Combat in Oblivion - hints for Fallout 3?

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Mr. Teatime
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Combat in Oblivion - hints for Fallout 3?

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Game -> Preview]</strong> - More info on <a href=" ... e=Bethesda Softworks">Company: Bethesda Softworks</a> | More info on <a href=" ... le=Fallout 3 (Bethesda)">Game: Fallout 3 (Bethesda)</a> | More info on <a href=" ... itle=Steve Meister">Person: Steve Meister</a>

<strong>Steve "MrSmileyFaceDude" Meister</strong>, one of <a href="">Bethesda</a>'s programmers, sent word that he's written <a href=" ... em.htm">an article on ES: Oblivion's combat</a> (which includes a <a href=" ... g">picture of him</a> looking very much like Warren Specter). We're constantly assured how different <em>Oblivion</em> and <em>Fallout 3</em> will be, but some things I'm guessing will carry over.<em> </em>For instance...

<blockquote><em>And finally, combat need not be lethal. Any combatant
- including the player -- can yield to their opponent.
It's up to the opponent to accept the yield or not,
but if they do accept, combat ends. It's a way to get
out of those sticky situations where you find yourself
in over your head. Just don't try it with a creature
or with anyone who really, really hates you! And if
an NPC yields to you, you make the call - walk away,
or keep fighting.</em>

This is a feature long-missing in most commercial RPGs, and I hope it makes its way in some form into <em>Fallout 3</em>.
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Sol Invictus
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Post by Sol Invictus »

Definitely good news.

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Mr. Teatime
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

I'm wondering how player yielding will work. Will it be simple, where you surrender, pay a fee, and leave, or will it have more complex consequences? I hope it's the latter, at least for Fallout 3. I can think of at least one trait you could get for yielding too much - "coward". And if you kill surrendering enemies, you'll be "heartless bastard".
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Post by Sol Invictus »

I think you should propose to MSFD that they implement a system of reputations based on your actions. I really like the sound of "(yourcharacternamehere), the Heartless Butcher." or "(yourcharacternamehere), Spineless Chicken of the Realms."

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Post by Ernesto »

Let's just hope there won't be a "Brave Sir Robin" reference. Ugh.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Enough with the shitty features, tell us about the main plot and story and shit.
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I like the idiot but it has to have like interesting twists and shit, because if its just generic all the time like "RED ADVANCE LIZARD ASKS U TO YIELD" then dont waste my time. Their got to be like debts payed back to the NPC(NOT JUST MONEY swell guy) like quests and your reputation has to change too. U also have to have the ability to ask your enemies to yield. AND THEY BETTER DO IT SOMETIMES TOO U swell guy DEVELOPERS
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Post by T-900 »

Sounds good to me. I did tire of having to carry a spiked knuckle/baton everywhere in Fo2 for the situations where I didn't want to kill everyone. Crotch punching to unconciousness extravoganza! :o

I cannot wait for the age of RPG's with true reactions. Where a bruised battered thug who picked a fight but was left alive will remember you later. Where rumours will literally pass through ingame communities, rather than a simple reputation stat that effects how all NPC's of a certain alignment react to you...
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Post by Someguy353 »

hum... no more crazy running to the next map than XD
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Post by Claw »

T-900 wrote:I cannot wait for the age of RPG's with true reactions. Where a bruised battered thug who picked a fight but was left alive will remember you later.
..and try again with a few buddies to back him up. :joy:

The new features in TES4 all sound good but I expect a huge step upwards from Morrowind, and I don't mean the shiny graphics.
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