- The Purists: These types generally don't want to see anything included in the game that wasn't in the first one.
- The Post-Modernists: These types want to add each and every thing that they see in another game, tv show, movie or read about in a book to the FO universe.
For instance, let's talk critters. I submit that the FO universe should not be limited to Brahmin, Deathclaws, Manti, etc. that we saw in the first game, and found that the Geckos of FO2 were an appropriate addition, with the possible exception of Fire Geckos. I will say, however, that since the EPA location was left out of the game the Aliens should have been as well, since their background story wasn't available.
Now, if FO3 moves outside of the standard FO area (i.e. California) I think that there should be a largely new catologue of critters. Are Deathclaws really spread all over the US? Probably not, especially since they seemed to be confined to the southern areas in FO. (Remember how no one wanted to believe that they existed in most areas?)
This gets me to Brahmin. Should this be such a widespread mutation that it has obviously affected all of the remaining cattle in the former US? I say that should FO3 be located somewhere other than Cali there should be a new beast of burden. There are plenty of critters that are well-suited to this task, especially if we take mutant strains into consideration.
For instance, the picture below is from the T$R's Gamma World 3rd Edition rules:
This is a "Hopper" (AKA "Jackalope") and in that gaming world these large, mutated rabbits roam the Great Plains in herds like Bison in the 19th Century. I think something like this would look very good sitting in front of a cart that the successor to the Vault Dweller and Chosen One uses to haul his/her loot around in. What say you? (For obvious reasons this couldn't make its way into FO as-is, but something similar could be used.)
Basically, what I'm advocating is variety w/o resorting to the world destroying phenomenon of Power Gaming. These beasts could be as tough as Brahmin, but would serve to put a different twist on a new area in the game.