Todd Howard interview
Todd Howard interview
<strong>[ Game -> Interview ]</strong> - News related to <a href=" ... ry=24">Top Story: Todd Howard interview -</a> | More info on <a href="#Bethesda Softworks">Company: Bethesda Softworks</a> | More info on <a href="#Fallout 3">Game: Fallout 3</a> | More info on <a href="#Todd Howard">Person: Todd Howard</a><br><br>see the man himself - one user posts that Todd "looks smug" - I guess so?<br><br>X-Play - "What do you think is the core appeal to the gamers out there? (re: sandbox-type games)"<br><br>Todd Howard - "When you're playing a video game, you're doing it because you want something interactive, you want something where you're in control and the open world games, I think people kind of...they get into them, because they're not constrained, really to what the designer said. This is the level, this is the exact flow that you're going to go through."<br><br>bonus - Todd mentions that during testing, all of a sudden 2 hours goes by because he wanted to go check out this little village, etc. Okay, if he didn't just admit to dicking around instead of testing for bugs, please explain what he meant.<br><br>kudos to Todd though - the 'interviewer' needs to slow the fuck down when he talks, and enunciate (spl?) his words. Yeah, that helps. <br><br>Todd - "we made Fallout a bit too small to start with..."<br><br>---I kept getting distracted because his lips move....weird....when he talks. Sounds petty, but I'm serious. I had to listen to the video about 3 times to take it all in. <br><br>around 5 mins into the video - Todd starts talking about level scaling - can someone else tell me if he is alluding that there *will* be a difficulty slider, because it sounds to me like he is saying that there will *not* be a difficulty slider.<br><br>Anyway, check out the video for yourself <a href=" ... html">over @ G4</a><p>Spotted @ <a href=""></a></p>