Inside the Vault: Cory Edwards

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Inside the Vault: Cory Edwards

Post by cazsim83 »

<strong>[ Person -> Interview ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#Cory Edwards">Person: Cory Edwards</a>

<p>A new Inside the Vault is up, featuring <strong>Cory Edwards</strong>, a World Artist working on Fallout 3. Besides looking like a red-headed vampire supernerd, he actually has some neat things to say.</p><p>Here are some excerpts from the Interview:</p><blockquote dir="ltr" style="margin-right: 0px"><p><em><strong>What&rsquo;s your job at Bethesda?</strong>
I&rsquo;m a world artist working on texturing and modeling for our environments. My primary focus is on making kits for the level designers to use and abuse. I&rsquo;ve spent the last two years making a large number of the dungeons kits used in Fallout 3 and the kit pieces for Megaton.</em></p><p><em><strong>What other games have you worked on? </strong>
My first title was BloodRayne 2 and then I worked on Aeon Flux, both while at Terminal Reality. I moved on to Paradigm and worked briefly on Stuntman 2 before I discovered that racing games kill my soul.</em></p><p><em><strong>What games are you looking forward to?</strong>
I&rsquo;m looking forward to trying Fable 2, Starcraft 2, Alone in the Dark and Spore. Mirror&rsquo;s Edge looked interesting as well.</em></p><p><em><strong>Worse job you&rsquo;ve ever had?</strong>
Worst job I ever had was in Savannah. I worked at a privately owned video store that was basically the only video store in the entire Historic District. The bad part was the fact that the entire back half of the building was adult content and that brought in some very interesting people to say the least. The stories I could tell.</em></p></blockquote><p>You can read the whole interview over at <a href=" ... ards/">The Bethblog</a></p><p>Spotted @ <a href="">Bethesda Blog</a></p>
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