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Free Dr. Pepper on the 23rd*

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:59 am
by Wolfman Walt
* - For US Residents.

The owner of Doctor Pepper apperently bet Axl Rose that he couldn't put Chinese Democracy out by the end of this year and if he could he'd give free Dr. Pepper to everyone in America (Except Buckethead and Slash). Lo and Behold - the album comes out on the 23rd and he's gonna honor it for 24 hours via a coupon from the Dr. Pepper website. Album's gonna suck most likely, because Axl Rose couldn't front man properly for a wet paper sack, but who cares? Free 20 oz. Dr. Pepper.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 11:05 pm
by S4ur0n27
Apparently it isn't so bad, or so I read in the newspaper this morning. Though the sound lost it's raw feel, and it's supposed to be much more generic, with lots of sound editing.

I never liked Guns 'n' Roses anyway.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 11:46 pm
by SenisterDenister
I heard Chinese Democracy on the radio, and I didn't care for it at all. I kind of like Guns n' Roses, but I'd never go out of my way to listen to it, if you know what I mean, and I don't even want to listen to their upcoming album now.

Sounds too modern for my taste, and not enough old school rock (if it has any left in their music at all).

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:40 am
by Superhaze
I fucking love your avatar. Who is that?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:43 am
by SenisterDenister
Its a Warhammer 40k Commissar, and I did it myself on GIMP. I had a friend send me a tutorial of turning a hand drawn picture into a digital one. Here is how it turned out:


Took me a while to do it, I only have a mouse, but I'm proud of it nonetheless.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:45 am
by Superhaze
nice one.. looks awesome.


Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:46 am
by SenisterDenister
Thanks, and by the way, that marine is pretty gay (quite literally I might add).

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 5:05 am
by Wolfman Walt
New school Rainbow Warrior.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 5:34 am
by Redeye
senisterdenister wrote:Its a Warhammer 40k Commissar, and I did it myself on GIMP. I had a friend send me a tutorial of turning a hand drawn picture into a digital one. Here is how it turned out:


Took me a while to do it, I only have a mouse, but I'm proud of it nonetheless.
With a tablet one can do this

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 5:36 am
by S4ur0n27