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That Oh So Beefy 14mm Pistol Sound
Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 12:25 am
by OnTheBounce
Does anyone here have the sound of the 14mm Pistol (IIRC it was also used for the .223 Pistol) from Fallout (not Fallout 2) converted to WAV format? I'd like to use it for my own FoT mod which will be reintroducing both of these weapons.
The reason I ask for the version from FO and not FO2 is that the latter just isn't as "beefy". It's a shame, really, since the original version was downright terrifying the first couple of times you heard it.
Thanks in Advance,
Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 12:26 pm
by Temaperacl
I haven't looked at the sound files before, but from a brief look, here is one that might be what you are looking for :
here. If it isn't, let me know, and I'll see about trying to find that one for you.
Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 12:33 pm
by OnTheBounce
Thanks, but that one's not it. It sounded like some sort of energy weapon.
If you could hook me up, I'd appreciate it. I tried poking around on the site and received a 403 (Forbidden) error.
Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 2:09 pm
by Temaperacl
I can't upload all the files, 'cause I'm on a 56k, and the files come out to somewhere around 40 megs.. I have, however, uploaded the group I think the sound might be in..
They are available:
You might try the ones starting with "WAG" first, but again, that's just a guess- I really don't have an ear for these things.. Hopefully one of these will be what you are looking for.
Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 1:44 pm
by ABel
You need one called
wae1xxx1 (by the way,
this sound is mono, not stereo!)
Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 5:51 pm
by Flamescreen
If you didn't find what you're looking for OTB, send me the file. I have enough music programs/converters that might be usable to convert it to the sound you want.
Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 3:24 am
by Sirgalahadwizard
You can get the sounds out of fallout by getting F1UNDAT (dos version). Type F1UNDAT -es master.dat acm
(I think it's -es, might be -ep).
That'll spit out all the sound files in the game (basically tells it to extract *.acm). Note: You can use this to spit out other files too... like .FRM (graphics) or .PRO (which people would need to edit the game's stats)
Go get the windows version of the ACM2WAV... the one that can do an entire directory. If you cant find where the program spits the wavs out to... do a search from the explorer for new wav files. (It might slap em into the temp directory or the C:\root).
Sound files for weapons and stuff in the game are pretty hard to find... and typically dont take the form of any single sound file (what you hear in the game is like, 3 sound files mixed together). They dont have conventional names like minigun_miss_2 or 14mmpistol_shoot1... they have crappy names like wae1xxx1.
If you want to sort them out, make directories for the different letter codes at the beginning. All of the numbered sounds for a particular letter code (like "wa") concern the same function - weither it be gunfire, ricochets, or reloads. Most sounds that have something like wa011xxx1... they have a number instead of a letter after the two first letters... those are melee attacks methinks (like wa02 or wa98... waa would start the weapons).
One important thing to note about that program is that all of your wav files that you get will have a "pop" added to the last few hundreths of seconds of the sound's playback, and you'll have to cut their speed in half to be able to hear them the right way. Those are general instructions for people using the generic window's sound recorder.
Yeah, for some reason they put that sound on the 14mm pistol... which does crappy damage. I was expecting to get blown in half and I only took something pitiful from it - like 7 damage or something. That sound definatly fits the 14mm Sig Sauer, but the weapon itself doesnt do enough damage.
I dont think it fits the .223autoloader... they should have gotten ahold of some kind of sharp-crack rifle sound effect (like an m-16 has). Didn't fit the weapon in blade runner either (which is where that weapon is originally from).
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 10:23 pm
by OnTheBounce
I bet you folks thought I forgot about this little topic and wandered away w/o thanking you. Right?
Nope, you're wrong. :mrgreen:
Thanks for the help. I just got sidetracked w/a number of issues, but this will be taken care of in time for Phase 2 of my demo.
Sirgalahadwizard wrote:Yeah, for some reason they put that sound on the 14mm pistol... which does crappy damage. I was expecting to get blown in half and I only took something pitiful from it - like 7 damage or something. That sound definatly fits the 14mm Sig Sauer, but the weapon itself doesnt do enough damage.
Don't worry, w/the FoT ammo mechanics and the 14mm AP rounds set to "Depleted Uranuim" [sic] subtype the 14mm Pistol is a formidable weapon. Something you'd like to have in your holster when confronted w/Muties...
Cheers, the lot of you!