Wasteland Merc News

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Wasteland Merc News

Post by King of Creation »

<strong>[ Mod -> Article ]</strong> - More info on <a href="http://wikipocalypse.duckandcover.cx/in ... =Wasteland Merc 3">Mod: Wasteland Merc 3</a>

<p>The popular <em>Fallout 2</em> mod series <em>Wasteland Merc</em> has been updated with a bunch of news:</p>
<p><em>There is a new full extremly detailed with maps and screenshots
walkrtrough for WM2 written in both czech and english. It also includes
allmost all links to where you can download the mod.

<a target="_blank" href="http://fallout.webzdarma.cz/wasteland-m ... merc-2/</a>

Also regular english 100% fisnished walktrough written more as a story of the wasteland merc for both WM1 and WM2.

<a target="_blank" href="http://www.carlsguides.com/tipsandwalkt ... ><--scroll a bit down on that to find all wasteland merc sections. At start there is a regular fallout combat tips article.</em><em>

And other news that can be found on <a target="_blank" href="http://wastelandmerc.atspace.com/main%2 ... ge.html</a>
is Wasteland Merc 3 announcment. Entire game play concept and all
features planed for it are allredy written in wm forums i just wont
post it here cause its a bit long reading.

Here is the first ever screenshot of WM3. This is just a test
screenshot of the car so none of this may even look similar when the
mod is done.</em>
<p><em><img width="344" height="420" border="0" src="http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/3764/wm32mn.jpg" alt="Wasteland Merc 3 screenshot" title="Wasteland Merc 3 screenshot" />

<p><em> </em></p>
<p><em>Also here are the pics of 2 magazines that include Wasteland merc 2 on the dvd that comes along with the magazine.</em></p>
<p><em> <img width="150" height="194" border="0" src="http://www.score.cz/images/obalky/obalka_thmb_127.jpg" /><img width="150" height="194" border="0" src="http://www.gameexpressz.hu/images_pcg/0 ... _dvd_a.jpg" /></em></p>
<p> </p>
<p><em>Wasteland Merc 3</em>, eh? Keep up the good work.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Cheers, <strong>Haris</strong>. </p>
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Why the hell would a magazine put that mod on its disk? Are they polish or something?
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Post by Haris »

Cause its the bestest mod evah. :chainsaw:

Post by Naked_Lunch »

He sucked the Disc Editor's dick.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Wow, you're in a magazine?

I have to confess I didn't try WM2, but are we talking about the same "high-quality" mod as WM1?
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Post by Haris »

No cause custom art was made by profesional artist, and dialogs where writen by a guy from usa so his english was alot better than mine. And scripts where done on profesional level and are about 100 times more advanced than wm1 scripts where.

Basicly the main motivation when we where making WM2 was a big "Fuck you" to everyone that said that wm1 was amatoursih.

Post by Kashluk »

I think WM2 is a one big "Fuck you" to everyone who downloads it.
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Post by Haris »

Yet there are people that go though trouble of creating entire detailed walktroughs for it. And tons of poeple that come to wm forum to post progress of their chars in wm2.

You can think what you want of it, but it does apeal to alot of people.

Anyway here is the WM3 concept idea.
Wasteland Merc 3 idea. This is how it goes. You "the merc" comes to a town and your buggy car brakes down. King pin in the town agress to fix your car but to repay him this favour and actually leave the town you must defeat all threats that town is exposed to. So you can drive around town in wasteland and hunt for animal, raiders and look for locked chests with random items and bring em back to reward guy. Yes its 1 reward guy in this mod instead of 60 you got to keep track of.

Than there is quest givers that when you agree on a quest teleport you to a combat area and there you have to eather kill someone or convince someone to give you something. Some of missions lead to unlocking extra of these missions some actually just give you extra reward like a map to mines or war tech facility so that you can drive to those and clean them out and than use them. Some may just give you something like drill or advance your power armor. Eather way these quests are not redoable and eventually when you unlocked enough quests you will get to the quest that leads you to the last guy. Big fat 999 hp 300% big guns minigun wielding super mutant. He is the one that threatens the town and king pin wants him dead. So when you kill him game ends and you leave town.

Now list that explains how this works a bit more.
*there is 1 town
*there is 1 car in that town that works like vault net addon actually
*When you complete your first mission for kingpin in town he repairs your car
*than you can klick on the car and menu comes up with option where to travel
*for exaple you chose to hunt around the town and than you randomly meat some enemies
*so no more fighitng over and over in same area when looking for items that you can deliver
*you can allso chose to hunt deeper in wasteland, means harder random enemies
*basicly you never get to see world map, you just drive and random map is loaded than you drive back by klicking on the car and deliver items you got or fry meat if you gotten some cows or rats.
*quests in towns are done by npc taking you to a place and afterwards when your done he rawards you stuff like fixing the well in town so can produce water by wasting meat and he might allso spawn 3 new npc when your done with his quest with similar but harder quests but with better rewards like map to mine so you can drive to mines with your car or get for example an npc after finishing his quest can fix you the oil drill so you can get oil that is wasted when driving your car.
*at start you will be able to buy plenty of oil but later you will have to get it from the drill in town.
*so basicly the more quests you do for these guys the harder quests come and the town gets more improved and comfortable to be in. All leading up to getting final quests of killing the mean mutant and his gang.
*it will feel like beating bosses, well some of them you will be able to convince in peacefull way. and unlocking new bosses
*all crafting and mining from wasteland merc 2 is still there you just have to do these special one time quests to unlock those features.
*you wont need to learn where all items go, there will just be 1 guy that you can do missions for over and over again and he is gonna have a list of items that you can gain from hunting in wasteland and unlocking boxes you find out there. And there will only be 5 different items he wants. And they will be differently rare and give better money reward depending on how far you travelled with your car out in the wasteland.
Part 2
Well the main part of the game play is completing different bosses that become unlocked when you beat previosly ones. And once you beat them you never have to do it again. You get the advantage and your done. You know like gurdian was in vault net addon. You kill him and than vault net is free for using. There will be mainly those quests and just one guy with 5 missions you can redo to make money.

Here is an example. A guy in town stands, He ask you to bring him an deatclaw egg for an experiment and he will give you the map to mines. If you agree to it he takes you to a place with couple of deathclaws and a mother deathclaw. When you beat it up and get the deathclaw egg thats in there. You just klick on the car and your back to town and give him the egg for the map. Now he dissapears and you got the map for mines. You go to mines and clean the mines out of rats so you can mine in it. And never have to clean it agian.

This way you are actually beating the game part by part. Allso if you got high speach or charisma you can threathen the guy in to giving you the map to mines without you doing jack shit about deathclaws. But than you might have to buy the pickaxe at the store instead of taking the one that was in one of boxes in deathclaw nest togheter with 50 meats and 50 waters.

If you chose the way of threathening the mine showing npc another npc spawns in the town when he dissapears and that guy has unique quest where you have to beat up Alien queen to get solar addon for the car so you waste less oil when you drive it.

Remember this was example. Quests will look different and there might be even more outcomes than this along the way.

Oh and one more thing. When i say that npc will give you the map to for example mines or war tech facility. I dont mean that he will point it out on the map. He will actually just give you an item that is called Map to mines. And if its in your inventory when you klick on the car you have an option to travel to mines. So you never get to see the actual world map. This way time never runs out.

Same is delt with random encounters. You press the car and menu pops up and there you can chose go hunting in wasteland or go hunting far out in wasteland. And than random map with random enemies or animals and locked boxes apear. So you get mission items for missions that are redoable, you get meat and water and expirience and you never leave to actuall worldmap. You can just in the wastes when your done killing and looting klick on the car and chose to drive back to town or to hunt fruther than another random map is loaded.
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Post by VasikkA »

I have played it for about 5 hours(sorry, been busy with edumacation and schtuff) and I've enjoyed it so far. It beats playing the originals for the 33th time. So far you're the only mod project that has actually released something, good luck with Merc 3.
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Post by Haris »

Just keep in mind that WM2 is not suposed to be regular crpg. Its intended as simulation off how fallout mmorpg could work. And when you are aware of that its not that boring to play it at all.
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Post by ApTyp »

look guy, let's be honest. they're giving you disk space just because a) fallout is popular in eastern europe, and b) the mag's polish, your polish.
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Post by Haris »

To begin with i am not polish. And none of those magazines are polish. They are in different langs. One is hungarian and other is czech and most famous czech pc game magazine for that mather at least what i was told by admin of czech fallout comunity. And i had nothing to do with the mod being on there. It came as a suprise to me.

The main reazon its there is cause a huge russian webpage had a positive article about it wich resulted in about thousand other russian and east europe webpages writing about it as their news.

Mod has allso been semi translated in to russian wich i had nothing to do with and i have totally lost track of all webpages that are hosting it and mentioning it by now.

All in all the mod is starting to become one of the more famous mods and not just compared to other fallout mods.

Even in swedish comunity pages that i am member on i gotten plenty of messages saying stuff like "wow your one of the guys on wasteland merc team, good work" and stuff like that. Even a guy at my work said that he saw a friend playing a new fallout mod called wasteland merc. And i answered yea i made it.
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Post by ApTyp »

omg how important you must be
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Post by Haris »

I know. :chew:

But seriosly this newpost was not suposed to be about those magazines. It was just a side note. The main news was suposed to be that we are planing to make WM3 in distant future thoe. Like after the summer or something. And that there are finished walktroughs for the mod in case someone was looking for one.
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Post by ApTyp »

You know, you patrolling DAC for updates to promot your zomg ubermod is mighty suspicious.

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Post by King of Creation »

DAC supports Haris in all his modding endeavors.
<a href="http://www.duckandcover.cx">Duck and Cover: THE Site for all of your Fallout needs since 1998</a>
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Post by Haris »

Well dac is allways the first site to get the mod files. Than others download it from dac and start hosting it. Or latley they mostly link to dac as website where you can download it.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

VasikkA wrote:I have played it for about 5 hours(sorry, been busy with edumacation and schtuff) and I've enjoyed it so far. It beats playing the originals for the 33th time. So far you're the only mod project that has actually released something, good luck with Merc 3.
Would you mind getting in details? The only thing I remember from this mod is the huge antenna in the vault.
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Post by VasikkA »

S4ur0n27 wrote:Would you mind getting in details? The only thing I remember from this mod is the huge antenna in the vault.
I meant that new maps and environments feel refreshing as well as the different skill system. Of course the mod isn't comparable to Fallout; lack of story, dialogue etc, but once your PC starts getting levels and performing quests it starts to feel entertaining. It's a pretty OK waste of time.
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

Wow, you're on magazine's cover disks... that's impressive. It may even inspire the other Fallout mods that have been in development for 100 years to release something... everyone likes a bit of media coverage. But nice one, Haris.
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