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Ninja Turtles Relaunch

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:24 am
by Dogmeatlives
Im here today to discuss the massive failure of whovever owns the Ninja Turtles to capitalize on that shit. I'm talking about the making of shitty gamesand a shitty CGI movie that completely fail to stand up to the Ninja turtle's caliber of awesomeness.
Let me first start off by mentioning that TMNT comes from a collection of 80s franchises, so lets keep in mind that these guys aren't strictly for young'ns. As a matter of fact, I don't see how kids could even benefit from watching mutated freaks battle one another while also battling various war machines.

I see an epic relaunch possibility that could trump Transformers if done well. Now let's take the important elements to the Ninja boys. First, there is humor, then action, great characters already come with the brand.

So here is my idea for a movie/videogame combo that could make the turtles "the shit" again.

It's a CGI movie set in current times. The turtles are in their late twenties so we don't call them teenage. They aren't really ninjas anymore either so that leaves them as just Mutant Turtles. And i think that would be a great movie title for building hype. Call it "The Mutant Turtles: Redemption" or some other snappy subtitle.

So it starts out with an E-True Hollywood story-type segment that kinda brings us up to speed with the toytles- Splinter is dead, of natural causes, and in my opinion he really kept the boys together. Without him, they go seperate ways. Donatello designs weapons for the Government. Mikey goes on the reality show circuit and proceeds to do a string of straight-to-DVD films. Raphael has always been troubled and here I take it to another level. He wants to fade in, become more human, more normal, so he cuts off his own shellor at least grinds it down to be less conspicuous. He begins abusing prescription drugs as well. He is a burnout in NYC and fits right in on the streets. Leonardo is the only turtle who continues to fight crime. With half an arm missing (taken by Shredder), and with much contempt for his brothers, he is forced to go out of the sewers to reunite them.

Shredder is interesting. He gets rid of the ridiculous outfit here and becomes a wealthy business-type, mostly because of the alien technology he has access to and his zest for ruthlessness. He only dons the infamous helmet/purple pants ensemble at the end, in a total fanboy fantasy showdown with himself and the turtles. We need to add Bebop and Rocksteady as the secret muscle of Shredder's operation, and we also add a couple of random characters from the cartoon to spice things up. Perhaps we allude to the Rat King for possible sequel.

Anyway, Leo learns of a nasty plan that Shredder is hatching to seize control of USA or destroy the earth or something else sinisterlike. Krang is of course helping Shredder out and he will have a scene or two. So the movie is full of great nostalgic scenes. We have a "suiting up" montage before the final epic battle where they finally put on there masks, shoulder pads, and Don fits Leo for an awesome mechanical arm.

Now onto the game.Not based on the movie because movie games suck-its a fact.We build a fun RPG (in loosest sense of the term) around the idea of teamwork. Thats what its about. So you take the Final Fantasy structure, americanize and deepen the storyline, giving all the characters great personalities. There is a whole universe of bosses at our disposal, all with interesting backstories and quirks. The combat will be turn-based Final Fantasy-style. You start off with the four turtles on the roster but you can add up to three extra NPCs. Send out Casey Jones or Slash if Raphael needs a break. I think if the colorful design from the toyline and the show is retained, we could have a game with similar feeling of Kingdom Hearts, but with a fuller world experience.

I almost forgot to mention the tone of the film. Its very dark. We want to go as dark as possible but retain a PG-13 rating. The visuals have to wow because thirteen year olds need to be attracted by something. The guys who grew up watching the Turtles will be lured in by a more mature tone and story.The comedy is black all the way. I don't mean Tyler Perry black but morbid, with a fatalistic sense throughout most of the film. A sense that nothing will be alright in the end but at least we can kick Shredder's ass one more time.

The tone of the game is pure adventure. We could even make it a sort of Turtles in Time sequel, where the Turtles are sent through to various times and have to fight off enemies all the way.

What you think?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:40 am
by Thor Kaufman
susan says you're weird D:

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:44 am
by Dogmeatlives
I know. It kinda hurt my feelings, but at least I was called out and can now try to change my weird ways. A ninja turtles thread prolly doesnt help that image much..

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:21 am
by S4ur0n27
A ninja turtles thread is alright, but a 34 lines long post about the ninja turtles is weird.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:23 am
by Dogmeatlives
I can't win

36 lines :drunk:

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:14 am
by S4ur0n27
Depends on your browser settings, big brain D;

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:36 am
by Thor Kaufman
<marquee>Dependable sources have told me that <blink>susan</blink> is in fact <blink>weird</blink> :giggle:</marquee>

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:59 am
by S4ur0n27
Again, witty and insightful, thorio :patrick:

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:11 pm
by Thor Kaufman
I beg to differ :monocle: :che:

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:02 pm
by Subhuman
Susan calling someone weird is like Hitler telling a KKK member that he has some anger issues.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:14 am
by Manoil
Subhuman wrote:Susan calling someone weird is like Hitler telling a KKK member that he has some anger issues.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:42 pm
by S4ur0n27
Manoil wrote:
Subhuman wrote:Susan calling someone weird is like Hitler telling a KKK member that he has some anger issues.

Re: Ninja Turtles Relaunch

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:44 am
by Wolfman Walt
Dogmeatlives wrote:Let me first start off by mentioning that TMNT comes from a collection of 80s franchises
More of a parody of a variety of things, two of which aren't explicitly 80's, but right. Also, what everyone else just said.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:17 am
by Edward_R_Murrow

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:01 am
by Smiley
Gritty bloody turtles, like the original ideas? I'm all for it.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:55 am
by Amis
Only if it includes Shreder, Beebop and rocksteady!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:52 pm
by Dogmeatlives
Smiley wrote:Gritty bloody turtles, like the original ideas? I'm all for it.
I would say its mostly like the 80's cartoon on the surface, like with set/ character design, but heart of the story would be as dark as the comic went.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:21 pm
by Smiley
I'd sooner let it rest though.
I do love gritty comics, and if they're not overdone or too ridiculous as most are.

I saw a tauren called Rocksteady and an orc called Bebop in WoW, low levels.

WarCraft had such a theme, with orcs out to rip people apart, and humans fending for their lives but also quite enjoying the challenge, to some degree.. and the paladins who burn up the vile orcs from within with holy flames.

Also the mage in WC2, who was all "What the fuck do you want? If this wasn't war, I'd toast your ass with lightning!"

*rocks out* \../_ (|-_-|) _\../

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:18 pm
by VasikkA
I remember having a TMNT blimp as a kid.

Image, to be exact.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:27 am
by Retlaw83
In the relaunch, April O'Neal should be a hooker with a heart of gold.