But it's NOT OATMEAL! The Commercial Topic

Home of discussion, generally. If it doesn't go in any of the other forums, post it in here.

What's your favorite commercial?

Pepsi Twist. Britney Spears and Austin Powers in one 30-second spot? Brilliant!
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That one with that...girl, and the...thing...you know what I'm talking about.
No, I really don't.
Mr. Clean. I love me some bald, muscular men. Cutie, you can mop my floor ANY time!
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Those moronic Caramilk bits, with the guy who wants to reveal "the Caramilk secret". Great. Unfortunately, WE DON'T CARE.
1-800-Collect! Mr. T., YOU ROCK!!!
Anything and everything with Alyssa Milano. Mmmmm...Milano...
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Alright, fuck, that is IT. Why are we talking about commercials? WHY???!!! Are we really that desperate for thread ideas? My Lord!!!
Total votes: 10

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But it's NOT OATMEAL! The Commercial Topic

Post by Subhuman »

Commercials. Love 'em? Hate 'em? Little bit of both? Are they a useful tool, or a creative excercise in torture? Discuss.
Last edited by Subhuman on Mon Jun 24, 2002 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Kashluk »

Ok, first of all this is some dumb fuck thread - literally.

The poll was totally unnecessary... plus the Oatmeal-shit :?

Anyways, commercials are needed - they bring forth the products people might've not aknowledged before and actually might need them.

+ they're art. Definately.

But commercials can also manipulate, especially children and poor-minded Americans.

That's my 2 cents, but pleeeease stop posting annoying threads, okey dokey?

Alas - i'm the first one who answered to this thread and it's been some time since you posted it up.
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Post by Killzig »

Kash, why post? please let the topic die...*shudders*
The answer to your first question is shaddup.

Post by Kashluk »

OK... Sorry, my bad :oops:
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Post by Subhuman »

Oh, wah. It's just for fun and mindless discussion. Plus, I was bored stiff.

(BTW, "the oatmeal shit" is from a commercial for Oatmeal Crisp cereal. I know it's in Canada, but I'm not sure about the States. Anyone...?)
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Post by the guardian »

i dont like commercials, much... there ARE some funnies, but its usualy crap

btw kash,where's your devil pic ? now how can i call you a nazi when your avatar's a silly skeleton?
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Post by Subhuman »

I like the John Hammond Nestea commercials. He just says his lines so seriously, it cracks me up.
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Post by Viktor »

[quote="voodoo4936"]Oh, wah. It's just for fun and mindless discussion. Plus, I was bored stiff.

Then put your nuts in a blender - that'll certainly focus all your attention for a while....
Dark Xenomorph

Post by Dark Xenomorph »

Holy crap, u ACTUALLY remember "its not oatmeal cereral commerials"?! I havent seen those since like 1995! Those R OLD! :roll:
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Post by Subhuman »

Yessir, they are fossils. They were funny back then, and the're still funny now. Hee hee. "Oatmeal". :lol:
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Post by Kotario »

Being "Bored Stiff" doesn't entitle you to spam the General Discussion forum with pointless threads.

Word to the wise. You are not making very many friends with these threads, and may I say, a few enemies.
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Post by the guardian »

it is my great pleasure, being the master of spam, to tell you to screw off if you got something against posting pointless, meaningless, threats

yes, spam has been less funny lately, but thats what we've built the board on! go to the fallout forums if you want to talk about, pfff, "meaningful" crap"

but leave the spam alone!

if this board ever takes a no spammer policy... well, i'll cancel my subscription! thats right! you hear me?!

that oughta scare 'em.....
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Post by Kotario »


"Scare 'em"?

Though I am restrained from saying anything more along the subject.

*Sigh* Being an impartial observer isn't much fun, but it is a living. Just pointing out the fact of the matter, reserved from making personal comments.
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Post by the guardian »

muh-ha-ha.... you know, cynical laugh doesnt realy sould half as stupid when you make it on the net

still, i realize you dont like pointless threats, more of the reason why i tried to make you understand that thats what i remember from "the olde boarde" , which is pretty much why i stayed on it

charish the spam,make it funny, make it sad, but dont abuse it
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Post by Kotario »

Well, is a cynical laugh any more stupid than using parentheses and equal signs to make a simlies?

Actually, I still take no opinion on spam. My really only preference is for the comical or enlightening in posting. While not enlightening, spam can be comical. That is why, for the most part, I stay on Feelings Online.
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Post by the guardian »

acully, its not more stupid, just more annoying, but thats an opinion realy

feel free to join the spam fields when you get that sand of of your vagina then
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Post by Subhuman »

Word to the wise. You are not making very many friends with these threads, and may I say, a few enemies.
[Smacks forehead.] GENERAL DISCUSSION, people! ANYTHING THAT COMES TO MIND! That means whatever, whenever, wherever! Not. A. Difficult. Concept. Call it spam if you want, but it's fair game in General Discussion.
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Post by Kotario »

My point exactly. Just opinions, fleeting things. An opinion can change as new information is receive, character changes, or just over time. Both external and internal stimulus can change opinions. One of the most shallow items of our conciseness, even if in sum, they can be important.

Voodoo, I rather like you. Even if you have a rather simple avatar. I'm just pointing out that some people are less than satisfied with the current state of affairs.

Oh' yes, one last point. Guardian, it will be rather hard for me to "get that sand out of my vagina" as you so colorfully put it. Talk to some of the members of Feelings Online if you are wondering why.
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Post by Subhuman »

You're right--some of the "veterans" think that there's too much crap on the boards, but whatever. They need to lighten up. And I understand why people would think that these threads are "pointless", but really, how do they figure? Commercials, for example, are a prevalent part of society. Therefore, we can talk about them, so it's not like the topic is dead in the water.

BTW: Sometimes the simplest avatars are the best! Or something. Never mind. Ignore me.
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the guardian
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Post by the guardian »

Kotario wrote: Oh' yes, one last point. Guardian, it will be rather hard for me to "get that sand out of my vagina" as you so colorfully put it. Talk to some of the members of Feelings Online if you are wondering why.
we realy must find the time in which i'll fill you up on the whole "expressions" thing, it means, in simple terms, lighten up

voodoo: i was getting the feeling that it was kotario that was saying the threads are "pointless"... im all for quality spam realy, if you're implying that i was saying that spam is pointless
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