Wasteland Revival move and update

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Wasteland Revival move and update

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[ -> Update]</strong>

<a href="http://thevats.net/~revival">Wasteland Revival</a> is now being hosted at <a href="http://thevats.net/">DAC</a> and <b>Martin Gutenbrunner</b> has posted some additional things about the project. Here's a bit of it:<blockquote>Now some stuff about the project: It's been long since the last update and many of you might be interested in the progress. Sourcecode development didn't proceed very much because I have been working on all the other aspects of the project the last two weeks.Yesterday I've played Wasteland on CCS64 (an emulator for the Commodore 64) and I've come to the point that this should definitely be the inspiration for the project more than any other version of the game. I've also received some interface examples, lots of other artwork and some title suggestions. This just makes the decision harder which style to use.Some people already offered their help on developing the storyline. Thanks folks. I guess by friday I'll have some kind of main storyline finished.That's it for now.</blockquote>Good stuff, <b>Martin</b>. Keep on cranking!
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Post by Sarge »

Interesting, but why is this being done for the C64 of all things?
I like infinity engines games!! I drool on myself constantly!!
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Righteous Subjugator
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

It's not. It's being done in Java. He was just playing the C64 version for inspiration.

Post by Kreegle »

Welcome, Martin!
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