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Another question on the Yes and No entities...

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:04 am
by ogreb
...How do you change color?
I take it you just do it with the redviewer?

What I want to do is give another No option, but color it red ( and the red one will be the snarky response...and you better watch it, some of your responses will lead to fights!)(Responses will be appropiate and varied)

I'm trying to get as much life as I can to this...your fellow team mates will have click and randome speech changes also behavior change( triggered by zones in different maps) also changing NPC speech.

Maps will change when you return to them ( some of them)

Allright...enough rambling.

Redviewer here I come!


Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:06 am
by Dak
Might want to wait just a bit, I'm uploading a new updated version of the Viewer right now. In order to change the Sprites Color, this can be done in either the FOT Entity Editer, or if not you will need to create a new one using one of the paint editing programs, in 256 color and as a BMP. You will also need the palette. The Viewer will, using your palette and BMP convert them in to a ZAR which you will then in the Viewer import to the Sprite of your choice. Just read the Viewers Help Files in the Help Menu. But first you will want to down load the latest version. As soon as I finish getting it up loaded. Sorry about the wait however I found a Bug, and its now fixed.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:23 am
by requiem_for_a_starfury
Just make a copy of the no entity and in the entity editor change the first slider (under image) to edit the sprite's base colour.