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Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:25 pm
by CloudNineGT
Dextromethorphan. It gave me some of the worst pain I've ever experienced followed by vomiting and horrible cramps, so naturally I'm going to try it again. Before I started to spew I had an elated feeling that faded in and out rippling up my legs like beams of white light making the pain bearable for short bursts - even enjoyable. Colors started to shift and my vision went double. It was like coming up on E but with colors. And lots of pain.

I've been reading about freebasing the stuff from cough syrup to make Dextromethorphan Hydrochloride. It is supposed to be about as close to pure as you can get and comes very close to eliminating the body load for nothing but psychedelic joy. This also comes in handy as without Ketamine, which is hard to get in the states, this is one of the few ways I will achieve a 4th plateau trip. It requires a rather large dose though so I figure I'd rather not drink four bottles of cough syrup. It ends up looking all pretty like this:



Anybody robo-tripped? Thought about it? Think this is a stupid idea?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:13 pm
by Megatron
i got mixed up between dxm and dmt lol. ive thought about it. mabye you're using the wrong syrup if it hurts? only Dextromethorphan HBr dududude, though youd probably already know that

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:25 pm
by CloudNineGT
Yeah I took the right stuff, it was a godawful brand called "Buckley's" that cost four dollars on sale. I literally choked and gagged trying to get it down, and I drink heavily.

Vicks 44 I've heard tastes like candy.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:41 pm
by Superhaze
buy some real drugs dude..

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:45 pm
by Redeye
CloudNineGT wrote:Yeah I took the right stuff, it was a godawful brand called "Buckley's" that cost four dollars on sale. I literally choked and gagged trying to get it down, and I drink heavily.

Vicks 44 I've heard tastes like candy.
If it goes down easy it probably doesn't contain guafenesin.

Guafenesin is an expectorant. I think they put so much in to keep people from ODing/having fun.

If it doesn't contain guafenesin, it probably contains acetaminophen.

Bastards, why do they do that?


"Symptoms may not occur until 12 or more hours after the acetaminophen was swallowed."

"f treatment is received within 8 hours of the overdose, there is a very good chance of recovery.

However, without rapid treatment, a very large overdose of acetaminophen can lead to liver failure and death in a few days.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:48 pm
by CloudNineGT
Superhaze wrote:buy some real drugs dude..
Did I not just say this was a Ketamine replacement dickface?

as to Guafenesin and Acetaminophen, it didn't contain any. When I make the freebase it won't either because it apparently makes the separation when you filter with Ammonia and Naphtha much more cloudy and less defined. I'll post results one day, being poor I tend to take the quick route to getting high but I promise to do it right.

Unless I find some more fun psychedelics soon. I've got some 2c-b coming from a friend of a friend in Texas. Who knew you could mail narcotics..

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:58 pm
by Redeye

This could be good.


Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 5:02 pm
by CloudNineGT

The best extraction guide I've found yet. A friend of mine reported floating through a civilization of gentile robots, he took gelcaps and was able to keep it down. He also weighs a bit over 100lbs so a small dose goes a long way for him.

Meggy have you smoked DMT? I've heard its incredible.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:58 pm
by Thor Kaufman
DXM is pretty alright, but I can't stand the taste, anymore. The urge to puke just thinking of it lessens, though, so I'll probably have a trip again anytime soon. "Class A trip, recommended. Would trip again." ;)
Last time I had a near death experience and melted into the floor, it was pretty intense, also delirium and puked my guts out.

Try to mix it with diphenhydramine if you have the urge to puke at high doses, perhaps. It makes a bit sleepy, though, so add some stimulans like coffeine peradventure. Diphenhydramine in higher doses is similar in effect to Solanaceae so that's always a nice add.
I don't know if that stuff should be snorted or smoked, it's pretty horrible as it is plus the bioavailabilty via eating/price are good.

Also try to get the clean shit. In Germany you can get "Ratiopharm Hustenstiller" which consist of pure DXM. Maybe something similar is available in the US, too.
Don't get stuff with paracetamol in it, either, if you value your liver and your life, but you probably know that already.

If you're into that shit, also try some online "research chemical" dealers perhaps, some also sell DMT, 2-Cx etc

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:37 pm
by CloudNineGT
Smoking DXM is highly poisonous and I'd imagine the feeling of having that shit in your nose would be godawful. If you make the freebase I've heard a little syrup helps too because it contains the Polyethylene Glycol that you removed with everything else which helps it last longer.

Anyone ever hear of bumping it?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 8:18 pm
by Thor Kaufman
What do you mean by "bumping"?
What's polyethylene glycol? Is that like diethylether? Ether is pretty horrible and shortlived, maybe try that shit on the peak wave or something if you're into that. :susan: I'd rather go for the usual N2O or grass instead, but whatever floats your boat, I guess.
If you want to make the trip more intensive drink like three litres of grape jews beforehand or mix it with other drugs for interesting affects.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 9:02 pm
by CloudNineGT
Bumping, or stuffing it up your ass.

As for PEG as far as I understand its a fancy name for "wax type thing that stops your stomach from breaking things down so fast."

Its in most of the syrups.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 9:08 pm
by rabidpeanut
um, dont do lab made drugs maybe? Stick to LSD and Mescaline. Or just dont do any drugs at all.

PEG is not a thing, it is a chemical chain: poly ethylene glycol, it is attached to a substance chemically to shield it from degradation by the body, it is a polymer of glycerol afaik. It is not in the syrups it is attached to your active molecule, in fact it makes it a different molecule just being there.

Once again, drugs r bad mmkay (except LSD and Mescaline)

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 9:28 pm
by Thor Kaufman
And lsd and dxm are not labmade drugs? Nigga, you don't make any sense at all. It's all chemistry in the end, anyway, no matter how you put it.
It just depends how well it is synthesized, that is how much other shit is left in it. If you're into esoterics and believe that shrooms/mesca buttons/coca leaves etc have soul and other good stuff in the plants, sure, why not, but "labmade" drugs aren't better or worse than "natural" drugs or whatever your point was. Labmade drugs are safer to administer, though, because you can be sure about the dosage. If you try fly agaric, solanaceae like datura etc you might as well end up in a hospital if you didn't middle a big deal of plants beforehand so you can be halfway sure about the dosage. :flamed:

As to PEG, ya, that's what I thought, basic galenics.
Usually you want to get rid of that effect, actually which is done by stomping the stuff to bits. That applies to opiates for pain patients for the most part or stuff like ritaline, though, because they are usually supposed to work over an extended period of time and are not meant for recreation. ;)

DXM trips usually last about several hours, anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

Rectal application is only advised for better bioavailability since it circumvents the liver way and directly gets into the bloodstream. Similar to intravenous when it comes to bioavailability, usually. After that comes the nose, lungs and other mucous membranes. Results differ on the drug, though, ketamine is best used intramuscular for example.
One usually goes for intravenous/anal if the drug is expensive. Most drugs may as well be smoked or snorted or whatever for good results and that's a lot more convenient. :susan:

For some drugs intravenous application is ill-advised, anyway, afaik because either they are prodrugs or have about 80%+ bioavailability through stomach absorption already or are just not worth it because they are dirtcheap. DXM is such a case, I'm not even sure if it works anally. Apart from that it might hurt the anal mucous membranes in the long run I think and you probably wouldn't want that. Give it a try if you must perhaps. Better read up on erowid beforehand, though.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 9:34 pm
by VasikkA
Don't argue with a real-lyfe biochemist, 'k? Chemical Ali here will fuck you up. >:(

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 10:53 pm
by Redeye

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 4:57 am
by Caleb
Was a dxm slave for about 4 years. Careful...the shits fucking addictive. Not sure whats in it...BUT - favorite old trip was half a bottle of nyquil(don't unless you're got a liver of steel, at least not at first - lots of aceto + alcohol), 5-8 sudafed, then a few caffeine pills. great times. also dxm + valium + caffeine + alcohol is quite an experience.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:30 am
by Subhuman
When did people stop caring about permanent brain damage? Was it sometime back in the '80s?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:58 am
by Caleb
I started caring again - hence the sobriety for the past long while.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:20 am
by Nooke
Subhuman wrote:When did people stop caring about permanent brain damage? Was it sometime back in the '80s?
I am happy that you're still worried about your brain damage. We already accepted it and went on without being stuck in the 80s like some 15 year old emo kid.