Fallout 3 on the streets?

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Fallout 3 on the streets?

Post by King of Creation »

<strong>[ Game -> Review ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#Fallout 3">Game: Fallout 3</a>

<p><strong>mzinz165</strong>, a user on the Anandtech forums, <a target="_self" href="http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview ... 228364">is claiming to have a copy of Fallout 3</a> and is answering questions about the game. We don't really have any proof of his claim other than <a target="_self" href="http://pics.bbzzdd.com/users/mzinz/photo.jpg">this photo</a> showing the Fallout 3 menu screen on a big TV. Regardless, here are some snips of what he had to say: </p><p> </p><blockquote><p><em>Have you played the other Fallouts? If so, do you enjoy F3 in a similiar way as F1 or F2?

If you haven't played any of the other Fallouts, have you played a game
you would deem similar to F3? Is it all mindless shooting, or does the
game seem at least somewhat deep?

Unfortunately I haven't really played the old Fallouts (I know, I
know). But I have seen them played a fair amount and I'm aware of the
backstory etc.

The game is deep. This probably isn't news, but it's one of those games
where every decision you make has a big affect on the rest of the game.
It does a really good job at it though - you can make small decisions
and have small changes in karma, and make large decisions like
diffusing a still live atomic bomb, or detonating it and blowing up an
entire city, etc.

I get pretty into games like this, so there is no mindless shooting for
me. I have killed random wanderers, or even kind civilians on occasion,
if they have something of high value that I want. I honestly feel bad

Other people could have JUST as much fun killing everything in sight I'm sure... just not me.

It doesn't feel like a shoot 'em up though. You make choices very carefully, and they DO matter.

1. How much freedom do you really have
to explore the world both at first and after you start to complete some
of the quest line towards the beginning? Is it like Oblivion in the
sense that the world is yours to do as you please or do they limit you
some how?

1. Totally open space from what I have seen. It's just this huge world
and the quests give you general direction, but you can really do what
you want.

2. Talk to me about side quests a
little bit. Are there lots and are they available throughout the game
so far? Are they fun and how are the rewards?

2. There were a fair amount... not too many, but I think I missed a
few. The game doesn't feel as linear as a lot of RPG's. My roommate and
I both have been playing and we both have quests that the other didn't
for one reason or another.

3. Talk to me about enemy level scaling. How does it work in Fallout 3 as opposed to Oblivion. Do you like it? Why or why not?

3. I honestly haven't played enough to get a good idea yet. I have
spent SO much time talking/wandering/learning that I don't know.</em>
</p></blockquote><p> </p><p>If you feel like asking him something, stop by <a target="_self" href="http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview ... 8364">this thread</a> and have a go.
</p><p>Spotted @ <a href="http://www.nma-fallout.com">No Mutants Allowed</a></p>
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

English motherfucker! Do you speak it?
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

He probably works for Bethesda.

I'm also calling bullshit. The game hasn't even gone gold yet to my knowledge, much less started actual production, so if he does have it, it's an incomplete version.
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Post by Stainless »

his dad probably sucks Bethcock for a living (ie: is in the mainstream media) and got review code?
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Re: Fallout 3 on the streets?

Post by VasikkA »

Unfortunately I haven't really played the old Fallouts (I know, I know). But I have seen them played a fair amount and I'm aware of the backstory etc.
Hey! This guy is obviously a Bethesda employee.
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Post by LoneGunman »

Bethsoft is looking for employees in the game development sector.

We expect from you:

1: That you have not played Fallout 1 & 2 + tactics

2: When asked if you have played the original fallout games
You must reply that you havent, but you Know everything about them

3: if in doubt, just use sentences with the phrase "soil erosion"

We offer:

1: Cake!
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Post by cazsim83 »

Wolfman Walt wrote:He probably works for Bethesda.

I'm also calling bullshit. The game hasn't even gone gold yet to my knowledge, much less started actual production, so if he does have it, it's an incomplete version.
Thinking the same thing as soon as I started reading his little interview - this is leaked, not a magic copy. He is discreetly countering some of the criticism toward the game.

I, too, call bullshit.
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Post by Psychoul »

damn it, i wanted to ask him something, but the topic is closed. and that pic isnt the pic taht you expect it to be (it was taken off appearantly).
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Post by Manoil »

Nice. All we need is a fiasco of this magnitude to fuck <b>everything</b> up.
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The guy took it down, he was either telling the truth or is a pretty good troll.
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Post by jetbaby »

I spent SOOOOOOOOOOOO much time wandering and talking and stuff that I didn't actually level up because the speech minigame is so intense I didn't know whether to pick POLITE RESPONSE FOR POSITIVE REPLY, NEUTRAL RESPONSE TO MAINTAIN STATUS QUO, or NEGATIVE RESPONSE TO AROUSE ANGER AND ENTER INTO COMBAT STANCE.
off topic? OMG YOU'VE BEEN CENSORED... yet you're still posting. MYSTARY!!!!

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Post by Kashluk »

Goty :revolution:
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Post by Mismatch »

Why are we even covering FO3 news?
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Post by VasikkA »

Choices and consequences in action. B)
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Post by Psychoul »

..i got lost when you said you were wandering and talking... Fallout3?
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