Tensen01 wrote:Yopu know what, All the artists worked their asses off, and if wanna judge a book by it's cover then fine, don't buy the fucking thing, I don't want my artwork in your hand if that's the case.
Well, if you think the cover artwork is good, chances are your work will be just as shitty. Your pride means nothing to me except as an object of scorn, as Chuck was also quite proud of his work and his team. The only thing that matters to me is the material and the treatment of it.
So far, I find both to be quite lacking.
I agree it's not the best cover, but I've seen far worse from bigger companies.
That is an excuse?
And if you say we artists didn't take this seriously you can go fuck yourself. I worked my fucking ass off to do the best artwork I've ever done and I won't fucking take it from some nitpicking fanboy who wouldn't know his his ass from a hole in the ground.
And they can go fuck themselves for the poor job they did. It's not my fault they decided to not stay in the right styles. If the style isn't what they do, then they are the wrong artist for the job. If they decide to not take care with the subject matter, such as flattening a really poor copy of the Fo1 PA helmet, along with using FOT shoulders at the same time, then that is their fault. If they decide to not take care with how they present the material, that is their fault. It is also their fault for expecting that I'd be happy with the butchery of the canon.
And I certainly can tell my ass from the hole in the ground, but I have to wonder about so-called "artists" who can't tell
this from
this and
On top of that, I'm not even an artist, yet you supposedly are. As was whomever made the cover piece. That includes researching the topic of your pieces, so would you care to explain what a disfigured Fo1 PA helmet is doing on FOT style shoulders? Or am I supposed to be amazed by that, since you're proud of it and the artist?
I've very proud of ALL the artists. Every single fucking one of them, and I'll defend their work to anyone who come along. And I'd be honored to work with them again.
Good for you.
You then proceeded to cuss out and call down everyone on the project without cause. You've judged an entire team by one piece of artwork.
LIAR. I have, at length you're probably not used to reading to, explained the problems with the material presented. "Without cause"? I gave PLENTY of cause. Judged an entire team by one piece of artwork? Wow, another lie. I have already pointed out the problems of the presented material at length,
and now to educate you about your own project, I will point out exactly which elements I was commenting about. The intro, the cover, and the traits, indicative of the attention to background fiction, artwork, and the core ruleset. All three were released and made it into the Fallout fansite news.
SO FAR GLUTTONCREEPER SUCKS ASS ON ALL THREE COUNTS. And those were the samples, so I'd hate to see the comparatively crappy stuff.
So much for "The Evolution of Tabletop Games" when the attention is that poor. Unfortunately, I can't really think of much else besides background fiction, artwork, and the ruleset in a P&P book, so maybe you'd like to point out an element thus far that doesn't look like half-ass work people would expect from a random fan-fic post.
And this is supposedly a commercial quality product.
(Snip the rest of the tantrum.)
Listen, kid, it's not that hard. If you decide to go publish a Star Wars book half-ass, what do you expect the reception to be like? Daisey chains and blowjobs?
Let me know when you return to reality and understand that people are not too impressed with misplaced crap that doesn't even bother to try and adhere to the setting or canon.
So, minus canon, what are you working on? A post-apocalyptic d20 setting? Already have a few, and they appear to have done more creative work than you guys managed to take existing background info and rape it (including the info Fallout fans have published on our sites for years, yet you guys still failed to be able to use it). Have fun belonging on the game store discount rack.
When you kids want to act like professionals, let us know, because as you could have guessed if you were paying attention, NOBODY has really been receptive to the trash samples shown, no matter how much pride you care to squirt onto the forum, and we're your target audience if you didn't already notice. If the cover remains the same, I think it's a guranteed zero interest.
That could change...
It's called "give us a reason to be interested". How does that sound? Then we don't have to sound nasty at being handed garbage. If the styles and canon was adhered to, as well as the rules already not such a mess, as well as some clue going into the intro document, then maybe we'd have a reason to consider buying this. As it stands...I know who the fuck you're trying to fool, two sets of people tried before (three if you count Interplay) and failed and Bethesda's now at bat; seriously, how stupid do you guys think we are? 17,000 total sales of F:POS says otherwise, and you don't even have the console trash to hype it onto. Congratulations, you've made another faceless budget d20 supplement when it could have been much better if people decided to do things right in the first place, and make Fallout to d20 supplements as what it was to the CRPG genre. But I guess that keeping up to the same quality was too much to ask, huh? Where you learned that half-ass was acceptable is a mystery to me, but excusing half-ass because others might not bother to take the same kind of attention to detail is just pathetic.
Back to the cover art. I know others have come up with worse, one of the original Monster Manuals is a clear example. But then there's something called "not trying". If someone took the initiative to make the cover look good, rather than look like a generic action movie poster, then it would have been a bit better. What would have made it stand out, in particular among the rest of the forgettable d20 supplement rack artwork, would be if the artist made it into Fallout's borrowed EC Comic style, and made it look like a comic book cover. But I suppose that takes talent, and I'm not an artist, so what do I know, eh?
But, canon fucked (guns akimbo, power armor, a "super-mutant" with smooth skin and a smooth brow, and the turbine engine for a few obvious examples), art style doesn't suit the setting, and it looks quite generic down to the orc with a minigun. So, again, the cover piece, no matter how prideful you want to be, is still trash.
"Fallout Whoring....Fallout Whoring never changes..."