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FallOut2 Sprites

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 12:25 pm
by GrimJim
Can someone send me all the weapon sprites for FO2, and if ya could the Mobsters sprites also............ thank you!! :D

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 6:49 pm
by Red
In what format? Anyhow, do this yourself... use datmanl to extract them and then whatever converter/viewer you want to see them and work with them...

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 4:12 pm
by GrimJim
I need them in SPR format..... for FOT........ i didnt mean to post this in the FO2 forum lol....... I tryed to make them my own, but they wont work.

Red wrote:In what format? Anyhow, do this yourself... use datmanl to extract them and then whatever converter/viewer you want to see them and work with them...

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 8:17 pm
by Red
Which sprites?

The only sprites you can really convert are the item FRMs... all the chracters in FO1/2 have 6 sides (because of the hex), while the ones in FO:T have 8 sides (the square + diagonals)... We could have made it look funny by using the 6 sides (ie, the angle of the diagonals on the hex aren't 45deg, but there's still the "up" and "down" frames missing...

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 10:48 pm
by Saint_Proverbius
Red wrote:Which sprites?

The only sprites you can really convert are the item FRMs... all the chracters in FO1/2 have 6 sides (because of the hex), while the ones in FO:T have 8 sides (the square + diagonals)... We could have made it look funny by using the 6 sides (ie, the angle of the diagonals on the hex aren't 45deg, but there's still the "up" and "down" frames missing...
And.. There's not the same number of frames as there are for things in FOT, so the animation would look awkward side by side with the FOT sprites. I'm pretty sure you'd also have to scale the FO/FO2 sprites a bit to make them the same dimensions as a FOT sprite as well.

Red's got the biggest problem nailed though, you're missing two directions of movement in the Fallout sprites that FOT has. There's a reason no one's done this over the passed 1.33 years, you know. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 11:25 pm
by Jimmyjay86
I think he's just looking for the weapon inventory sprites which Domin has created. I've got a couple but probably not the full catalogue. I thought I had posted the link to them, I'll check.

Here it is:

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 12:12 am
by Red
yeah, the sprites are slightly smaller, as for the timing, this could be resolved by specifying a proper "Step" value and/or having the dequence point to the same frame several times.

Although that'd look ass :)

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2002 3:26 pm
by Ed the Monkey
At one point I got a file expander from what i think was this site... it allowed me to expand all the Fallout 2 files (or was it fallout 1, long time ago and my memory is bad) so that i could open and view them with other proggies. The question is, does this utility still exist? I can't seem to find any refrences to it anywhere... how could I expand the Fallout 2 dat files so i can get into them and snag some sprites (guns and such)... i know theres a dedicated program to do that but......
anyway, if anyone has some clues i'd be really helpful
(already posted this in FO2, but i figured it should be here too...)

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2002 6:38 pm
by Red
I beleive your Q was answered in the FO2 or fo1/2 modding forum.

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 5:55 am
by Ed the Monkey
yup... thanx


Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 11:36 am
by GrimJim
I would just like to take the time to thank everyone for helping me... :smilecolros: :BIG:

I kinda wanted the MOBSTER and BOXER sprites, but if it cant be done, then so be it...... the only other weapon i want the sprites for is the 38Special! LOVED IT! I used is all the way up to the main dude... hehe didn't do much damage to him though, so had to change over to my trusty Ol' GuassRifle........ love that too......... anyways, the 38 special and the sword is all i want................. Im working on to Missions/Mods...
ones is in a town, that you cant leave :(, and the other is WAY in the works, that will have multi mission and towns..... so............ I'll post again on the progress........... College is starting soon, lots of programming classes. SO i wont have much time to work on FO stuff...... SO.......Wish me luck.................. THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 7:23 pm
by Jimmyjay86
Yup, summer is fast coming to a close - good luck on the missions GrimJim....