Children in Fallout 3?

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Mr. Teatime
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Children in Fallout 3?

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[ Game -> Update ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#Pete Hines">Person: Pete Hines</a> | More info on <a href="#Bethesda Softworks">Company: Bethesda Softworks</a> | More info on <a href="#Fallout 3">Game: Fallout 3</a>

<p>Spotted this over at NMA and thought it was relatively interesting. From the latest issue of CGW:</p>
<p><em><span class="postbody">CGW: While we can understand the need to be
sensitive to social issues involving the portrayal and treatment of
children in free-form environments, it seems very strange not to see
children in Oblivion at all...

Pete Hines: That's something we're dealing with right now in Fallout 3. So we'll see how that issue turns out.</span></em> </p>
<p>Interesting. Personally I think kids should be in there, with the
ability to slaughter them as well. If the game handles it well, then
there will be severe consequences with many of the waste's other
residents for such an incident. </p>
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Post by Smiley »

They're dealing with it..

which means.. They're considering it.
Better than nothing at least, though I highly doubt that they will choose to do so.

Otherwise he would said it now.

You have to take a standpoint with that kind of thing, otherwise you'll just find out that there is nothing to gain from making that decision, other than pleasing the fanbase.

And we all know how game developers love to please the fanbase :hahano:
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Post by VasikkA »

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Post by Bloodlust »

I don't really care about children.Mostly because I've owned the uk versions of both fo1&2 which don't include children so my first 3-4 runs of both games were without it..Later when i found out about the special patch that turns the UK to us version children seemed strange to me.
In any case,should Bethesda decide not to include children in the game,you can be certain that one of the first mods to be released will add them to the game.I have a feeling that The fo3 modding scene will grow very strong,equal to Oblivion and even greater,so we can expect a lot of "miracles" from teh modders.
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Post by ApTyp »

When we stop putting murderable children in our computer games, the terrorists win!
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Post by Dogmeatlives »

My prediction is that they won't put children in, it would be awesome though. The Fallout universe is a brutal one and the killing of children would really happen in that type of setting so I always thought it fit the game. You don't kill kids unless you have to though and even then you're pretty much labeled as a bad guy for the rest of the game... if they steal from you, hit em with a cow prod, if they try to kill you, they're fair game. It's up to the player and I think if Bethesda announced that they would have killable children early on and made it clear that you're pretty much screwed if you kill even one, that people will still be pissed but at least Bethesda has some defense. Is there any game besides Fallout that has killable children?
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Post by Redeye »

Dogmeatlives wrote:Is there any game besides Fallout that has killable children?
The sims?

Meat Puppet! Cannibal Cyborg Children! You were supposed to kill them!
Rooms were set up with trampolines/etc. You could set some of them on fire and they would run around screaming and set more children on fire- who would then go berserk screaming and setting others on fire. Chain Reaction.
If the flaming kids got onto the trampolines, they would fly all over the room.
The only problem was if they got into a tramploine loop the flaming child animation wouldn't stop until the loop was broken.
Once it took me a half an hour to get past that looping.

The game is rated a "golden turd", but if you can actually get it to work, just remember god mode and etc.
You might have to type it in super fast when reloading a save because the "colonic detonation" will get you if you are beyond the time limit.
Also make sure to heal before saving else god mode won't help.

Really, that game is just good to look at and burn children, and splatter a huge brain in a giant garbage disposal.

The rest is total crap.
Last edited by Redeye on Sat May 27, 2006 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by King of Creation »

Bioshock will probably have enough of this to make up for the last 5 years of games.
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Post by VasikkA »

Baldur's Gate had killable children. It's funny how children in computer games immediately is associated with killing. :rolleyes:
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Re: Children in Fallout 3?

Post by Koki »

Mr. Teatime wrote:CGW: While we can understand the need to be
sensitive to social issues involving the portrayal and treatment of
children in free-form environments, it seems very strange not to see
children in Oblivion at all...
Way to fucking ask a simple question
VasikkA wrote:Baldur's Gate had killable children. It's funny how children in computer games immediately is associated with killing.
That's the only thing the brats are good for :drunk:
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Post by Alexander »

They should just solve it with a switch, or diffirent versions like they did for Fallout 2, that way everyone is satisfied; the fanbase gets their killable children and the swell guy get the other.
ApTyp wrote:When we stop putting murderable children in our computer games, the terrorists win!
Hopefully, they won't forget to add the ability to rape them[children], men, animals, negroes, corpses... even women aswell.

This will of course, in some cases, have consequences for your health: AIDS (blacks), social status (rapist/child molester-titles, etc) and "karma".
VasikkA wrote:Baldur's Gate had killable children. It's funny how children in computer games immediately is associated with killing. :rolleyes:
Why is that funny? What else should they be associated with?
There are no 'knowns'. There are thing we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. So when we do the best we can and we pull all this information together, and we then say well that's basically what we see as the situation, that is really only the known knowns and the known unknowns. And each year, we discover a few more of those unknown unknowns.
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Post by VasikkA »

Alexander wrote:
VasikkA wrote:Baldur's Gate had killable children. It's funny how children in computer games immediately is associated with killing. :rolleyes:
Why is that funny? What else should they be associated with?
Eye-gouging, for example. :drunk:
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Post by Blargh »

The ruination of eyes is no drinking matter. Even those of children. :drunk:
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Post by Smiley »

:blargh: :drunk:
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Post by St. Toxic »

Painkiller had a bunch of killable children in that orphanage level.
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Post by hat_man99 »

Maybe you could HAVE kids like it says on the back cover of the fallout 2 cover (there liars i never could :sad: ) then sell there bodys on the street for some script.
Maybe pimping quests?
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Post by ApTyp »

Motherfucker, and all that brown bullshit.
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Post by Benedykt »

Why not make children immortal and let the players abuse them sexually?
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Post by King of Creation »

By the way...this interview may or may not have been with Todd Howard, and not with Pete Hines.
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Post by Bloodlust »

Si teh conspiracy!!! :revolution:
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