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INDIANOS:My speech tree for Fallout Tactics

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:02 pm
Fallout tactics hasn’t speech tree like Fallout and Fallout 2.

Until now there are some known ways to have speech tree in Fallout tactics.The first is to use Zones to
select your answer, the second is to drag items from your inventory(Yes and No entity.) and the third is to
use the world text

(I downloaded the mission with the Mad Max and his dog.}

There is an other way to have speech tree in Fallout tactics different than the previous ways.

With this way you don’t need to choose zones,have items in your inventory or use the world text.

The only you need is to use he timer and select your answer with the help of the timer.

The advantage of this way is that you can have dialogue only with the click of your mouse on the
NPC character.

For examble: You meet someone in a place and he asks your help.

You have two or more possible answers which you can choose with the timer.The trigger works like this:
When you talk to the NPC a timer appears on the screen(Timer=0 sec at the start.)

If you want to choose the first answer you will have to talk again to NPC when the timer is 0-3 sec ,
second 4-6 sec and the third 7-9 sec.

(I believe that three seconds are enough to choose your answer.Someone else will need
less or more than three seconds to choose his answer.)
When you choose your answer the NPC responds with his answer.
Each different choise you do
you will have different reactions from the NPC character.
After you can see the speech
at the dialogue screen of Falout tactics so you will always know what each NPC told to you and
which was your answer.(Fallout tactics has this positive option to keep all the Dialogues.)For each
different speech of the NPC you need one mission variable.
Go to this link ... n_Alpha.7z
and Download the Zip archive.
Target the File Fallout tactics and extract itYou will find the custom mission (Mission_Alpha) at
Fallout Tactics\core\missions\Mission Alpha.

With the Fallout tactics editor open the mission you want to place the speech tree.
For exable the NPC you meet is Nikos and you will have two possible answers.The dialogue with
Nikos has three speech trees.
At the start you will create the trigger
Start of the mission
Conditions: Always
Actions: Set mission variable ‘VAR_NikosSpeech_01’ to ‘false’
Set mission variable ‘VAR_NikosSpeech_02’ to ‘false’
Set mission variable ‘VAR_Nikosspeech_End4’ to ‘false’
Set mission variable ‘VAR_AddOBJ_killdinosaurs’ to ‘false’
Set mission variable ‘VAR_EndOBJ_killdinosaurs’to‘false’
Set mission variable ‘VAR_EndOBJ_findkid’ to ‘false’
Deactivate Dinosaur
Deactivate Kid
You can have and Campaign variable if you have to go to other mission.
New trigger now with the title

Nikos speech 01 occurred(timer)

Conditions: Speech Event Nikos_Spc01 occurred

Actions: Set mission variable ‘VAR_NikosSpeech_01’ to ‘true’
Set to 0 to timer ‘Nikos_Speech_01’ and set ascending
Show timer ‘Nikos_Speech_01’
B wait 6 seconds
Hide timer ‘Nikos_Speech_01’
B wait 1 seconds
Stop timer ‘Nikos_Speech_01’

New trigger now with the title

If timer Nikos_Speech_01 is equal to 7

Conditions: If timer ‘Nikos_Speech_01’ is Exactly 7

Actions: Set Clich speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘none’

You need this trigger if you will not answer to Nikos in time so he will ignore you.

New trigger now with the title

‘Nikos_Speech_01’ human option A(positive)

Conditions: If Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_01’ is less than 4
If mission variable ‘VAR_NikosSpeech_01’ to ‘true’

Actions: Set Clich speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_HanswA’

The speech Nikos_HanswA is your first possible answer (HanswA=Human answer Alpha.)
New trigger now with the title

Nikos_Speech_01 human option B(negative)

Conditions: If Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_01’ is more than 3
If mission variable ‘VAR_NikosSpeech_01’ to ‘true’

Actions: Set Clich speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_HanswB’

The speech Nikos_HanswB is your second possible answer (HanswB=Human answer Beta.)

New trigger now with the title

Human answers A(positive) to Nikos speech 01

Conditions: Speech Event Nikos_HanswA Occurred

Actions: Set Click speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_Spc02A’
Stop Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_01’
Hide Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_01’

New trigger now with the title

Human answers B(negative) to Nikos speech 01

Conditions: Speech Event Nikos_HanswB Occurred

Actions: Set Clich speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_Spc02Neg’
Stop Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_01’
Hide Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_01’

New trigger now with the title

Nikos speech 02 occurred(timer)

Conditions: Speech event Nikos_ Spc02A Occured

Actions: Set mission variable ‘VAR_NikosSpeech_02’ to ‘true’
Set to 0 to Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_02’ and set ascending
Show Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_02’
B wait 6 seconds
Hide Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_02’
B wait 1 seconds
Stop Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_02’

New trigger now with the title

If timer ‘Nikos_Speech_02’ is equal to 7

Conditions: If timer ‘Nikos_Speech_02’ is Exactly 7

Actions: Set Clich speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘none’

New trigger now with the title

Nikos_Speech_02 human option A(positive)

Conditions: If Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_02’ is less than 4
If mission variable ‘VAR_NikosSpeech_02’ to ‘true’

Actions: Set Clich speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_Hansw02Add’

Nikos_Speech_02 human option B(negative)

Conditions: If Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_02’ is more than 3
If mission variable ‘VAR_NikosSpeech_02’ to ‘true’

Actions: Set Clich speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_Hansw02B’

New trigger now with the title

Human answers A(positive) to Nikos speech 02(Kill the dinosaurs)

Conditions: Speech Event Nikos_Hansw02Add Occurred

Actions: Set mission variable ‘VAR_AddOBJ_killdinosaurs’ to ‘true’
Stop Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_02’
Hide Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_02’

New trigger now with the title

Human answers B(negative) doesn’t want to (Kill the dinosaurs)

Conditions: Speech Event Nikos_Hansw02B Occurred

Actions: Stop Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_02’
Hide Timer ‘Nikos_Speech_02’
Set Clich speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘none’

New trigger now with the title

Add Objective(Kill dinosuars and find the kid.)

Conditions: If mission variable ‘VAR_AddOBJ_killdinosaurs’ is ‘true’

Actions: Add Objective Q00_Nikos_Kill_dinosaurs
Add Objective Q00_Nikos_Find_kid
Set click speech for unit Nikos to ‘Nikos_Wait03’
Set Dinosaur Stationary at Anywhere
Set Kid Stationary at Anywhere

New trigger now with the title

Human tell to Nikos that he killed the Dinosaurs but he didn’t found the kid.

Conditions: If mission variable ‘VAR_EndOBJ_killdinosaurs’ is ‘true’
If mission variable ‘VAR_EndOBJ_findkid’ is ‘false’

Actions: Set Click Speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_03HaDinComp’

New trigger now with the title

Speech Occurred Human killed the Dinosaurs

Conditions: Speech Event Nikos_03HaDinComp Occured

Actions: Set Click Speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_WDinComp03’

New trigger now with the title

Human tells to Nikos that he found the kid but havent killed the dinosaurs

Conditions: If mission variable ‘VAR_EndOBJ_killdinosaurs’ is ‘false’
If mission variable ‘VAR_EndOBJ_findkid’ is ‘true’

Actions: Set Click Speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_03HaKidComp’

New trigger now with the title

Speech Occurred Human found the kid

Conditions: Speech Event Nikos_03HaKidComp Occured

Actions: Set Click Speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_WKidComp03’

New trigger now with the title

Complete Objective(Kill the dinosaurs)

Conditions: Dinosaur has less than 1 Alive at Anywhere
If mission variable ‘VAR_AddOBJ_killdinosaurs’ is true

Actions: Complete Objective Q00_Nikos_Kill_dinosaurs
Add 300 xp to Human
Set mission variable ‘VAR_EndOBJ_killdinosaurs’ to ‘true’

New trigger now with the title

Complete Objective(Find kid)

Conditions: Human has more than 0 alive at Zone_Kid
If mission variable ‘VAR_AddOBJ_killdinosaurs’ is true

Actions: Complete Objective Q00_Nikos_Find_Kid
Add 100 xp to Human
Set mission variable ‘VAR_EndOBJ_findkid’ to ‘true’

New trigger now with the title

Human completes the two Quests

Conditions: If mission variable ‘VAR_EndOBJ_killdinosaurs’ is ‘true’
: If mission variable ‘VAR_EndOBJ_findkid’ is ‘true’

Actions: Set Click Speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_End04’

New trigger now with the title

Nikos speech end04 Occurred(timer)

Conditions: Speech Event Nikos_End04 Occurred

Actions: Set mission variable ‘VAR_Nikosspeech_End4’ to true
Set to 0 to Timer ‘Nikos_End04’ and set ascending
Show timer ‘Nikos End4’
B wait 6 seconds
Hide timer ‘Nikos End4’
B wait 1 seconds
Stop timer ‘Nikos End4’

New trigger now with the title

If Timer Nikos_End4 is equal to 7

Conditions: If Timer ‘Nikos_End4’ is Exactly 7

Actions: Set click speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘None’

New trigger now with the title

Nikos_Speech_End4 human option A

Conditions: If Timer ‘Nikos_End4’ is less than 4
If mission variable ‘VAR_Nikosspeech_End4’ is ‘true’

Actions: Set Click Speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘NikosHansw04A’

New trigger now with the title

Nikos_Speech_End4 human option B

Conditions: If Timer ‘Nikos_End4’ is more than 3
If mission variable ‘VAR_Nikosspeech_End4’ is ‘true’

Actions: Set Click Speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_Hansw04B’

New trigger now with the title

Human answers A to Nikos speech End 4

Conditions: Speech Event Nikos_Hansw04A Occurred

Actions: Set Click Speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘Nikos_End05’
Stop Timer ‘Nikos_End04’
Hide Timer ‘Nikos_End04’

New trigger now with the title

Human answers B to Nikos speech End 4

Conditions: Speech Event Nikos_Hansw04B Occurred

Actions: Set Click Speech for unit ‘Nikos’ to ‘None’
Stop Timer ‘Nikos_End04’
Hide Timer ‘Nikos_End04’

Dialogue Screen of pippboy screen:

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:24 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
Magnum Opus' system is much much better. For a start it's relatively simple to set up, about 5 times less work per dialogue option and when you have a lot of dialogue options that's really going to make a difference to a modder. It doesn't need variables just to tell if a certain speech node has been taken and for the player is a whole lot less confusing and quicker than having to wait for the right time to reply.

Magnum Opus' multiple choice speech tree system for the win.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:31 pm
by PiP
but hooray for goot werk, enthusiasm and all :party: D;

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:00 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
INDIANOS wrote:Until now there are some known ways to have speech tree in Fallout tactics.The first is to use Zones to
select your answer, the second is to drag items from your inventory(Yes and No entity.) and the third is to
use the world text
Actually using zones is to determine which squad member is talking to an npc and if it's the main character to enable stat checks. Without zones you'd have to use tagnames (which get erased on travelling to the world map) and the engine will count every member of the squad when doing a check on intelligence or charisma etc.

BTW the yes/no system didn't use inventory items they were entities on the map. Magnum Opus' system or 'use the world text' as you put it and Izno's system used inventory items.

So the known speech systems that have been posted previously,

Endocore's Clone system
Yes & NO by JJ86 (IIRC)
Izno's Inventory Note system
lisac2k's timer system
ABCD multiple choice by Magnum Opus

Just goes to show there's no new ideas. :eyebrow:

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:26 am
requiem_for_a_starfury the "God of the forums" gave again his wisdom to the mortals
(He thinks that is like God who gave the ten commandments to Moses). Reguiem
thinks that is the one who decides what is good or bad, what is wrong or right , what
is new , different or same for Fallout Tactics.

I have nothing more to say. Followers of Requiem obey and support again your master the
"God of the forums" .

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:52 am
by requiem_for_a_starfury
Jeez grow up. When Lisac2k posted this idea on NMA back in April, I said then that it was a bad one, too much work and too easily broken. Guess what happened when I tried your demo... it broke... first time. I clicked on the npc and got the options and clicked again to choose the first option. That came up okay, but when I clicked on it again to see the next branch in the tree the second option came up instead ending the conversation.

A decent sized rpg mod would probably have around 200 dialog choices at least, do you really expect modders to set up so many triggers, timers and variables for each one, that's before they even get to stat checks? When there's a system that only requires one trigger per choice with a minimum of two conditions and a couple of actions. And only requires variables if the npc gives the player a quest.

As it says in the editor readme "In general the less triggers used the better."

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:26 pm
by entertainer
NMA moderator posting on DAC?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:01 pm
by PiP
INDIANOS wrote:requiem_for_a_starfury the "God of the forums" gave again his wisdom to the mortals
(He thinks that is like God who gave the ten commandments to Moses). Reguiem
thinks that is the one who decides what is good or bad, what is wrong or right , what
is new , different or same for Fallout Tactics.

I have nothing more to say. Followers of Requiem obey and support again your master the
"God of the forums" .
hey buddy don't get emotional.
Requiem has proved several times that he knows stuff about modding and such, so this time he doesn't need to prove anything.
It looks to me like he's relating the consensus about such systems and offering advice, yet open to discussion. Don't act like an insulted angsty teen :rolleyes:
entertainer wrote:NMA moderator posting on DAC?
oh shut up

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:39 pm
requiem_for_a_starfury you wrote this:
Guess what happened when I tried your demo... it broke... first time. I clicked on the npc and
got the options and clicked again to choose the first option. That came up okay, but when I
clicked on it again to see the next branch in the tree the second option came up instead
ending the conversation.

The first answer each time is possible when the timer is 1-3 sec,
the second is 4-6 sec . But fallout tactics has dead zones counting time .

The time between 3.5-4.5 sec is dead time for fallout tactics .

The first answer is between time 1 and 3,5 sec and the second between 4,5 and 6,5 sec .
Fallout tactics needs about 0.5 sec extra time to work the triggers .

Now about your perfect speech tree the multiple choice speech tree system for the win
as you wrote before .

Show us 3 speech trees with 3 different NPC players in the same map .
(one question , three possible Human answers and then the possible answers from each NPC)
Then we will see how Fallout tactics engine shows your speech tree in the pipboy screen and how
it manages this three dialogues trees and how shows the human answers .
A right speech tree must have what human says each time and the pipboy screen must display
the name of the NPC you talked and have seperate screens for each different NPC ,
so the player doesnt search lost all the dialogues trees of the map (if it has many dialogue
trees in the same map from different NPC).
The answer of human must be displayed too (this is very important for a dialogue tree to know
what you said each time with each NPC and not to guess).If the engine of tactics doesnt
display the human speech each time you talk using letters in the world text
the player is still mute like the original fallout tactics , but he can choose
The mission with Mad Max and his Dog doesnt show what the player says its time and even not
show it in the pipboy screen , only show the NPC speech and the possible human answers
nowhere are the human answers.
The players must guess each time which letter he used for each answer if he has many dialogues
and not one

PIP said that requiem offering advice, open to discussion.
Now its your turn to answer with work not words .
If requiem believes that i have wrong opinion about this speech tree(Mad Max and Dog mission)
and i dont know it well now its the right time to make this:

Show us 3 speech trees with 3 different NPC players in the same map .
(one question , three possible Human answers and then the possible answers from each NPC)

And then to show us that this is the way Magnum Opus' multiple choice speech tree system for
the win.
Finaly i have to say this i accept all the speech tree ways each way has good and bad things.
Mine has problem with the times as i said before but at least it displays the human answers
in the screen and in the pipboy screen With this way the player know what he said each time.
The way with the world text dialogue screen doesnt show what the human player says each time
and have all the dialogue speech tree from all the NPC of the same map at the same screen .
Look all the posts i have done until now i post only when i have some work to show i dont
spent time writing silly comments like some of the members of DAC .
if you want to play and have fun with the forums dont use modding forums unless you have
something usefull to show.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:45 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
INDIANOS wrote:Fallout tactics needs about 0.5 sec extra time to work the triggers
Which is why a timer system is useless for multiple choice dialog.
INDIANOS wrote:A right speech tree must have what human says each time and the pipboy screen must display
the name of the NPC you talked and have seperate screens for each different NPC ,
so the player doesnt search lost all the dialogues trees of the map (if it has many dialogue
trees in the same map from different NPC).
There is no must about it. The pipboy screen doesn't have to show anything, though I defy anyone to get conversations mixed up when there's a great big picture of the npc next to each entry.
INDIANOS wrote: The answer of human must be displayed too (this is very important for a dialogue tree to know
what you said each time with each NPC and not to guess)
Again there is no must. The dialog in MO's demo was simple but then it was only a demo. There's no reason a writer can't convey the player's speech in the npc's response. Any failure to do so would be down to the writing not the system.

The simplicity of MO's system, in setting up and in use out weighs any inconvience of the log of the conversation being lumped together, which many FOT players probably never read anyway. Especially since you can have one dialog choice set to 'back' on each branch of the speech tree, which allows the player to return to the previous text (without the modder needing complex triggers to reset timers etc).
INDIANOS wrote: Show us 3 speech trees with 3 different NPC players in the same map .
(one question , three possible Human answers and then the possible answers from each NPC)
First show me a campaign with 50 npcs with more than 2 responses each and 4 options per response using a timer system, that can't break first time you talk to someone.
INDIANOS wrote:if you want to play and have fun with the forums dont use modding forums unless you have
something usefull to show.
Perhaps this is something you should heed. Rather than trying to best someone else's system you could have tried to help and improve it. Either by contacting Magnum Opus or posting in his speech tree thread that you'd noticed that the log was getting all jumbled up together.

But I have a solution to that, world text entries are like holodisc entries, they need a title in the speech text file to keep the different dialogs apart. That title can be the player's response. So that solves that and didn't need any changes to MO's system just the text file.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:03 am
I wrote this :
The answer of human must be displayed too (this is very important for a dialogue tree to know
what you said each time with each NPC and not to guess)
You requiem said that this is not must .( the option of tactics engine to display what human responds to NPC questions .)
You as the god of the forums decided again what is useless and what is good.If is not must the human to talk why all the RPG games like Fallout 1,2 Baldurs Gate 1,2 Icewind Dale 1,2 Stalker and other RPG games have the human talking and not mute like your perfect way.

If you cant read the text dont play fallout Tactics .
The text writes that first answer is between 1-3 sec and sec 4-6 sec .
nowhere says try to click on the NPC between 3-4 sec.

With my way of speech tree the player has the penaldy to wait 0.5 sec to click between the possible answers

With your perfect way for the win as you wrote before the player must be mute and without pipboy dialogue screen different for each NPC .
Because you cant make it you name it useless and nothing important for the speech tree.(The God inside you talkes to us again)
I never wrote to your topics you writing to the most of the topics and to my topics playing the God of the forums who decides what is bad and what is good for fallout tactics .(Who asked your opinion, I dont care about your opinion i answer to you because from your first post in this topic you try to show that what i suggest is useless )
Every simple human who reads the topics can see who are you .
Because you cant make your speech tree with human speech and then the pipboy screen to show every dialogue tree with the NPC questions, the possible anwsers of Human and then the answer of the human player in different screens for each NPC you reject all of it .
Try to go again to school and do maths .
I will say to you again maybe you will see what i have to say :
I see from your posts that you dont know about numbers.
Look above the screenshot of the pipboy screen at my first post:
It says first answer 1-3 sec (this means 1 between 3 sec not 3 between 4 sec)
And the second 4 between 6 sec .
Sure now you are in panic if you where cool you would never wrote here so silly comments that The Human answer isnt important for a dialogue tree in a rpg conversion of Fallout Tactics .
Try the search engines in the internet and the foriums to find that the main reason that many people hate Fallout Tactics is that the player is mute and he cant even tell one simple word .Now you tell them that is not important and use again your perfect way which has the player again mute( he can choose with letters what differnse has your perfect way from the system with lights like red green yellow and zones ? is about the same the player is still mute)
Can you realize this or not ?
You always try to show that what i suggested its nothing and useless
and easily crashes .
You brain needs repair not mine .I am saying it again and again i am not
like you who rejects the human response speech to NPC questions and the one who tries to write again the rules about RPG dialogues trees .
Sure you took very serious my words about God and Moses and you try to give us your wisdom rejecting everything that you dont like ?
Where are all the members of Dac who for years now hate Fallout Tactics because the player is mute and cant spell nothing.They are mute now and havent their own opinion .If requiem is in panic and writes something very stupid where are the other to correct him and say the truth.
Sure you afraid him because he is one of the leaders of NMA site.
What you suggest and say to them writing that the human response to NPC questions is not must and nothing important that everyone who believes this is a fool and stupid ?
Explain your self not copying again my text but writing your own comments ?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:43 am
by requiem_for_a_starfury
Did you even read my whole post or are you just thick?

I didn't say the player's response isn't important, I said recording it to the log isn't important. Why? Because the log screen is optional. The player's response is already shown in the multiple choice, you can play through FOT without ever going into the 'dialogues' screen in your pipboy. Just like you can play through Fallout without ever using the review screen. What is important is having a system that is easy to use for both the player and modder. The more complex a system the more that can go wrong. And just because you say 1-3 sec doesn't mean that everyone can react at the same speed. It broke the first time I used it, and I wasn't even trying to break it.

An easy to use system that doesn't require many triggers far outweighs recording to the log. Something that you have no guarantee everyone uses.

But for the record the problem is solved it wasn't anything to do with the system but an ommission of a title entry in the text file.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:19 am
End of conversation here i cant talk with this kind of people.
I write when i have work to show or to suggest something new not to do endless dialogues with brainless
people to the forums .
(requiem said this for me :(Only a real idiot or an attention whore tries to do one better (and fails)
rather than report a bug.

I have write 13 posts requiem 1803 the problem is that i take attention because of my work each time .
(this is the reason why requiem hates me so badly). Read all his messages at all my topics
and you will see what he really is .Where was requiem when i posted my new photos with tiles at 08
april 2007 to write his opinon and when i posted the topic for the Dinosaur(He didnt posted there
because he hasnt to show anything different or new than mine work).Where are the
others who support your idea Requiem that my way of speech tree is useless and nothing .
You are only one person who wrote about my system.(One person doesns count
to much and if he is fanatic his opinion is useless).If i was like you i would create walls with
wrong dimensions and awful.

You have many friends here.Where are all of them to support your opinion for my way
of Speech tree.All of you act like this and you will keep the tiles of Requiem(bad tiles of his
design and changed color of the original Fallout tactics tiles).
Even a child three years
old can export the images of tiles with Redviewer and change color and brightness. He hasnt the right
to say that its not finished work or test walls because he has the tiles at the downoads of NMA.

Where he posts his work to show that he is not a noob ?

A noob is always a noob even if he has thousands of post (1803) and is a one of the leaders of NMA site .
The work show what every one is not the words. The words are for the noobs like requiem .
Until now i am the only one you like or not who i am still making tiles for fallout Tactics.

Two years passed from my suggestion to show your talent .

You are a noob !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! try to learn a way to make tiles with right dimensions and not searching
each topic to give your light to the blinds .If you had spent 1/10 of the time you spent searching the
forums sure you would create something better than this ungly walls.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:12 am
by [HpA]SniperPotato
Indianos, your method sucks dick. The more triggers you place the more chance it has to fuck up. The timing is retarded because it happens so quick. What do you do if you miss the 9 seconds? Magnum's is much easier, looks nicer, and doesn't break.

Sure dude, you can make tiles. Big fucking deal. Creating triggers that work is the real job.

Edit: Your tiles aren't good. They're to bright and look like ass.
Edit 2: Your spelling is terrible.
Edit 3: You are a dumbass because you argued that your system was the best piece of shit in the shit pile and then realized that you suck dick at modding so you bash on people with your knowledge of tile making.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:47 am
by Redeye
A lot of time must have gone into figuring out the timer thing.

Emotional investment.

Does the timer loop to allow mulling things over?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:56 am
by requiem_for_a_starfury
INDIANOS wrote: I have write 13 posts requiem 1803 the problem is that i take attention because of my work each time .
(this is the reason why requiem hates me so badly). Read all his messages at all my topics
Actually you don't. Your tiles still haven't improved, well you might of taken my advice and varied the thickness of the walls a bit, but it's hard to tell from the tiny screenshots. You post a dinosaur which has what to do with Fallout? The only value in that is it proves the new sprite editors work. And a system you haven't even tested to destruction.
INDIANOS wrote:and you will see what he really is .Where was requiem when i posted my new photos with tiles at 08
april 2007 to write his opinon and when i posted the topic for the Dinosaur(He didnt posted there
because he hasnt to show anything different or new than mine work).
Gee I don't visit here every day, week or even month and when I do visit there's usually lots of posts to catch up on. Why waste my time starting another flame war because my opinion of your work hasn't changed and you haven't listened to the advice given. Instead you did what any attention whore does, went on the attack issuing challenges and spewing hatred against anyone who doesn't worship at your feet.

Modding isn't about competition, well only friendly competition, but co-operation.

I didn't reply to the other threads because if you want to continue wasting time making butt ugly tiles and converting someone else models which have nothing to do with Fallout then that's up to you. But if you post a system (that already had it's flaws pointed out when Lisac2k posted it back in April) saying ignore the speech systems that have gone before because I Indianos the Great have created a new one to put all others to shame, you are wasting other modders time. Especially since this is the newer thread and more likely to be seen as it is at the top of the forum.

As predicted as soon as someone has something bad to say it's noob this noob that. You really are a broken record.
INDIANOS wrote:If i was like you i would create walls with
wrong dimensions and awful.
But the tiles you release were the wrong dimensions and awful. Everything was the same thickness despite the material the wall was meant to be made of. The colours too bright and the textures stretched or not anti-aliased.
INDIANOS wrote:Even a child three years
old can export the images of tiles with Redviewer and change color and brightness.
Really I'd love to see that, though on that note then the same child could make 4 or five basic blocks and slaps some random textures on them and call them tiles.
INDIANOS wrote:He hasnt the right
to say that its not finished work or test walls because he has the tiles at the downoads of NMA.
You don't have to make tiles to have the right to offer criticism. Even if I wasn't modding I would still have a right to an opinion.
INDIANOS wrote:Until now i am the only one you like or not who i am still making tiles for fallout Tactics.
Actually To_an was still making tiles the last time I heard, though unlike you he has actual talent and is very modest.
INDIANOS wrote:.If you had spent 1/10 of the time you spent searching the
forums sure you would create something better than this ungly walls.
Except for my first experiments with learning to use Redviewer and a couple of requests all my tiles were made as and when I needed them for a map I was working on. When I recoloured walls it was because I wanted to vary the internal look of a building while keeping the same architecture. Two toning, as OTB called it, using existing tiles from different tilesets doesn't always look so good if the windows on the interal walls don't match the windows on the outside. Not to bring attention to myself. They were only released before my maps as if you see someone asking for a particular tile which you have on your HD, it's not very friendly to keep them to yourself until your map is finished.
INDIANOS wrote:Two years passed from my suggestion to show your talent .
I have a suggestion to you, go away for two years and only come back when you've grown some hair between your legs and can act like an adult. When you can take criticism like a man not an 8 year old having temper tantrums.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:58 pm
Your opinion doesnt count (requiem and sniperpotatoe) it is shit.

The PC MASTER Magazine of Greece waits me not you to finish my work and to publish it to
the Gold PC Master which is every two months.

You say that my tiles are awful and not good for Fallout tactics.
(Who asked your opinion you are just a
dirty noob rat but at least you have pc in your rathole)

My tiles will be published to the Magazine of PC Master Gold of Greece not requiem shity tiles.

Find a magazine which wants your tiles and then talk.The PC Master not only asked for my work
but i have managed if i want to give interview to the magazine.He also asked me to give advices
how to make tiles from zero.

You shithead rat requiem cant find any manazine to publise your ungly tiles (only a idiot would
accept your work to a Serious Magazine)

Every time you want to make noise and attack me you always use other people names and works
like to_an and many others to your previous posts last time.What about yourself you havent something
yours to show. If you dont have any decent work shut up You havent the ability to create something
good and always try to find someone else work to attack me.When the Pc Master Gold will publish my
work i will post a topic here so every one who wants my work must search for the Greek PC MASTER GOLD.

When you find a serious manazine like PC Master to publish your work talk again or shut up.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:01 pm
by entertainer
INDIANOS wrote:Your opinion doesnt count (requiem and sniperpotatoe) it is shit.
(Who asked your opinion you are just a
dirty noob rat but at least you have pc in your rathole)
You shithead rat requiem cant find any manazine to publise your ungly tiles (only a idiot would
accept your work to a Serious Magazine)


Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:22 pm
by VasikkA
INDIANOS wrote:The PC MASTER Magazine of Greece waits me not you to finish my work and to publish it to
the Gold PC Master which is every two months.
INDIANOS wrote:Serious Magazine
INDIANOS wrote:What about yourself you havent something yours to show.
requiem has for years offered his support for other modders on these forums. All this while you've, what, released a number of tiles(of which maybe 10% are usable) and a broken speech tree? He doesn't have to show you anything.

Anyway, this topic is about your speech tree. There's obviously problems with it. It's up to you to take the criticism as a fucking grown-up and make the improvements needed or scrap it altogether.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:27 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
INDIANOS wrote:Your opinion doesnt count (requiem and sniperpotatoe) it is shit.
Sniperpotato has done more for the community than you ever will. I might not like multiplayer but there are others that do, at least he gets down and produces something people enjoy.
INDIANOS wrote:The PC MASTER Magazine of Greece waits me not you to finish my work and to publish it to
the Gold PC Master which is every two months.
Big deal, I didn't realise that Greece was such a hub of the video gaming industry.
INDIANOS wrote:You say that my tiles are awful and not good for Fallout tactics.
(Who asked your opinion you are just a
dirty noob rat but at least you have pc in your rathole)
Actually you asked me, when you publish your work, or get your alter ego Ajax (how is he by the way?) to do it for you, you invite criticism. What did you expect only to get posititve praise that no one would dare not like it?
INDIANOS wrote:You shithead rat requiem cant find any manazine to publise your ungly tiles (only a idiot would
accept your work to a Serious Magazine)
I've never even tried, I'm not an attention whore. Modding is a hobby not a way to stroke my ego, though it was nice when the Polish DVD collection asked if they could include one of my maps as bonus material.
INDIANOS wrote:When the Pc Master Gold will publish my
work i will post a topic here so every one who wants my work must search for the Greek PC MASTER GOLD.
Easy answer to that. Ban please.