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Warhammer goodies (warning, big images)

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:34 pm
by PiP
some people here might have a liking for a fantasy setting, yet thinking WoW is all too colorful a fairytale.
I found some goodies that I think aren't covered by gaming sites (not gamespy at least)
link - check especially newsletter issue #4
snip Image

it doesn't look bad, but I liked the dwarves from the previous Warhammer Online (cancelled) more.
just like orcs, compare:


Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:30 pm
by VasikkA
Wouldn't you have stated Warhammer in the topic, I would've mistaken that as Warcraft.

Anyway, it's a MMORPG, which in itself isn't a bad concept weren't it for all those idiots called human players.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:50 pm
by Smiley
VasikkA wrote:Wouldn't you have stated Warhammer in the topic, I would've mistaken that as Warcraft.
Since 90% of what blizzard has made are direct ripoffs from warhammer, it's not surprising.

Terrans = Space Marines
Zerg = Tyranids
Protoss = Tau

If the MMO is anything like the PnP version of Warhammer, then everyone will have 1 maybe 2 or 3 hit points and a million classes.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:16 pm
by Blargh
The odds of any MMORPG (AHAHA) bearing any resemblance to applicable PnP origins is nonexistent. The client niche simply hasn't the patience or the brain cells to turn such an investment lucrative. Hypothetically, if they did employ PnP to both letter and spirit, it would be doomed to comparative inferiority, if (however unlikely) only in perception, and the rabid <franchise> geeks who otherwise might be lured would also stay away, regardless. They won't alienate Timothy K Affluent Fucktard willingly.

Further, the staff couldn't and wouldn't cope with the stress and requisite man hours of nerfing 'a million classes' and their myriad abilities and features every second patch. And the inevitable whinging from the gormless ocean regarding said alterations. Even contemplating such a maelstrom is invitation to brain injury.

Oho. :drunk:

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:30 pm
by Koki
Smiley wrote: Since 90% of what blizzard has made are direct ripoffs from warhammer, it's not surprising.

Terrans = Space Marines
Zerg = Tyranids
Protoss = Tau
Bullshit, dude. Bullshit.

And fuck Warhammer as well. :drunk:

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:12 pm
by S4ur0n27
Jesus stole Moses.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:27 pm
by Spazmo
Koki wrote:Bullshit, dude. Bullshit.
Totally. Starcraft ripped off Aliens pretty hard, too.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:42 pm
by Jesus Christ


Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:48 pm
by mixmastermind
Koki wrote: And fuck Warhammer as well. :drunk:
No, Fuck You.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:06 am
by vendetta
Go read White Dwarf and shut up.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:41 am
by Blargh
mixmastermind wrote:No, Fuck You.
Effort, please. :drunk:

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:49 am
by Mephiston
The new orc pic looks more like Warhammer orcs should look. Oh and also those 2 pics looks to be on two diffrent kinds of orcs... the new one looks to be a regular Orc Boyz unit, where the old pic looks to be one of the bigger kind of orc called Black Orcs.
I am totaly looking forward to W.A.R, but am not expecting the choices in how your character looks will be that big. In general I suspect Games Workshop wants the game to look as much as Warhammer Fantasybattles as it can. I would not be surpriced if that was the reason the last online version was canceled becouse it might not have looked Warhammerish enough, who knows.

As for the Warhammer Warcraft thing.

Warcraft came out in 1994...

Warhammer Fantasy Battle came out in 1983, 3rd edition in 1987, in 1992 the 4th edition came out.

Starcraft came out in 1998

Warhammer 40.000 came out in 1987, and second edition came out in 1993.
Scroll down to trivia.

The games Starcraft and Warcraft are rumored to be based on the tabletop wargames Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000; it is rumored that Warcraft was supposed to be a Warhammer PC game in development but a fall out between UK-based Games Workshop, the creators of the two tabletop games, and Blizzard occured. One link to this rumor can be found in Warcraft III; if a griffon rider is repeatedly clicked, he would eventually say "This Warhammer cost me 40K."

So I would think that Warcraft and Starcraft are very much so based on Games Work-shops games.

Although... I wont argue with anybody that GW can sometimes be a bunch of down right bastards... after all they are not sometimes caller "Sleaz Workshop" for no reason at all. lol

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:47 am
by PiP
Mephiston, the obvious effort of writing this is appreciated. In a way. Or not.
Mephiston wrote:The new orc pic looks more like Warhammer orcs should look.
what the fuck do you mean by this?
I liked the old ones better for their grittyness, uneven teeth, the dark about the eyes, dirty and evil look, finally (eyecandy!) the quality of textures. The new ones are more of a fairytellish colourful crap, and the textures are a serious step back. Are you telling me this is more Warhammer? Then warhammer would suck.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:18 pm
by S4ur0n27
I doubt Blizzard would have had such a well written and polished story around the Warcraft world if the game was originally designed to be part of the Warhammer universe. They would have just changed the names of locations and heroes.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:39 pm
by Shamer
This isn't really the issue here. There are many graphic approaches to WH universe even GW publications are not consistent and U r likely to find gritty style along with full-of-colour-high-fantasy-like art. Being a WH purist myself I prefer toned down grittier style but so what developers care squat and little Timmy somwhere might like their Bretonian knights wearing pink ribbons... Mind you they are trying to create MMORPG which means that apart from recreating the whole WH flavour, under the watchful eye of GW who are endorsing the whole thing, they've got to get the whole thing going ie. lots of players willing to pay every month. For graphic design it means appealing to the mainstream.

What's really interesting is how they r planning to transfer the whole WH PnP (with its setting, atmosphere, multi-profession/carrier system and not level based advancement) along with the fluff to an MMORPG. Perhaps the game would determine your profession based on your character's skills/training/actions. Still many questions and few answers. Devs need some solid kicks up their collective arses.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:53 pm
by PiP
Shamer wrote: For graphic design it means appealing to the mainstream.
yea, that's as obvious as unfortunate; hence I liked the gritty, non-fairytellish (so exculisive among mmorpgs) style of the old cancelled WOnline all the more.
The 'mainstream appeal' is the ever-present spoiling factor in the games' world.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:17 am
by mixmastermind
What the fuck do you mean by this?
I liked the old ones better for their grittyness, uneven teeth, the dark about the eyes, dirty and evil look, finally (eyecandy!) the quality of textures. The new ones are more of a fairytellish colourful crap, and the textures are a serious step back. Are you telling me this is more Warhammer? Then warhammer would suck.
First of all, those old warhammer pics weren't gameplay pics, just renders, and were those actually gameplay footage, noone would be able to play because there'd be too much lag from having so many people use a game with graphics that good. No MMOs have very good texturing.
Effort, please. :drunk:
He's not worth the effort.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:18 am
by Blargh
mixmastermind wrote:He's not worth the effort.
Then don't fucking bother. Anything else is hypocrisy, you bleeding sandwich. :drunk:

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:25 am
by PiP
mixmastermind wrote:
What the fuck do you mean by this?
I liked the old ones better for their grittyness, uneven teeth, the dark about the eyes, dirty and evil look, finally (eyecandy!) the quality of textures. The new ones are more of a fairytellish colourful crap, and the textures are a serious step back. Are you telling me this is more Warhammer? Then warhammer would suck.
First of all, those old warhammer pics weren't gameplay pics, just renders, and were those actually gameplay footage, noone would be able to play because there'd be too much lag from having so many people use a game with graphics that good. No MMOs have very good texturing.
Effort, please. :drunk:
He's not worth the effort.
you only addressed the least important aspect.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:02 pm
by MadBill
Shamer wrote:r
I need Jesus more than ever now.