<strong>[Film & TV -> Interview]</strong> - More info on <a href="http://wikipocalypse.duckandcover.cx/in ... tchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy">Film & TV: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy</a> | More info on <a href="http://wikipocalypse.duckandcover.cx/in ... tle=Robbie Stamp">Person: Robbie Stamp</a>
<p><a href="http://douglasadams.se/news/">The Douglas Adams Continuum</a> posted news of <a href="http://incinemas.com.au/">inCinemas</a> recent chat with the executive producer of <a href="http://hitchhikers.movies.go.com/main.html">The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy</a>, <strong>Robbie Stamp</strong>... </p><blockquote dir="ltr" style="margin-right: 0px;"><p><em>"<strong>Vicollar:</strong> How directly does the film relate to the book / books? Is it based on the first book, or several?
<strong>@Robbie Stamp:</strong> Film is broadly based on the first book.
<strong>jonsun:</strong> Have you kept the whale in the film? please say yes
<strong>@Robbie Stamp:</strong> I'm very glad you asked that question. For me the whale was real litmus test and I'm very glad to say that it's in there!"</em></p></blockquote><p>For
those of you who remember, Fallout 2 featured an Easter Egg dedicated
to The Hitchhiker's Guide, involving a random encounter with a crashed
whale and a pot of daises.</p>
Spotted @ <a href="http://incinemas.com.au/">inCinemas</a>