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Pallet ?...

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:08 am
by Julius_Sneezer
I'm a newb, who someday wants to make my own tiles. I think redviewer seems to be the tool.

I loaded a tile .bmp into redviewer, then when I try to convert BMP to ZAR
it asks for some Pallet? file. Fallout tactics didn't come with any .pal files that I could find?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:21 am
by Vault Maker
I think you have to save the .BMP file in 256-color format. The program will select 256 colors to use in your .BMP file. That's the palette. I think that if your .BMP file already has a palette defined in it, you won't be asked for the palette. More detail here:

Photoshop and some other programs call the palette the "Color Index".

There's a pretty good tutorial on Redviewer either here at DAC, at NMA, or at The Radiated Society, but I think it assumes some knowledge of palettes (which I didn't have until about 2 weeks ago).

As an alternative, if you save your .BMP to a 256-color .PNG file, then start the FOT editor, you will see an option to "convert PNG to ZAR". This will also let you convert whole directories of .PNGs to .ZARs.