Work around for squad member tagnames!!!
Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 11:28 am
I have come up with a (relatively) simple work around for assigning individual squad member/recruit a functioning tagnam that can cross from map to map over a campaign. Yes thats right, and it works too.
I was just dreaming one night about how cool it would be if some recruits could trigger events during a campaign over multiple maps, sadly disappointed about recruits tagnames being stripped after leaving thier initial maps, I started to think... hmm, what about a dogtag system?! where every recruit is given a set of dogtags (generic item, tagnamed with the recruits name, eg; entity hm11 'Stitch' is given a generic item entity 'StitchTag' that is tagnamed 'Stitch'). all subsequent events for Squad member hm11 'Stitch' would have triggers such as :
Condition: Player has exactly 1 item tagged 'Stitch' at anywhere
Action: whatever the hell storyline you want...
Wow, cool, I thought, but it sucks that those dogtags can be transferred from player to player thereby skewing the storyling... in effect a cheat of sorts, if Stitch dies, you can take his inventory (including His personal tagnamed dog tags) and play out the Stitch storylines even though he's dead. damn, so close I thought, but I hate that kind of loophole, so I gave up on the idea.
Sometime later, after some thinking, I came up with a solution, the trick is to make the generic item 'unlootable', yes, it's that simple, all you have to do is create a generic item with no sprite and untick 'lootable' and make the carryweight 0, yep that's it, and now your squaddies can have tagnames and triggers derived from those tagnames. It totally works too, I took a squad member from recruit pool to a different map, where a test trigger was set up (and it fired!) then I took my squad back to the bunker and put Stitch back into the recruit pool, and then I left the bunker and went back to same map (where test trigger was preserved)
and the trigger didn't fire!! Then I went back and retrieved Stitch and went back to the same map and the Trigger fired, and then I went to an entirely different map and again the trigger fired!!
The beauty of it is when an item is ticked 'unlootable' it doesn't show up in the entities inventory, so even if you use the 'take all' when looting a dead squaddies inventory, you can't pick it up!
Unfortuneatly this solution is not quit perfect as triggers involving an individual squad member's death as an Event cannot be accurately triggered. eg:
Player has more than 0 deaths at anyzone
Player has exactly 1 item tagged 'Stitch' at anyzone
What ever the hell you want.
Unfortunetly, this trigger will fire even if another squaddie other than Stitch is killed as long as Stitch is in anyzone.
I'm sure there will be other limitations to this system, but already I am quit sure that there will be many other purposes that we can now use this system for.
What do you guys think?
I was just dreaming one night about how cool it would be if some recruits could trigger events during a campaign over multiple maps, sadly disappointed about recruits tagnames being stripped after leaving thier initial maps, I started to think... hmm, what about a dogtag system?! where every recruit is given a set of dogtags (generic item, tagnamed with the recruits name, eg; entity hm11 'Stitch' is given a generic item entity 'StitchTag' that is tagnamed 'Stitch'). all subsequent events for Squad member hm11 'Stitch' would have triggers such as :
Condition: Player has exactly 1 item tagged 'Stitch' at anywhere
Action: whatever the hell storyline you want...
Wow, cool, I thought, but it sucks that those dogtags can be transferred from player to player thereby skewing the storyling... in effect a cheat of sorts, if Stitch dies, you can take his inventory (including His personal tagnamed dog tags) and play out the Stitch storylines even though he's dead. damn, so close I thought, but I hate that kind of loophole, so I gave up on the idea.
Sometime later, after some thinking, I came up with a solution, the trick is to make the generic item 'unlootable', yes, it's that simple, all you have to do is create a generic item with no sprite and untick 'lootable' and make the carryweight 0, yep that's it, and now your squaddies can have tagnames and triggers derived from those tagnames. It totally works too, I took a squad member from recruit pool to a different map, where a test trigger was set up (and it fired!) then I took my squad back to the bunker and put Stitch back into the recruit pool, and then I left the bunker and went back to same map (where test trigger was preserved)
and the trigger didn't fire!! Then I went back and retrieved Stitch and went back to the same map and the Trigger fired, and then I went to an entirely different map and again the trigger fired!!
The beauty of it is when an item is ticked 'unlootable' it doesn't show up in the entities inventory, so even if you use the 'take all' when looting a dead squaddies inventory, you can't pick it up!
Unfortuneatly this solution is not quit perfect as triggers involving an individual squad member's death as an Event cannot be accurately triggered. eg:
Player has more than 0 deaths at anyzone
Player has exactly 1 item tagged 'Stitch' at anyzone
What ever the hell you want.
Unfortunetly, this trigger will fire even if another squaddie other than Stitch is killed as long as Stitch is in anyzone.
I'm sure there will be other limitations to this system, but already I am quit sure that there will be many other purposes that we can now use this system for.
What do you guys think?