill Use Occured" Trigger Re-revisited

Post by OnTheBounce »

The "Skill Use Occured" trigger works, and here's how I used it earlier this evening:
  1. Set up a trigger with "Skill Use Occured" and an Object Script State depending on a Science Switch's Script State. (In this case it was "off" [unticked/unchecked].) The field containing the Tag Name of the Entity which is to use the skill was left blank, but the Tag Name of the switch was entered.
  2. "Enable Script Events" was ticked/checked for my technologist recruit on the map.
  3. Several Raiders were assigned a Tag Name.
  4. The actual trigger's conditions were that the skill use (Science) had occured, and the switch was still in the off position. The action was to kill the hapless Raiders by way of electrocution.
When I had the recruit use the Science skill on the switch (she was doomed to failure w/her 104% Science as the switch's difficulty was set to 200) the Raiders were immediately killed. BINGO!!!

The only problem with this arrangement is that you are basically limited to using Prefab characters since AFAIK those generated at the beginning of a campaign do not have the "Enable Script Events" field ticked/checked and this is crucial to the setup.

While this is of help to SP Map Rats, it's not all that helpful to campaign-oriented Map Rats like myself. For instance, I wanted to simulate having an alarm sound if someone tampered with a switch and fucked it up. While it can be done, if the player is using his/her own character the alarm won't sound if he/she fails when attempting to throw the switch.

Ah well...back to the drawing board...

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Post by Section8 »

The only time we used Skill Use Occured was in the first draft tutorial missions (that didn't make the final cut) and that involved a pre-defined character set up as you describe. So I guess you could call it a semi-broken feature :/
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