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Armed Assault Demo

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:41 pm
Came out a couple days ago and I've always heard great things about OFP and this game is made by the same people. I can't play the demo because of some graphic glitch but I wanted to let you guys know that its out since I thought I remembered a few of you were interested in the game.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:36 pm
by S4ur0n27
Wasn't it a car game?

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:37 pm
by vx trauma
with pixel shade effects/requirements and 128 geforce with mandatory strapon.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:47 pm
S4ur0n27 wrote:Wasn't it a car game?
No, that one was called Auto Assault or something. THis one is a tactical shooter.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:53 am
by Burnov
I was a die hard OFP fan, I was not impressed.

Basically you could call Armed Assault: Operation Visual Upgrade.

Because basically that's all it really seems to add. You'd think they would have added some better gameplay features, however they didn't. At least the AI in Smod tactical/HL2 was better than OFP/Armed Assault's AI. Most of the time, at worst they could be considered, on-par. However I must say, at least HL2 ai make use of cover, and kick down doors...

The OFP community has been hamstrung by idiots who wanted nothing more than to see higher and higher poly addons made for the game, usually paying no attention to improving the overall gameplay quality itself.

This is very evident in the Armed Assault demo, and I was quite disappointed. To be honest, I'm now having much more fun playing Smod Tactical for Half life 2 than I am anything else.

Sure it's not overall as realistic or even offering similar gameplay, however you can define more realistic weapon recoils in Smod tactical, the visual effects are much better in smod tactical. When bullets strike near you, it gives you the impression of the stress of being in combat. Your vision blurs from the dust, your field of view shakes if a strong bullet impact occurs near you. As if you were flinching from the close impact.

The sounds... are WAY fucking better than Armed Assault's which are just depressing at best. Overall it's not really a difference in realism, but the overall combat ambience in Smod tactical is much more convincing, especially since you can easily edit the game so you can take as much damage as you deem realistic for your player, and the enemies.

The ai isn't also capable of sniping you with pinpoint accuracy at 300 yards in one or two shots as in Armed Assault and OFP. Which to be honest, should have been fixed for ArmA.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 4:45 am
by St. Toxic
I wanted to touch the subject of arma a while back, but now you've got me unprepared and I don't remember where I put the post-apoc mockery screen.

All in all, yeah, it's not what was expected. I mean, I wasn't going "Hoo yeah game of ze year" or anything pre-release, but there seemed to be alot of, heh, "addons" in arma that sounded interesting, and beyond the reach of the community. Partly, the community is the actual problem.

As I recall, playing OFP for the first time was an experience I hardly gave a rats ass about. The game was a buggy lump of shit with some never before seen functions that were badly executed. Well, whoop-de-fucking-doo. Then when the modding machine got rolling, it gradually became the gaming window of opportunity. The fact that some mods touched on graphical improvement isn't exactly uncommon -- in fact most older games get that community make-over, and apart from the Burnovs out there that sort of thing gets a positive reception. In any case, the ofp series ( in my mind ) simply has this complete community reliance. The devs add some crappy features every 3 years and the modders take over from there and pull all their screw ups out and space the content a bit. That's just the whole deal with the series. Maybe it's community rape or whatever, but you couldn't exactly say "Those fucking sell-outs" because, hey, they did it from the start.

That covered, we move on to arma. Yeah, it's mostly a graphical make over.

-The animations have been straightened out ( remember strafing left-right in ofp? the 2d leg flip-flop? ) which I always found a big ofp fucker-upper; sometimes the awkward animation system ( was it part bone and part sector? ) could screw up a great intensive mp coop just by being so goddamn silly, and then ofcourse there was no separate bone systems or animation loops -- they were all inherent to the core animation, so all custom unit addons had to follow that same animation pattern. No slow zombies, no animals, ( unless you settled for them walking around doing the robot ) and alot of other annoyances. That's cured.

-Clipping issues, walkways, roadways, blocking. That's been worked on if anything. Running hard against a wall won't provide the same old ofp results as often ( I've never managed to fall through a wall in arma really ) so that's a gas. Maybe with that done, we can actually take them up on that promise of being able to walk around on moving vehicles. None of the standard vehicles seem to support that, but then again that might have been a shitty pr idea or something spewed forth by the rumour mill, but as the collision detection has been improved it might be possible in the future. So hey, that's nice.

Note: I've seen AI running through walls like the jackasses they are. It's even possible for the AI to fall through the floor in some buildings, so obviously they are non reliant on collision geo's -- the point of that eludes me completely.

-Vehicle physics. I don't know if they're real or fake ( I haven't seen shit to point to arma having any form of physics engine reliance ) but vehicles are now handling like you'd expect them to. Up to a point one should say, perhaps. Driving a car in ofp, and later in arma is a different experience, hopefully more positive: instead of that 4mph speed cap you'd usually get, and the inability to control your car at top speed, you find yourself accelerating to decent driving speeds with a reasonable handling ability. While cars in ofp would twitch and behave strangely with wheels in the air, arma cars and vehicles can actually jump through the air ( I did quite the stunt jump running down a fence once ) without going into crazy spin cycles and bonkering up your game. Spinning and rolling and gutting and whatever else you flyboys do is now also possible. Again, this is a good thing, and can likely be improved upon. ( While on the topic of vehicles, driving your car under water is a chillaxed procedure, ending up with you sitting in it as if nothing happened, being able to exit with ease. The only consequence of diving with your car is that it begins to burn and converts textures to "shot to shit" after a short stay under the water. )

-Swimming. The ninjas in ofp made it so, and now arma made it so for everyone. So go and swim you jews.

-Decent boat speeds. ( both on water and :snicker: on land :hahano: )

I won't list all the added features, it's getting tiresome. I will add on the topic of a few missing, promised things. Elevators, for instance, ( and with these the ability to animate not around an axis but in simple coordinated chunk animation ) don't seem to be on the menu. WELL LADI-FUCKING-DA. Someone said something about dynamic animal life. THE GODDAMN BIRDS DON'T CUT IT DOC, WE SEEN EM' BEFORE. The vehicles still survive diving off of a mountain, that's no good. What else, what else. Oh yeah, where are all the goddamn modding tools? And what the fuck is that multiplayer game mode supposed to be? That's not capture the island, that's crap. And what was that about full support of old addons? Changed the pbo have we? For no reason at all eh? How futu-fucking-ristic.

In any case, the fans put up a big wiki thing ( if printed, it would go around the sun twice ) with bugs and glitches and bullshit that the devs are held accountable for, and it seems the devs do care and will be revising things on that list in upcoming patches and addons.

So in conclusion, lads, armed assault is simply not a ripe game, just like ofp when that came out. Just stick to other shit for the next few years, and hold your thumbs crossed between your firm buttocks. Then when you find the disc, by chance, in some Wisconsin bargain bin, you might ( after a year of downloading ) be treated to quite the game experience.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 4:58 am
by johnnygothisgun
St. Toxic wrote:Then when you find the disc, by chance, in some Wisconsin bargain bin, you might ( after a year of downloading ) be treated to quite the game experience.
how :morrowind:

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:07 am
by St. Toxic
Making that game enjoyable requires serious reconstruction not to the game, but to your brain.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:17 am
by johnnygothisgun
i was thinking more the idea of heavy modding and rubber banding to make it playable, not enjoyable

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:44 pm
by Burnov
I'm just disappointed that it basically requires modding yet-again.

Yeah, OFP only after community upgrades made it particularly good. That and the fact that I could customize the shit out of it.

However it seems the core OFP gameplay "issues" seem to mostly prevail.

Personally I'm holding out hope that some day... some day way off in the future, Game2 will redeem itself as a half decent military sim with all the features it should have.

However right now I'm a bit cynical.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:14 am
by St. Toxic
Doesn't matter if you're waiting for Arma to get somewhere or the release of G2; you're playing the waiting game.


Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:39 pm
by RAK
Seriously, they should just release a cut-down VBS1 and be done with it - I don't think the U.S. Army would accept the sorts of glitches that have been a staple of OFP and ArmA. Hell, if I had $1,500 to spend (and a hell of a lot of rich friends), I'd buy VBS2 and probably have the multiplayer experience of a lifetime.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:20 pm
by S4ur0n27

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:19 pm
by RAK
VBS1 (Virtual Battlespace Systems 1) is a military derivative of Operation Flashpoint, with better graphics, a hell of a lot more supported units, an artillery module addon of professional proportions, 50x50km maps, a real-time editor, the ability to move around in vehicles - and a substantially greater price tag: AUS$168 for the base version and over AUS$1,000 for everything. I bet, however, that it doesn't have the glitches that come as standard for the rest of Bohemia Interactive's games, and so they should have used that version of the Real Virtuality engine instead of the ArmA one.