Hellgate previewed at Jolt

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Mr. Teatime
Righteous Subjugator
Righteous Subjugator
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Hellgate previewed at Jolt

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Game -> Preview]</strong> - More info on <a href="http://wikipocalypse.duckandcover.cx/in ... e=Hellgate: London">Game: Hellgate: London</a>

<p>You can read the latest <a href="http://www.jolt.co.uk/index.php?articleid=3779" target="_self">Hellgate: London preview at Jolt.co.uk</a>. The big thing in this game is clearly the randomly generated element:</p>
<p><em>Hellgate: London is a first-person action RPG, but the main thing that sets it apart from <em>almost</em>
every other RPG is that the world, quests, items and events are all
randomly generated (to a certain degree). It&rsquo;s also set in the modern
day (well, 25 years from now to be precise) and aims to have more
action-oriented gameplay than the traditional fare, combing hacking,
slashing, shooting and blasting with a far more immersive viewpoint.</em></p>
<p>I'm looking forward to it. I enjoyed <em>Diablo 2</em> a lot, and this game seems to have a much more interesting setting.


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