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Anyone tried Existence?

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2002 9:41 pm
by C-riz is a mod that basically makes everything matrixisised.

Re: Anyone tried Existence?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2002 1:40 am
by BlackDog
C-riz wrote: is a mod that basically makes everything matrixisised.
A mod that WAS supposed to be matrix-like...but then mr. ^Austin^, head of all things gay, decided otherwise...or something to that effect. It was fun for the first few seconds, but after that it sucked.

Besides, this thread has no place in the sub-forum discussion of The Wastes.


Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2002 3:25 am
by Mad Max RW
The mod does kinda really suck. Whichever team wins the first match will forever win each and every match afterwards. The balancing is so terrible.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 5:31 am
by MrWacco
Besides, this thread has no place in the sub-forum discussion of The Wastes.
It sort of does in the sense its a computer game