Legends of the Wasteland MUD looking for Builders

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Legends of the Wasteland MUD looking for Builders

Post by Stainless »

<strong>[ Game -> Article ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#Legends of the Wasteland MUD">Game: Legends of the Wasteland MUD</a>

<p><strong>Rovlad </strong>has let us know he's working on a MUD (Multi-user Dungeon), and needs some help.</p><blockquote><p><em><span class="postbody">
There is currently a project in work, one called "Legends of
Wasteland". This is a MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) based on Fallout PnP

The coding (which is in C, where
I'm a bit off profile) is nearing it's completion. The tricky part is,
we need "Builders" - people who would spend their time creating zones,
rooms, etc. So, I'm giving a shout out. Some experience with MUDs would
be more than welcome. Your help would be much appreciated.

</span></em></p></blockquote><p><span class="postbody">For those that are interested, you can contact <strong>Rovlad</strong> either by <a href="mailto:%20rovlad@nm.ru" target="_self">email</a> or via his ICQ</span><span class="postbody"># 6928535</span><span class="postbody">.</span></p><p> </p><p>There is also a topic on this in GD, which can be found <a target="_blank" href="http://www.duckandcover.cx/forums/viewt ... </a></p><p> </p>
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