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Fallout-esque Role Playing System

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:27 am
by SenisterDenister
This role play engine has been devised specifically to work in a forum environment, allowing players to have an authentic role playing experience within the structured realm of an official Game Master. In terms of progress it will be different from the others that I've seen, as this will actually involve dice rolls, linked here, roll with the d100 system. The way it is going to work is that it will use a heavily modified SPECIAL system, SPECIAL meaning Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. The highest and lowest they can range is anywhere from 1 to 10. For the points, each starts at five, and you can add an additional five anywhere in between, and move them all about however you want.

Starting Character Attributes:

Strength - 5
Perception - 5
Endurance - 5
Charisma - 5
Intelligence - 5
Agility - 5
Luck - 5

+ extra 5 to add into it when creating your character

Which direct influences this:

Carry Weight - 150 lbs
Hit Points - 50
Armor Class - 5
Action Points - 7
Sequence - 15
Critical Chance - 5%

The Attributes and What They Effect:

Strength - Modifies Hit Points ( +/- 2 per point), Melee Weapons, Carry Weight (+/- 25 lbs per point)
Perception - Sequence (+/- 1), Ranged Combat Distance Modifiers, Lockpick, Explosives, Traps, Pilot
Endurance - Hit Points (+/- 5 per point) and additional HP gained per level (+1 per point, potential of +10 permanent HP increase each level), Big Guns, Unarmed skills
Charisma - Effects influence with NPC's present in area, can go anywhere from bartering (prices) to convincing them to commit suicide or them giving you all of their supplies depending on the situation.
Intelligence - Medicine, Repair, Science, as well as the number of new Skill Points per level (+ 2 per point).
Agility - Action Points (+1 per 2 points, having Agility at 10 maxes AP to 10, though), Armor Class (+1 per point), Small Guns, Energy Weapons, Steal, Sneak
Luck - Increases all skills by +1 per point, Critical Chance by +1% (increases modifier for roll by +1)

Skills all start at base 15, 10% of your skill is added into each dice roll to act as a modifier to better your odds with what you're doing. Your attributes directly influence your starting skill points by +1. Skills max at 100. For instance, boosting your luck all the way up to 10, for instance, would put them all up to 20 at the beginning, however, if you had to take points out of, lets say, Strength, your Melee Weapons skill would drop by 2, you would lose 25 lbs in carry weight, and 2 hit points each time you would decrease it, but they would go up that many every time you would add a point into it.

Barter - Affects trade prices, and bartering for items from NPC's
Big Guns - Flamers, Rocket Launchers, Autocannons, tank guns, miniguns, etc...
Energy Weapons - Lasguns, laspistols, anything related in that way
Explosives - Any kind of explosive device, ranging from hand grenades to atomic bombs
Lockpick - Self explanatory
Medicine - Ability to heal you or others around you
Melee Weapons - Anything that extends your reach in physical combat
Pilot - The ability to drive stuff without crashing into things
Repair - Self Explanatory
Science - Using machinery, computers, assessing situations
Small guns - Conventional weapons, rifles, pistols, shotguns
Sneak - Self Explanatory
Speech - Direct Influence with NPC's, can be really convenient sometimes.
Steal - Self Explanatory
Traps - Detecting, disarming and setting them
Unarmed - Fists, powerfists, brass knuckles, etc...

You are able to Tag 3 skills when creating your character, which increases each selected skill by an additional 15 points.


1-40 - Miss/Detection/Complete Failure
41-60 - Minimal Damage/Success (disarming the bomb but unable to salvage it for later use, shooting enemy in low damage zone, etc...)
61-90 - Standard Success
91- (+?)100 - Critical (Instakill, complete success in anything, merely cripples limbs or decreases attribute on Player Characters)

When in combat or in an instance, roll for your sequence. +100 means you go first, and then it goes down the from there according to the number sequences.

When using a skill, the attribute that influences adds +1 modifier points to it, and also you're able to add in the additional 10% from said skill into the modifier. This of course, is not including skill modifier points, which is base 5; so you can only go up from there.

Armor Points reduce enemy modifiers by however many points it is.

Action Points Expenditure As Followed:

5 AP to shoot (any weapon), 6 AP to fire Aimed Shot, which adds an additional 10% of weapon skill into modifier, with Aimed Shot you can also choose where specifically to shoot.
1 AP to move (duck, move forward, etc...)
2 AP to reload weapon
2 AP to switch weapons/ access inventory
4 AP to use any other skill during instance


Traits are strange things, you can select two, one, or none at all. Each has a positive and a negative side effect. Choose wisely.

Bruiser - Increases Strength +2, because you're such a big person. Unfortunately, big also means slow, you get a -1 AP and -5 Sequence reduction.
Drug Reliant - You are more easily addicted to drugs, so your chance to be addicted by chem use is twice normal, but you recover faster from their ill effects.
Drug Resistant - Drugs only affect you half as long as normal, but your chance to be addicted is also only 50% of normal.
Fast Shot - You don't have time to aim for an Aimed Shot, because you attack faster than normal people, 1 AP reduction with all attacks.
Finesse - +5 Combat Modifier points, -25% all attack damage.
Gifted - Adds additional 7 Attribute Points when making character, all skills decrease 10%, round up when subtracting skill points.
Good Natured - Medicine, Speech, and Barter get a +10 point bonus. You get a -5 point reduction to combat skills (Small Guns, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Unarmed, Melee Weapons).
Kamikaze - No Armor Points, increases Sequence by +5.
One Hander - All Single handed weapons gain +10% modifier bonus of the skill when attacking, two handed weapons lose 10% modifier bonus altogether.
Small Frame - You are not quite as big as other people, but that never slowed you down; in fact you're more agile (+1 Agility) but you can't carry as much (-40 lbs carry weight).
Skilled - You gain an additional Tag skill. However, you gain -2 skill points every level because you often spread yourself too thin.


Players start at level 1, takes 100 exp to get to the next level. Leveling increases by doubling the amount of exp needed each time (100, 200, 400, 800, etc...). Level cap is at 42.

Experience points are given to players by the GM how they see fit, if the player wants more exp, maybe they can get a high charisma roll for it. Who knows?


I'm going to attempt this, using perks players will be able to specialize their character, or use them to keep their character exactly where they want it to be. Perks work like traits, as in they are able to modify your character, but without the negating side effects. The problem is that they can only be earned when leveling up (1 per 3 levels).

Level 3 Perks
Bonus HtH Damage - Unarmed attacks gain +10% base damage.
Earlier Sequence - +2 Sequence, can be selected 3 times.
Healer - Healing equipment heals 25% more hitpoints
Night Vision - +1 Perception in dark areas.
Quick Pockets - Accessing Inventory costs only 1 AP
Smooth Talker - Speech goes up 10 points
Strong Back - 50 lb Carry Weight Increase
Survivalist - This player won't go out easy, gains a +5 Armor Point save
Swift Learner - +10% Exp Bonus, can be selected 3 times
Here and Now - You immediately go up one level. Can be selected 3 times.

Level 12 Perks
Bonus HtH Attacks - Unarmed attacks cost 1 less AP to perform
Bonus Ranged Damage - Ranged Weapons gain +10% base damage increase
Educated - Lookit how much Bubba done learn'd mah! Medicine, Repair, and Science gain 10 points.
Ghost - You are one stealthy mother-hubber. Lockpick and Steal gain 10 points.
Heave Ho! - Enables the ability to throw knives. Melee weapons affect attacks.
More Criticals - Critical modifier increased by 5.
Sharpshooter - Ranged attacks gain a +2 Combat Modifier, can be selected 2 times.
Silent Running - +10 Point bonus with Sneak
Snakeater - You have a cast iron stomach. You're able to eat things that would kill lesser men and still gain health back from it.

Level 21 Perks
Better Criticals - Critical Chance +5%
Bonus Rate of Fire - All attacks cost 1 less AP.
Dodger - Armor Points increase +5 points.
Flower Child - With this Perk, you are much less likely to be addicted to drugs (50% less likely, actually), and you suffer half the withdrawal time of a normal person (only 5 turns).
Master Trader - All trading gets a 25% price bonus.
Cold Hearted Bastard - Being out in this cold, hard, world has changed you deeply on a personal level. You are able to change one character trait.
Pickpocket - +10 point Lockpick bonus.
Scrounger - You will always find an item when searching the area.
Action Boy - You gain 1 extra Action Point, can go past 10. Can select 3 times.
Master Thief - You've got some sticky fingers, and know your way around a bobby pin. +10 points into Steal and lockpick.
Medic - +10 Point into medicine.
Mr. Fixit - Wrenches are for amateurs. You could fix a car engine with a rubber band, a bendy straw, and a paper clip. +10 Repair skill.
Speaker - Do you have a dream? Then tell everyone about it. +10 Speech points.
Tag! - Can select an extra skill to tag, skill goes up +15 points.

Level 30 Perks
Mental Block - That metal plate that doc put in your head five years ago is finally starting to pay off. Psychic/Magic attacks do 50% less damage.
Weapon Handling - Gives you a +3 to your strength for the purposes of using weapons, doesn't actually increase your strength 3 points.
Living Anatomy - Requires Medicine of 60. You have a better understanding of living creatures and their strengths and weaknesses. You get a one-time bonus of +10 to Medicine and you do +25% damage to living creatures.
Pack Rat - You sure know how to stow that crap away don't you? Carry Weight increased 50 lbs.
Demolition Expert - You're so good with bombs your wake up alarms are ticking timebombs. Explosives and Traps +10 Points.
Pyromaniac - Requires Big Guns 60. You have a natural affinity for fire and a knack for setting things ablaze, especially other people. All fire based attacks +50% damage.

Level 39 Perks
Plasma Master - Requires Perception 8, Intelligence 8. Energy Weapons 80. Energy weapons are clearly your rocket sauce. +25% base damage increase with all energy weapons.
Master Debater - Requires Charisma of 8 and Speech of 70. Being rather eloquent with your speech means that you have a one-time bonus of +20 skill increase to the Speech and Barter skills. Also grants a minimal 50% chance of Speech success. From the mouth of babes and all that.
Slayer - Requires Agility 8, Strength 8, Unarmed 80. The Slayer walks the earth! All Unarmed and Melee attacks gain a +15% Critical Chance bonus.
Silent Death - Requires AG 9, Sneak 80, Unarmed 80. While Sneaking, if you hit a critter with that ninja fist of yours, you will cause double damage using a HtH attack. Silent Death is that kind of Perk.
Sniper - Perception 8, Agility 8, Small Guns 80%. You have mastered the firearm as a source of pain. Small Guns gain a +15% Critical Chance bonus. 10 Luck means every hit is automatically a critical hit.


Players can start with 1 low damage wielding weapon (pistols, basic melee weapons, etc...), a basic utility item (lockpick, scanner, hacking device, etc...), and two medical devices (drugs, medpack) and one misc item (can be almost anything, but realistic to a degree, I mean, they can't have tank keys in their pocket, but car keys are acceptable).


Using a drug can grant a Player Character a bonus for one turn, then for the next turn the character suffers an attribute debuff, and then on the third turn it wears off, leaving the character in withdrawal on the fourth if they're addicted, which lasts until they take the drug again.

Addiction works as followed, every time you take a drug you have to roll the dice if you aren't already addicted. Also addiction isn't permanent, but it lasts for a long time, at least 10 sessions (scenarios, turns, whatever), so still be careful when using the substances, because getting hooked could really suck.

Smokes - The most addictive substance in the game, players need to roll above a 70 to keep clean.
First turn: +1 Charisma
Second Turn: -2 Charisma
Third Turn: Normal
Addicted (fourth turn and on until reuse) -1 Charisma

Stims - Steroids. Players need to roll above a 40 to stay clean.
First turn: +2 Strength, +2 Agility, +3 Endurance.
Second turn: -4 in those 3 catagories.
Addicted: -2 Strength, -3 Agility, -2 Endurance.

Rokkit - Neurological stimulating drug that enables players to move faster than before. Highly addictive, players need to roll above a 60 to stay clean.
+2 Max Action Points, +1 Strength, +1 Perception.
-2 Action Points, -3 Strength, -3 Perception.
Addicted: -2 Action Points, -3 Strength, -3 Perception.

Neurals - Brain stimulants, one of the lesser addictive substances. Players must roll above a 30 to stay clean.
+2 Intelligence +2 Perception +1 Charisma
-4 Intelligence -4 Perception -3 Charisma
Addicted: -4 Intelligence -4 Perception -3 Charisma

Psycho - A drug of strange and unknown chemicals of probably military origin. Players must roll above a 50.
+3 Agility, -3 Intelligence, +10 Armor Points
-3 Agility, +1 Intelligence, -15 Armor Points
Addicted: -3 Agility, +1 Intelligence, -5 Armor Points

Spruce Juice - Uses hypodermic needle to inject drug of unknown origins into one's eyes. Allows increased perception but users experience dementia through prolonged use. Roll 60.
+3 Perception, +1 Agility
-3 Perception, -2 Agility, -1 Intelligence
Addicted: -3 Perception, -2 Agility, -2 Intelligence

Alcoholic Beverages: Players can't become alcoholics, but booze can be in the game. Grants players 1 Charisma and -1 Perception. Lasts only for 1 turn, no later consequences for usage.

For those with Drug Reliant and Drug Resistant:

With Drug Reliant, players can skip the debuff on the second turn and have two "Normal Turns" before the inevitable turn of Addiction. When rolling, add a -50% of the max number needed to succeed addiction avoidance (rolling addiction for Neurals, must add a -15 point modifier when rolling for the 30 needed to not be addicted).

With Drug Resistant, the drugs in question last as they would normally, but the player is able to add a +50% bonus of the number needed to roll a non-addiction roll. Like when using Psycho, a character can add a +25 Point modifier to the roll.

That should cover things for now, any inconsistencies should be noted and pointed out. I don't think I'll ever add in items because I'd like to keep this broad enough for general use (ie, using it for Fallout, and then again for 40k). I've been working on this not for this forum specifically, but for anyone to use on any forum. Tell me what you guys think, I'd like to work any kinks out of the system in case people do want to use it. Any suggestions are welcome as long as they're actually contributing to the topic (I know that's hard for some of you guys, but I'd like some honest responses).

Good luck reading it.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:41 am
by rad resistance
Did you type all that info down?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:46 am
by SenisterDenister
Yes. Yes I did.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:48 am
by rad resistance
Man you are determined.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:31 pm
by St. Toxic
Golly, there's activity in Fan Art. Guess I'll have to start wastelanding threads untill it stops. :che:

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:18 pm
by Superhaze
Why can I still write in this thread? Must be something wrong. :?