<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>
The cute and giggly Slamak from <a href="http://www.duckandcover.net/~Slamak/en/index.php" target="_blank">Vault of the Future</a>, our one-and-only hosted site so far, has updated his popular <a href="http://www.duckandcover.net/~Slamak/en/comics.php" target="_nlank">Real Story section</a>! Check out the new strip:<blockquote><center><img src="http://www.duckandcover.net/~Slamak/en/ ... kquote>Can you think of a witty caption for that one? You can? WELL! You'd better head on over to the <a href="http://www.duckandcover.net/~Slamak/en/comics.php" target="_blank">Real Story page</a> and tell Slamak what it is!<br><br>Oh, and if you want to find out who the winners of the last one were, you'd best be hitting <a href="http://www.duckandcover.net/~Slamak/en/index.php" target="_blank">this link.</a> Good stuff, Slammy!