<strong>[Mod -> Update]</strong> - More info on <a href="http://wikipocalypse.duckandcover.cx/in ... =Wasteland Merc 2">Mod: Wasteland Merc 2</a>
<p><strong>Haris</strong> sent along word that he, <strong>Miran</strong> and team of others are making <em>Wasteland Merc 2</em>, a mod for Fallout 2.</p>
<p><em><span class="postbody">Wasteland Merc 2 has gone in to early
development and idea pitching phase. So far we decided to remove all
healing stuff like stimpacks and super stimpacks and use disgusting
food for healing (Stuff like roosted snakes and spiders). This gives a
new element to the mod of actually having to hunt in random encounters
for food and than go cook it in towns. We are just going to leave some
of more popular weapons from first Wasteland merc, like Spacemarine gun
and Tactical antiair gun and we are going to add new weapons. We are
also going to try to make it twice as big as the last mod. But the
gameplay in it self is similar with just fresh towns and fresh missions
and plenty of it. On this screenshot you can see Infested Flagstaff.
Your main first mission is to get alive out of there. And getting
surrounded like that isn’t healthy.</span> </em></p>
<p>This is the screenshot he's talking about:</p>
<div align="center">
<p align="center"> <a target="_self" href="../../gallery/displayimage.php?pos=-984"><img border="0" src="../../gallery/albums/userpics/11554/thumb_Wastelandmerc2.jpg" /></a></p></blockquote>
<p align="left">The <a href="../../forums/dload.php?action=file&file_id=12" target="_self">first mod</a>'s been quite popular from what I gather. </p>
Wasteland Merc 2 in development
- Mr. Teatime
- Righteous Subjugator
- Posts: 3340
- Joined: Mon May 19, 2003 12:07 pm
I just wanna point out that player wont be forced to kill all those alliens. Wich would be tedious. After escaping that allien base it is stormed by brotherhood and they clean it out. But because brotherhood is in war against alliens and they have bought up all armors, guns and ammo you wont find a single shot or weapon or armor without having to craft it.