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Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2002 7:29 pm
by Skin Killer
i know how to make a png a zar file
but is there a way to make a zar file in a png file

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2002 9:41 pm
by Red
No, sorry, closest you can get yet is ZAR->GIF or ZAR->24bit image (with my viewer).

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2002 9:49 pm
by Skin Killer
Red wrote:No, sorry, closest you can get yet is ZAR->GIF or ZAR->24bit image (with my viewer).
my viewer whats that and where can i get it

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2002 10:59 pm
by Red
Well, the latest version's called Red!Viewer, but most sites holding it were taken down... And it's supposed to be on fileplanet but that sucks...

Meanwhile, find the old version here, and the newer version here.

This is still BOSViewer though, not Red!Viewer. I can't find the last version I published of Red!Viewer, and the version I have compiled here is too unstable.

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 8:06 am
by Jimmyjay86
Red the version of your Redviewer that I have is

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 8:17 am
by Red
Kickass, you have the latest publicly released version! Either put it up somwhere or send it to me (

For those who might care, here's my verison history since:
Version history wrote:
- Fixed version 6 Tile bug
- Fixed tile attribute display bug
- Removed bynary display as it was rather useless
- Fixed bug which prevented tile animation
- Added functionality to display origin of tiles
- Added "picture offset" edit for Tiles
- Added "frame offset" edit for tiles
- Added [, ], , and . hotkeys to change frames.
[ decreases 1 frame (and loops)
] increases 1 frame (and loops)
, rotates left (and loops)
. rotates right (and loops)
This will be most useful when trying to align multi-frame animations
- Added "Attribute viewer" window to debug the attributes of the tiles
- Corrected some function signatures to reflect the proper types
- Stoped some useless exception handling which was left behind
d Added specfics about what to report when seeing a bug, and legend for the
version history list
- Removed 32bit icons. I can't get either MicroAngelo nor VB to order them
in a way that doesn't break 9x/NT/2k.
- Added fields to modify center/offset of images in GUI, but didn't code
the change itself yet.
- Turned off ppro optimizations again as it seems people still use
processors without the extra instructions!
- Fixed another animation problem. Now I check wether the animation frame
and direction is valid in relation to the selected animation.
- Re-added the feature which allowed guismall and guibig to be displayed
at offset 0,0 instead of some (not really) random location
d Fixed typos, added Thanks to, COPYRIGTHS AND TRANDEMARKS, NO WARRANTY and
REDISTRIBUTION section, and expanded the "previous versions" at the bottom
of the document; added BUG FAQ, supported formats and Pre-amble legal
notice at the top of the document.
- Changed name of viewer to "Red!Viewer" to avoid confusion about other
- Made the 32 bit application icon resources -- too bad VB itself can't
use it...
- Fixed bug where the window wouldn't be refreshed when openening
the bounding box editor.
- Changed copyright notice
- Re-enabled Pentium-pro optimizations
- Fixed multiple palette bug in ART (from
- Fixed bug in ART which contained more then one direction and one frame
- Updated copyright headers, removed useless files and functions.
(never used or no longer used.) Also reworked the code to use better
variable names and added some comments.
- Optimized some GUI code
- Added check for control frames in sequences, deeming "parameter" for
these control frames as invalid frames, and thus don't render them
- Removed "Frame Follow" option, as this is now enforced!
- Optimized animation stuff
- Fixed animation bug where when selecting data and not selecting any
frame would crash the application
- FINALLY (re)fixed the "Sequence" combobox basically doing nothing...
- When opening the bounding box editor, turns on the bounding box display
- Added all VB supported formats (see supported formats for more info)
- Added bounding box editor
- Fixed TIL and ZAR display error CLC prompted for a new version
o Updated to zlib 1.1.4
- Fixed compressed sprite loading bug
- Clear the display before rendering a new ZAR
- Fixed 2 small bounding box rendering issues
- Optimized loading functions througout
Optimizes a tiny little bit rendering
Lowers the memory signature and file size

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 8:22 am
by Jimmyjay86

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 10:10 am
by Max-Violence
Grabbed it.

Now hows about the tile editor?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 8:16 pm
by Jimmyjay86
Red I tried opening the bosviewer but I got an error about a missing ocx file.

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 9:29 pm
by Red
Yeah, you need a bunch of them. The installer for the redistributables given they're missing is 4mb...

wait a minute... I though I removed all the stupid OCX dependencies in 1.5.x. Which OCX doe sit report missing?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 1:05 am
by Jimmyjay86

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 1:47 am
by Flamescreen
I think JJ got the mistakes from me sending him less of the full version. I don't have much time but I might be able to resend. Just tell me what files should it include. When I can, I'll give it a shot.
BTW, could this be an OS problem? If I did send everything, it works perfectly well on my system...

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 2:21 am
by Red
No, you gave him the full version... None of the versions published include any OCXs, except the "installer" which none of the sites included it seems.

I just checked my code and I dont' seem to reference mscomctl.ocx, and checking my version history, the dependincies were removed in (and none were added since). So I guess I still depend on that one...

I checked and the OCX isn't standard issue on systems as I thought it would be... It comes with Visual Studio 6, Office 2000 and Office XP. So I guess I'll need to provide it. I'll be looking for a download on msdn, right now I can't find anything...

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 3:28 am
by Max-Violence
Well, I have Office 2000 and that file, so I could put it on my site or send it to you, Red, if you need me to. Post here or email/PM me.