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i need a good comic to read

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:59 pm
by atoga
ideally it would be an amalgamation of all the other comics i've read:
the watchmen

pasty-faced pseudo-noir frank miller type stuff is a no-no.

please help me in my hour of need :nicolai:

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:49 pm
by Blargh
The Sandman, if only for (personal quirk/bias, I admit) the Corinthian.

Also waiting with baited <deleted> for - :drunk:

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:37 am
by Killzig
I'm still reading DMZ for some reason.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:13 am
by Cimmerian Nights
Read Cerebus again from the begining.

Lone Wolf and Cub. Don't be fooled by the Japanese origins it's very Spaghetti Western/Kurosawa.

Nico should have some good picks.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:06 am
by Zetura Dracos
Early Hellblazer is usually good, and a fair bit deeper than moast everything else on the shelves. I'd also recommend checking out Ex Machina. It can get a bit preachy but it does some interesting things with superheroes, politics, and what happens when the two run together. It's also a Wildstorm book so the trades are cheap and you won't be out much if you don't like it.

Also, I'm not sure if this is an ongoing title anymore, but Warren Ellis' Desolation Jones has been out as a trade for a while now. It isn't too bright, but its a fun read.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:48 am
by Wolfman Walt
Undoubtbly already read, but thought I should suggest it anyways - Preacher. Some of Ennis' best work and why I enjoy reading his Punisher stuff.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:03 am
by edhead
The Invisibles is a good read. The Pro is totally a must, but it's only one issue as far as I've heard.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:16 pm
by PiP

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:37 pm
by atoga
Wolfman Walt wrote:Undoubtbly already read, but thought I should suggest it anyways - Preacher. Some of Ennis' best work and why I enjoy reading his Punisher stuff.
haven't read that mayne, will give it a shot. the others all sound good too (though i haven't a clue what "DMZ" refers to), i'll add them to my little mental list of things to read. good conspiracy nut stuff is right up me alley, surely. :salute:

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:54 pm
by Nicolai
the standard schtuff:

Some of Grant Morrison's stuff is quite gut, especially The Filth and Flex Mentallo. You might also like his The Invisibles, but the quality is a bit variable and the title doesn't feel very.. :fresh: I think I'd say

Sandman is quite delicious, better grab the Absolute Sandman editions

Anything by Enki Bilal. Grab The Nikopol Trilogy (chess boxing and ancient Egyptian gods :party:) or Memories (a collection of short pieces from various magazines, anthologies and whatnot), pretty spectacularis alright.

Some of Warren Ellis' stuff perhaps, Ruins is pretty good, but stay away from Doktor Sleepless and the rest of the ejaculatory futuramblage he keeps churning out at the speed of light

Alan Moore? Having read Watchmen, you move on to From Hell, V for Vendetta, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Old Gangsters Never Die.

Better ask thorkaufman to hook you up with a copy of Face

Garth Ennis writes some pretty decent stuff, check out Johann's Tiger and Fury

Richard Corben?

it's all very

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:06 am
by baby arm
though i haven't a clue what "DMZ" refers to
Uh, in case you're not kidding, a DMZ is a "demilitarized zone", a sliver of territory between two hostile factions where neither side is supposed to enter, such as along the 38th parallel in Korea. In the comic book, there's a civil war within the US. Download a sample here.
Richard Corben?
Man, I used to love Corben as a kid (violence! boobies!). Looking back, his stuff isn't all that interesting.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:23 pm
by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD
Wasteland - Antony Johnston
Fell - Warren Ellis
Lone - Stewart Moore
Y The Last Man - Brian Vaughan
Blaze of Glory
100 Bullets

I'll see if I have any other non-mainstream.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:53 pm
by Redeye
Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD wrote:Wasteland - Antony Johnston
Fell - Warren Ellis
Lone - Stewart Moore
Y The Last Man - Brian Vaughan
Blaze of Glory
100 Bullets

I'll see if I have any other non-mainstream.
The above are mostly just a subset of mainstream.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:17 pm
by SuperH
Pirate Bay's got a torrent of 90% of all issues of Heavy Metal ever, 11gb, that I've been working my way through. I skip through shit art stories, but there's a ton of Moebius, Bilal once you get into '72, and some other really interesting crazy stuff.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:21 am
by atoga
started the nikpol trilogy before but couldn't get into it, the plot was just too dense & silly, though seeing it again i remember how phenomenal the art was, so i'll give it another shot.
baby arm wrote:Uh, in case you're not kidding, a DMZ is a "demilitarized zone", a sliver of territory between two hostile factions where neither side is supposed to enter, such as along the 38th parallel in Korea. In the comic book, there's a civil war within the US. Download a sample here.
sure, but it could've stood for any number of other things, we're talking about a bloody comic. digital mystikz?

anyhoo, thanx for all the uploads & samples, fellas :salute:

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:59 am
by Redeye

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:36 am
by Nicolai
when did this turn into "post your favorite webcomic"? keep that shit out of here, man :icecream:

atoga: Nikopol is basically an orgasm in sequential art format, better stick with it

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:03 am
by S4ur0n27
Enki Bilal is the cream.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 1:24 pm
by Dreadnought

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:34 pm
by Thor Kaufman
Nicolai wrote:when did this turn into "post your favorite webcomic"? keep that shit out of here, man :icecream:

atoga: Nikopol is basically an orgasm in sequential art format, better stick with it
I found it to be utterly brilltastic except for the ending, what comic is this?