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Nitrous and my car but not the varooooom! sort of story.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:07 pm
by CloudNineGT
I have recently been getting a little tired of the plethora of intoxicants that are at my disposal so I've been spending some much needed time broadening my horizons. First on the list was Ether but I'm yet to find a good supply so second was what I've heard so much about- Nitrous. After buying a package of balloons and a case of Liss whip creme chargers (nitrous is used as a propellant in whip creme) I was faced with what seemed to be an easy task of finding something to open these little metal cans. I tried The Green Room, a small 'tobacco' store near my house but was informed that they were illegal and that I should be suitably subtle when trying to buy one. So back over to another store where I inquired about purchasing a device that I might use in the production of delicious whipped sweets and the balding man wearing tea-shaded glasses who runs a local record store disappeared into the back only to return bearing a small 'cracker' or metal pipe thing with a sharp spike in the middle. Eureka.
Now I may have been a little too excited because as I was driving home I decided I couldn't wait and filled a balloon while waiting at a four way stop. I emptied the entire balloon into my lungs and held my breath. At first nothing, then all in a rush my entire body went numb and my jaw dropped open. The road swam in front of me momentarily and all I could hear were recurring echoes from the radio. I finally took a fresh gasping breath and just as quickly as the high had come in it faded away. Fucking amazing.
So, anyone else try this shit?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:27 pm
by S4ur0n27
Never, but you're making me want to D:

I've heard they put some of this gas in potato chips bags?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:46 pm
by Thor Kaufman
I bought some N2O a couple of days ago, I'll try them in a few days, when my opening device arrives ^^
Don't use the car N2O though, it's full of other dirt, but Liss is bliss from what I heard, albeit I use another brand.

I'm interested in ether as well, but didn't read up on info how to get some, yet. Any advice?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:41 pm
by RAK
I've heard they put some of this gas in potato chips bags?
That's just plain nitrogen, same stuff as occupies 78% of the atmosphere.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:59 pm
by atoga
unless you're 11, seems thoroughly horrible. high brain damage to fun factor ratio.

i've inadvertently gotten buzzed off of various "inhalants" a few times and it didn't seem that great, just like a dizzying nicotine buzz. both are deadly poisons that are fatal in higher doses, right?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:22 pm
by Thor Kaufman
There are 3 problems that I know of, 1. is that it eats up a certain vitamine which could leave some nerve damage, that is only a problem if you clear like 20 capsules a day over several months or so, so that's not really an issue. 2., it might affect the eardrums, if inhaled inccorectly or sth and 3., there can be some damage if one forgets breathing. :rofl:

Nothing too horrid, really, but care to enlighten me if you know of studies that prove any neurotoxic potential of N2O.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:39 am
by Subhuman
Can't you just smoke a joint like everyone else?

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:31 am
by Infinity Dose
pot is for mexicans

i've tried ether. an old friend of mine stole a little vile of the stuff for me from his university chemistry lab.

i spent a day contemplating on whether i should be doing the stuff, and read up as much online before hand.

i was sitting down, and poured some onto a t-shirt to commence the huff. i can't quite remember the next few seconds but the general feeling was pure euphoria, and i tried to repeat the process right after but to my horror the small vile of ether had completely evaporated. :( still, the uplifting effects lasted for a lot longer, the intense happy stupid drunk euphoria was very short in duration.

i would do it again. i hear some people inhale starter fluid to get the same effect, i hope i don' sink that low :(

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:51 am
by CloudNineGT
atoga wrote:high brain damage to fun factor ratio.
Actually the stuff, unless used VERY often, is harmless. Dentists use Nitrous or Laughing Gas all the time. The only deaths associated with it are from people being idiots and filling up bags then putting them over their heads.

Edit: Oh but ether is really bad shit. Highly addictive and a fairly low LD50 not to mention those cool "my brain couldn't fucking handle it" deaths that seem to happen from volatile inhalants every now and then.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:27 am
by Infinity Dose
LD50? explain

i guess maybe i'll cherish that one experience, i take sollace in the fact that it was pure grade ether from a uni. chemlab :D:D:D i just had to try it once after "fear & loathing"

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:41 am
by Megatron
i think LD50 is the amount needed to cause a fatal overdose in 50% of the population or something. I might have read it in the wasteland LOL

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:57 am
by PsychoSniper
atoga wrote:unless you're 11, seems thoroughly horrible. high brain damage to fun factor ratio.

i've inadvertently gotten buzzed off of various "inhalants" a few times and it didn't seem that great, just like a dizzying nicotine buzz. both are deadly poisons that are fatal in higher doses, right?

Speaking of a nic buzz.


For getting fucked up, I generaly just get shitfaced drunk.

Nic is nice, and I smoke a pipe on occasion as well.

You get a fuckin good buzz when you havent smoked a pipe for a while, and you sit back light up a nice tightly packed bowel and puff away.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:03 am
by atoga
kaufman wrote:Nothing too horrid, really, but care to enlighten me if you know of studies that prove any neurotoxic potential of N2O.
according to erowid, it causes the problems you mentioned and kills brain cells (but what doesn't) but nothing too severe. guess i made the mistake of lumping it with other inhalants like acetone, gasoline, etc.

i want to try now, though i fear disappointment

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:09 am
by Cimmerian Nights
"Whippits" are pretty intense for a few seconds, best when partying and used inconjunction with other stuff - god I miss college. It's found in whipped cream cannisters and potato chip bags too.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:48 am
by CloudNineGT
Upon further exploration I've found it to be pretty cool feeling when completely stoned, and when absolutely wasted it can be an experience that will send you ass-down onto the floor. Intense. Supposed to be incredible on a hallucinogen however I'm fresh out of mushrooms without a hope for more and I really don't like acid. And yes, an LD50 or Lethal Dose 50% is exactly what it sounds like, the dosage that causes a fatal reaction in 50% of the subjects.

On the subject of getting ether, from what I've found out it is pretty much impossible to buy your way into some because it is used in the production of meth and there have been some big time crackdowns. You or someone you know has to have access to a chemistry lab or, and this is a long shot, a forged chem lab letterhead. Or maybe someone who posts here from one of those godless countries that loathe freedom and nascar would have easier access to it.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:12 am
by Thor Kaufman
atoga wrote:
kaufman wrote:Nothing too horrid, really, but care to enlighten me if you know of studies that prove any neurotoxic potential of N2O.
according to erowid, it causes the problems you mentioned and kills brain cells (but what doesn't) but nothing too severe. guess i made the mistake of lumping it with other inhalants like acetone, gasoline, etc.

i want to try now, though i fear disappointment
true dat. Lighter fluid contains benzene, right? Similar to sniffing gasoline (as a kid: hm that smells good :dribble::rofl: ), not as horrid, but still. Apart from killing brain cells, that stuff is highly carcinogen, so enjoy your future cancer. :chick:

Too bad about that ether thing, I didn't find a chemistry guy yet, that's interested in the drug thing and as supplier, same for pharmacy or medicine. :(

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:17 pm
by jetbaby
I do not endorse your new avatar, bring back the old one that I helped with.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:56 pm
by VasikkA
Can you suggest a good wine with N20 or ether?

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:06 pm
by Jeff
the only 2O worth trying, is H2O! Life is the best high in the world guys, you should try it, rofl (literally). :YAD:

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:39 pm
by Cimmerian Nights
VasikkA wrote:Can you suggest a good wine with N20 or ether?
Mad Dog 20/20.